A Hint That Cost Her Life (8)

Along the way to the scene of the crime, Song Qingchun checked her phone, and as the officer said, there was a recorded message from Tang Nuan in her Whatsapp inbox. She clicked it open, and Tang Nuan's broken up last words came through. "There… is… recorder… purse…"

When they arrived at the scene, Tang Nuan was already covered under the while sheet. This was the third time Song Qingchun had faced the death of a familiar figure in her. The, first was her mother, second was Song Cheng, and now it was Tang Nuan.

Even though there had been plenty of bad blood between her and Tang Nuan, when she walked toward the carrier with shaking legs and unveiled the white cloth to reveal Tang Nuan's starkly pale face that was wiped clean, the anger and resentment she once felt toward the other woman melted like snow at the first sign of sun. In their place was an inexplicable heartache and sadness.