The Wrong Message (1)

If it was good news, she would smile involuntarily, and if it was bad news, she would frown. Sometimes, there would be people beside her who would ask, "What's wrong?'

She would smile and reply, "Nothing."

Then, she would walk away alone or continue chatting with her friends. No one knew that, whenever that happened, she too would ask herself, What's wrong with me?

Eventually, Song Qingchun did meet Su Zhinian, even though it was just a short meeting.

That day, she was very busy at work; she had a long morning and merely had time to grab a bun for lunch before she had to rush to a golfing event with her assistant to interview a celebrity who had just returned from receiving a film award overseas.

The weather that day was nice, and the air stood still; there wasn't even a breath of wind.