Some People Have All the Luck

Molly walked into the boy's dorm as the light of dawn slowly opened the curtain to a new day. She made her way up to Dean's room, and slowly knocked against his door. But Dean was sleeping with the cultivation manual and Eada coiled around his ears. He wasn't a light sleeper.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Molly leaned her head against the doorway, and finally reached down and 'turned' the handle. She walked into the gaze of a defensive fox. It would not let anyone mess with the man with chocolate!

"Easy boy, I just need to wake him up, okay?" She pointed towards Dean.

Luckily, Eada was a quick study, and was young. It got the hint and closed its eyes.

An hour later.

Dean turned over and opened his eyes. He instantly jumped.

"Ah! Who are you," Dean yelled, "And why are you in my room?"

Molly patted her eyes and rolled off the bed. "I'm sorry, but I spent an hour trying to wake you up. I didn't mean to."

"Oh, sorry I guess," Dean replied, "Yeah, my mom used to have to poor water on me."

"Ah, well that's nice and all, but let's get going before the world ends." She got up and brushed her black hair to the side of her face.

Van was sitting down by Tray in Samuels office staring at his friend.

"How much time does he have left, Samuel? If the possessions keep up, will he be able to make it?"

Samuel sighed before sitting down. "He's only at the 1st eighth step, while the Demon King is at the 9th eighth step. If the demon king comes 3 more times, he'll probably die."

Van pulled his hair. "How the hell is Dean supposed to fix this," he asked, "He's just a freshman."

"I don't think he'll have to," Samuel said.

Dean walked with Molly down the boy's dorm as the young boys rubbed their eyes in disbelief. Why, is it possible that a freshman is with the coolest girl in school. No, it can't be possible. They rubbed again to confirm.

"So, what's going to happen to the world?"

"Well so far we have six sentences from Tray. They all are pretty much pointing to another world dragon, or a great five element storm. Otherwise, we really have no clue what he's talking about."

"And what am I supposed to do about it?"

"Well, that's what we're going to find out," Molly said, "Get on my back."

Elva was walking down the hallway and scratched her eyes as Dean jumped onto Molly's back.

'First, he's with Monica, and now this? What the hell was in that fruit,' she contemplated.

Dean was holding onto Molly's soft neck as he flew up towards the office he didn't want to remember.

"We're going back there?"

"Why you've been to Samuel's lab? You're fairly lucky, aren't you?"

"Well, it depends what you call lucky." Dean cringed.

Van stood up as the doorway opened. He immediately ran over to the door and dropped on his knees.

"Please save my friend Dean," Van cried out, "He's been my friend since I was five. I'm so sorry we messed with you in the cafeteria." He latched onto Dean's legs.

Samuel walked over and put his hand on Van's back. "He's really just a foolish guy, but he's a great mark in court."

"Van, you don't need to grovel, dude. I just defended myself. I never meant to hurt him."

Tray was sitting on his bed tossing and turning in agony. He really wanted to tell him well you did! But he didn't have the energy to speak. He hadn't spoken a word on his own freewill in the last two days.

"Well, I see you made it. I was beginning to think they'd let the world end without putting up a fight." Tray floated off the bed and crossed his legs in the air while floating around Dean.

"Hmm, you almost have as high of an affinity as I did. You have a fruit of wisdom, warriors training, and a good mind. You stand a good shot, kid!"

Dean scratched his head. "What exactly do I stand a good shot at doing?"

"Well, saving the world I guess." Tray smiled.

"Can you tell me how I can save the world," Dean asked, "I can barely survive this school."

"Well, unfortunately, I'm out of time, kid," Tray said, "Find me someone else who's a little bit stronger. If I come back again, this kid is toast before I even finish a sentence. I'd rather not kill if I don't have to." Tray leaned in and got one more good look at Dean.

"I will give you one clue though. The 'blank' element isn't supposed to be figured out. It's the one thing I learned in the last thousand years about it." Tray waved and plopped down onto the bed.

Molly scratched her head. "Why is the Demon King helping us? It makes totally no sense."

Samuel laughed before walking over towards Dean. "Well, he's not supposed to make sense. All we know is Omnipresent created him for a reason, and that he owes that man a debt. Or maybe perhaps it's because he was born here?"

Tray rolled over on the bed and held onto his stomach. "Ow, guys. It feels like my cavity is about to burst. Can I get a little help here doc?" He spun himself over onto his side as his vision started to clear.

"Give me one second, Tray." Samuel placed his arm on Trays chest and hoped the Demon King didn't destroy it.

"You're so lucky he didn't decide to stick around. I'm betting he wanted to get in Dean's good graces here. Unfortunately, you're the only way he can back into this world Dean."

Samuel slowly started feeding energy into the first pyramid inside Tray's cavity.

"Wait, you think he's being nice just for me? What, am I the only one in the world with the blank element?"

Samuel turned back, as Molly folded her arms. "Yup, you are kid. And if anyone in this room mentions it to anyone else I promise I'll blow them up and their entire family. Do you hear me?"

The heads nodded like bells to a catchy song. They pretty much had no choice at this point. It was just too compelling.


Elva walked over to her class with Lloyd. It was the only class in the basement for Ms. Prana. They just finished their advanced class with Ms. Cameron, and were told to relay a message to Dean when the saw him. It wasn't going to be very pleasant to have to tell him.

"You think he's alright? I saw him with Molly today flying up towards the labs."

"He's probably going to be fine. He's fairly new here, so the principle probably wanted to see him."

"Yeah, I guess." Elva said, "But why would they get Molly to go pick him up. Wouldn't it have been better to send the guards?"

"Hmm, maybe it was something they couldn't tell the guards. Who knows?"

Elva scratched her head as they turned into a not so inviting classroom in furthest reaches of the basement. Dean was standing over looking at the weapons on the wall. He looked like he had a lot on his mind. And it wasn't his fault for having a lot on his mind. Samuel pretty much told him that he must get strong as fast as possible. Not only that he promised he'd find more potions for him soon, and recontinue the experiments! He'd a scar somewhere deep in his heart that was slowly healing, and he didn't want another one over that one. He waved towards Elva and Lloyd. Ms. Prana was walking in.

"Well, hi Dean. I see you decided to show up at a class," Elva greeted, "I was pretty sure you'd be with a girl exploring the mysteries of the school."

"Ha, she's just upset that you weren't in class this morning. When you weren't there, Ms. Cameron decided to lecture us the entire morning. It was absolutely horrible."

"Well, sorry guys. I had a crazy morning and couldn't make it to class. I had to have a session with Samuel this morning, and he wouldn't take no for an answer."

Lloyd scratched his head. "Does Samuel even teach here, still? I heard he left a few years ago."

Elva, however, believed him. "Is that why you were with Molly this morning?"

"Who's Molly?" Dean scratched his head. "I never heard of a girl named Molly."

Elva scratched her head. "Well, you were whether you like it or not."

"I think our friend here has selective amnesia." Lloyd pat him on the shoulder. "I know how hard it can be, Dean. Believe me."

Finally, Elva pulled Dean in and whispered what Ms. Cameron said into his ears. He immediately gulped and nodded his head.

"I won't miss it again even if the world is ending," Dean said, "But who's that girl?" He pointed.

Ms. Prana walked into the room with four high guards from the library and went over towards the armory before stomping her feet down and making her way over towards the flock of kids. She flipped her notepad before looking around the room.

"I recognize all of you besides this one. Come here, kid!" She pointed towards Dean.

"Ugh, excuse me, young lady. Don't pretend to be a teache..., Ow."

Elva pinched Dean and pushed him towards the lady.

"Ah, you probably thought I was a teenager. Well, unfortunately for you, I'm not." She spun a spear in her hands. "Today, we'll be having a class on imbuement. What's your element?"

Dean thought back to what Samuel told him to say.

"If you're ever in a class, Dean, and a teacher asks you your element say your still budding. She should be able to figure it out."

Dean had nodded and took it to heart.

"I'm still budding miss. I can't use my element right now."

"What the hell is budding? Listen pick a weapon on the shelves and go to the back of the line."

Lloyd walked over to her with a spear in his hands. "I would like to practice with you Ms. Prana." He flipped the spear over his head and caught it like a master chef flipping delicious food."

Lloyd and she started fighting as clanks and clanging didn't distract Dean from grabbing a gorgeous piece off the wall.

Elva arrived over at Dean. "Well, I will say you have a good eye for fine equipment. You definitely chose the best sword on the shelf."

"How can you tell, Elva? What's so special about it?" He flicked it in his hand.

"It's the only sword in here with a beast core on the hilt, see?" She pointed towards the handle. "If you can beat Ms. Prana you'll be allowed to keep it."

"That's it?"

Elva pointed over to Lloyd who was brandishing his spear like a crazed maniac. "Yup, and you're not the only one who wants a weapon." The entire class was in a line.


Samuel and Bane were sitting in the office chatting about what happened earlier. He figured it wouldn't be a bad time to bring up the funding for the latency potions. After all it was the fate of the world they were talking about here. Bane scratched his head flipping through the finance charts trying to see if he'd be able to survive buying even another two of those potions without giving up a wing of the school. It didn't look too promising.

"Why don't you go ask your brother again, Samuel?"

"No, if I ask him even if he does give it to me, you guys won't see me for a year."

"Hmm, well we can always try the risky way."

"What's that," Bane asked, "I can't imagine the kid being able to handle it."

"He'll be fine, trust me."


Dean and two knights were fighting Ms. Prana in front of the class. She decided it be fairer to the novice if she gave him some support. However, she was surprised by how strong the high guards were. And the kid looked like he'd been using a sword for ten years.

Truthfully, Dean had been using a sword for ten years. His dad, Lok Powers had a strong prediction that his son would amount to nothing, so he trained him every single morning for four hours. This was even when he started going to school. However, Dean also had the fruit of wisdom, which contained some of Yan's best moves. Yan had been around for a long time.

"And this is how you imbue a weapon," Ms Prana yelled, "Fire sword!"

"odds that Ms. Prana losses are 3:1. Place your bets everyone."

"Fifteen stones on her losing!" Lloyd yelled.

Elva bumped his shoulder. She wanted to bet as well, but she was too embarrassed.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Ms. Prana stumbled backwards as the two high guards did a sweep sending her right at Dean. If he didn't want the sword so bad, he wouldn't have to do this.


Ms. Prana spiraled away towards the other side of the room feeling the air breezing against her chest. Half of the class was gawking at her with curious eyes. Unfortunately, she still had her clothes mostly intact. Dean, however, had just won himself a sword.

"Well, class, I'll be right back!"

Lloyd walked over towards him before he grabbed his hand. "Please give me some of that luck, Dean."

Elva giggled, and Dean scratched his head. 'If only they knew what Samuel was planning, perhaps they would change their minds."

Ms. Prana, however, had to fix her wardrobe. She spent the next ten minutes mending her clothes.