A Hint That Cost Her Life (9)

Therefore a mother like that would never willingly harm her child…

"If this is not a suicide, then it's a homicide? But what is the motive?" the inspector asked.

"According to the information gathered, the victim doesn't have any huge grudges with anybody," the officer who contacted Song Qingchun earlier said.

"If we follow this lady's speculation and assume this is a homicide, then those drugs must have been forced into the victim's system." The officer who had been busy snapping pictures joined in the conversation.

The inspector ordered, "Have the expert come to look at the victim's car to check whether it has been tempered with or not."

One of the officers answered, "The call has been made. The car will be towed soon for the expert to examine."

The officer who contacted Song Qingchun asked her for a confirmation. "Are you sure the victim will not commit suicide?"