Anna and the young man were moved to private rooms adjacent to each other. A nurse was assigned to the two of them to monitor them closely. Considering how understaffed most hospitals were, one nurse to two patients was an extremely exorbitant ratio.
Even though the doctors has originally said that Anna was only staying in for a short period of observation, after Veronica spoke to them, the doctors decided to perform some tests to further verify their diagnosis.
Within a couple of hours, Anna had gone through all manner of tests. CAT scan, MRI, X-ray, you name it, she had it. Of course, Anna was somewhat overwhelmed by the whole ordeal. She had never been the focus of so much attention and thought it was all greatly unnecessary.
Eventually, the doctors were happy that their diagnosis was correct and were confident that there would be no lasting injuries.
Relieved, Roland shifted his attention to Anna's savior. The young man still had no visitors, so Roland and Veronica had been looking over him.
Although Roland was tall, the young man on the bed in front of them appeared to be even taller. With a handsome face and good build, this young man was quite the catch.
'Hmm. I'll need to be careful. I've read plenty of novels where someone falls for their savior.'
Veronica had evaluated the man in front of them similarly, but she came to a different conclusion to Roland.
'Yes, he's an exceptionally good-looking man. Objectively speaking, Anna is also quite attractive. They'll make a great couple.
'Since I'm responsible for this man's current condition, I do owe him. I think that setting him and Anna up could be considered as paying him back.'
Upon reaching this conclusion, Veronica's mouth stretched into a broad smile. She seemed to have conveniently ignored the fact that, with Anna out of the picture, there would be no competition for Roland.
Although the two of them had their own selfish thoughts, they were still concerned about the young man's health, first and foremost. These self-centered thoughts were just idle thoughts while they passed the time; there was nothing to them really, at least, for Roland. Veronica was very unpredictable when it came to anything related to Roland.
After a period of waiting, Anna was finally discharged from the hospital. The earlier tests were all clear and the waiting period was over.
However, Anna didn't go home; she waited in the hallway with Roland and Veronica as waited for her savior to awaken.
They waited for a few tedious hours before there was any movement.
The nurse rushed into the room as soon as the young man stirred.
A rudimentary physical was performed for now until a doctor made the rounds again. The young man was given the all clear, but the group still had to wait outside for a while to allow him to come to.
Eventually, Anna and Roland entered the room. Veronica stayed outside; she said that she didn't want to overwhelm him.
Anna walked in front of Roland and said to the young man very gratefully, "Hello, I'm the woman you saved, thank you! You probably saved my life. If it's not too much to ask, may I know a little more about my savior? By the way, my name's Anna."
"Wow, I didn't realize I saved such a pretty girl. I can tell you about me if you really want. My name's Carter."