Beautiful CEO's X-ray eyes martial Expert

Beautiful CEO's X-ray eyes martial Expert

by Five cups of coffee

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The super expert mingles in Huadu, knowledgeable in medicine and mastered x-ray vision, watch as he dominates the urban landscape, creating a legend!

Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Evolving infinitely from ground zero

by Bamboo City's Little Overlord

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【Infant Stage, a cumulative total of 10,000 leg kicks】【Attribute gained: Use It or Lose It】【As long as you continuously exercise the same body part, that part can evolve infinitely, but it can't break the limits of carbon-based lifeforms】【……】【Student Phase, a cumulative total of 100 million characters read】【Attribute gained: Heavenly Intellect】【Photographic memory, learning ability reached the pinnacle of humanity】【……】【Adult Stage, a cumulative matching of carbon-based lifeforms' limits 100 time…

I Really Only Have One Wife

I Really Only Have One Wife

by Mud White Buddha

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Shen Fu really has only one wife.She is a bank clerk, ordinary and unspectacular, yet is uniquely favored.She adores traditional culture, mastering the arts of the zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting.She declares herself a gourmet, dreaming of eating without paying and still making a profit.She is a bookworm, nicknamed "the heartless exam machine," addicted to certification exams.She is an authoritarian CEO, always saying to Shen Fu, "Can't you stop writing novels? I'll support you."This bo…

I have a wildlife zoo

I have a wildlife zoo

by Delicious oranges

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Hoo hoo hoo, the Director has fallen! (crying)Don't... don't rush to call an ambulance, just help me up first!After staying up late playing games, Fang Ye woke up to find himself transformed into the director of a rundown zoo, having a docile and perceptive Amur tiger, a ferocious and haughty silver fox, a gray wolf that enjoyed showing off its relationship...As the zoo developed, its array of charming animals began to attract visitors from all over the world."Why do all the animals like me?" Fa…

Peach blossom bodyguard expert of the ladies

Peach blossom bodyguard expert of the ladies

by Little Blessing Hero

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She married into Dahe Village, and her husband and Chen Xiaolong's parents are good friends who work in the same coal mine. However, shortly after getting married, an accident occurred in the coal mine and all of them died.

Divine Doctor: Genius Little Doctor of Taoyuan

Divine Doctor: Genius Little Doctor of Taoyuan

by Ten thousand settled

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A friend to women far and wide across the countryside, he became the marvelous Divine Doctor of the Peach Blossom utopia!

Peach Blossom Luck: Carefree Little Immortal Doctor

Peach Blossom Luck: Carefree Little Immortal Doctor

by Six children

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Zhang Xiaomeng had wanted to be a quiet village doctor, but the sight of the long line of chattering women outside his clinic left him speechless."Everyone, please line up properly. One at a time, okay?"

Wimpish son-in-law

Wimpish son-in-law

by Pillow Wind 1

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Lin Xingwen applied for a job at the teahouse and caught the eye of a wealthy matron, who took him as a live-in son-in-law. To his surprise, the matron was involved with another man; originally, he planned to endure it for the sake of money, but he didn't expect that the matron was genuinely trying to help him. To defend his home and protect his manly dignity, Lin Xingwen had to develop his own power, grow reluctantly, and protect the wealthy matron.

Divine Doctor Dragon Master

Divine Doctor Dragon Master

by Blaze

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Three years ago, he was framed and falsely imprisoned. His fiancée, trying to save him, was shamed, disfigured and trampled on, suffering humiliation ... Three years later, Qin Jiang, with his exceptional skills in both medicine and martial arts, made a powerful comeback!Xu Muge, from now on, I will be the one to hold up the sky for you!

Mrs. and Mr. Smith

Mrs. and Mr. Smith

by Taibai And A Qin


Ethan Smith walked down the empty street, cigarette in mouth, shaking his head and forcing a bitter smile. Who could have imagined that after three years of marriage, all that remained was betrayal?He vowed to make that woman regret what she had done and promised to make everyone who had been good to him live a good life.Yes, it was Emily Taylor, the woman who had helped him out of the abyss of despair when he hit the lowest point in his lifetime."Emily, it's time for me to take care of you."…

All-rounder Artist

All-rounder Artist

by I am the fairest


"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature...""You know all this?""Just a bit.""You mean, you know a bit about all of these?""Yes, I know quite a bit about all of them."With the System in his pocket, he conquers the world through art, becoming the crownless king that all realms worship.

Supreme Warrior in the City

Supreme Warrior in the City

by River Commander

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Three years ago, he got into serious trouble for a woman's sake and ended up serving a three-year sentence.Three years later, he returned triumphant, only to find that the woman had sided with their enemies, and his closest friend had been ruined.In life, simplicity reigns: with the sky above, the earth below, brothers in the heart, and the beloved in the embrace, one needs nothing more.Yet, life is not always simple: facing obstacles from gods and buddhas alike, he vows to conquer all challenge…

Super Soldier in the City

Super Soldier in the City

by Tomorrows

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The Super Soldier in the City, the invincible champion who strides across the urban landscape, wanders through day and night.

Supreme Doctor son-in-law Dad

Supreme Doctor son-in-law Dad

by Jade-faced Lad

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The Medical Saint, after failing his tribulation, was reincarnated into the city.His wife was seriously ill, and his daughter was in despair.In his previous life, he left behind many regrets, powerless to change the situation.In this life, he vowed to make amends for all and create a brilliant future.

Mercenary King: Got Question? Ask My RPG!

Mercenary King: Got Question? Ask My RPG!

by Just Like Water

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There was a classic saying that prevailed in the era of thermal weapons."All fear comes from insufficient firepower."Don't believe?Looking at the muzzle of a cannon bigger than your head, and say it again?...Starting off by being kidnapped, in order to survive, Gao Guang was forced to become a member of a private military contractor.And thus, an unexpected legend began to unfold...Stallone from [First Blood]?Jason Statham from [The Expendables]?Keanu Reeves from [John Wick], the one who's best a…

Nightmare Apostle

Nightmare Apostle

by Gentle sleep advisor

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"A malicious incident has occurred at our city hospital, a patient has taken medical staff hostage, and is now in a standoff with the police..."Yang Xiao turned off the TV, and the next second, a call came through, "Son, release the doctor now. There are police all around; you can't escape!"As if to prove the woman's words, the police sirens outside grew louder one after another, and there was also movement in the hallway."It's fake, all fake. This is the Nightmare World. Otherwise, why would yo…

Rise of the God Emperor

Rise of the God Emperor

by DylanHusand


[ WPC FEB 2024 ENTRY ]Hao Chen, a very handsome young man, doesn't have anything except his little sister.As he was walking home from where he worked, he suddenly had an accident.A car hit him while he was crossing a zebra crossing.But Hao Chen knows one thing, if it was a deliberate act, knows who is the mastermind behind all this.Unfortunately he couldn't do anything at that time, due to his serious injuries.His head was bleeding, and even his bones were broken.Because the blood continued to f…