The Wrong Message (2)

Tang Nuo spun the ball in his palm twice before turning to answer Su Zhinian. "Found it, not only that, I've found a familiar face."

Then, Tang Nuo titled his chin at Song Qingchun. Su Zhinian then moved his gaze from Tang Nuo to Song Qingchun.

When Song Qingchun saw him do that, she instinctively swallowed a deep gulp and clenched her hands into fists.

When his gaze fell on the top of her head, her heartbeat seemed to skip for a moment before she hurriedly lowered her eyelids. After three seconds, she opened them again to meet his gaze.

A few days ago, it had been night-time, and he had been inside a car while she was outside, so she couldn't get a good look at him. However, this time, everything was clear before her eyes.

There were no emotions at the bottom of his eyes; they were filled with such disinterest that Song Qingchun felt like he was looking at a stranger.

Does he use a similar way to look me inside the car last time?