Every Detail

Noticing the awkward expression on Carter's face, Roland coughed and quickly changed the topic.

"Ahem, sorry, you didn't need to know that random stuff," said Roland. Carter went to say something, but Roland didn't give him the chance. "For now, all you need to do is familiarize yourself with the security department. Head over there and meet everyone. Learn their process and anything else necessary.

"That's everything for today and we'll have your office set up by tomorrow."

"Ok then, I'll head over there and get to know them all."

In the Gilen residence, something incredibly bizarre was occurring.

"Um, is this what I think it is?"

"It seems that way…"

"I wonder what brought about this change…"

As usual, the maids were standing around gossiping, watching on.

Also like usual, it was Veronica's driver who had to step up and talk to her.

"Ms. Gilen, this is quite unlike you. You're watching TV in the living room, not in your room."

Veronica had been absorbed in the television and hadn't noticed him walk up behind her. She turned around and replied, "Oh, hi, yes, well… I felt like coming to sit somewhere else. There's so much more light in this room."

Veronica's bright smile seemed even broader than usual.

"You seem to be looking more cheerful than usual. Has something good happened?"

"Something excellent happened," she said mysteriously. Her eyes were wide open, staring at him, clearly hoping that he'd ask more about it.

He sighed internally and asked, "What was that something excellent?"

Hearing his question Veronica giggled and excitedly said, "The date with Roland went wonderfully."

A broad smile appeared on her driver's face. "That is excellent. Any gossip?"

Hearing the mention of gossip, the house staff slipped into the room to hear more.

"I kissed him."

Gasps echoed throughout the room. Everyone working on the estate loved and cared greatly for Veronica, so this was big news.

Even her driver gasped. "How did he respond?"

"He he he. Very positively."

"Well, what did he say?" Everyone in the room felt like hitting her. She knew they loved to hear about anything like this, especially since any romance was rare for her, and she played up to it.

"He said that he was sorry for not realizing his own feelings sooner and that he wished it had happened earlier."

Some of the staff at the back of the room had to support each other due to feeling faint. Of course, they all knew Roland. For the two of them to be dating was something they hadn't even dreamed about.

"Tell us every detail… everything," her driver instructed sternly.

'Tsk. So much work even though I was told not to come in due to the accident.

'You'd have thought they'd have more sympathy and cut me some slack…'

Anna sighed internally as she shifted through the papers in front of her. It was 6 p.m. and she should've left for home an hour earlier.

'Well, at least I've finished now. However, I still have one last thing to do.

'I have to speak to him.'