Wild Cat, Immortal was Helped by a Cat?

Wild Cat, Immortal was Helped by a Cat?

[Day 12]

He sneaked from little girl rooms but got caught up with Yosy Oneesan. After struggling for a few minutes in silence, she let him go. He looked back at Yosy Oneesan with his bright blue eyes, as though saying, "I want more of this bandage." to her while pointing at his wrapped right leg.

Oneesan only smiled and happily gave him a bandage and other first-aid goods, tying it on cloth and wrapping it on his back.

"Nyaaau~" [Thank you~] Said him and left.

It was the first time she had seen such an intelligent little cat. When the last time it saved her, she initially wanted to call it, 'White Cat'. But, she somehow ends up calling him 'Wild Cat' as that little white cat was so wild with his struggle while she hugged him.

That time, his claw nearly make her blouse rip. Fortunately, she let him go just in time. Then she remembered how his strength even makes that stalker have a hard time. Unpredictable movement coupled up with his high wisdom makes him look more savage than a cute little cat.

That is why, when he was trying to run away again. She called softly,

"Wild Cat, come back here again!"

He didn't much respond to it, only turn his head and nods toward her before quickening his step back.


[Day 13]

Wild Cat comes in the morning.

He has a promise with Oneesan yesterday. Today he was playing with a little girl like a normal little cat.

[How come I have to be a pet for a little girl...]


Even with that and many more complaints, he still gave attention to playing with the little girl the next day.

Then Little white cat would be seen every morning and evening when it comes to and back from Yosy Oneesan's house. The neighborhood would greet him every time they meet. It could be said in these few days he becomes an unofficial mascot of Bright Tree Residency.

Especially after that series of feat from catching a mad dog, stalker, burglar, and other criminals till saved little girl from car accidents. Wild Cat now is a very popular mascot neighborhood residential area.


By now [Day 16]

The source of this heavenly garden scenery is the result of an everyday visit to Yosy Oneesan. They give him a lot of flower seeds when they thought he is interested in flowers. Well, Yosy Oneesan's house garden is quite magnificent scenery for sure.

She seems to be taking care of it with much effort. Then as though reading his mind, Oneesan gives him a lot of seeds.

So, when he was so boring after tending up an Old Man wound. He would take care of the garden, plant flowers, and catch a butterfly.

Why is catching butterfly, you said? Because his instinct as a cat or something like that forced him to do that.

Right! It must be that. Or else how could a former manly and smart himself have a hobby catching a butterfly for killing boredom.

Talking about killing boredom. For these days, he learned to absorb the energy that lingered inside Banyan Tree Garden. As a result, his strength growing day by day.

If before he only barely equals of capable young man, then today's he is a fighter class young adult. Only there is a problem right now.

He wasn't able to absorb any more energy. Like someone still wants to eat delicious things but his belly couldn't handle it anymore.

That feeling!

*Cough! Cough!*

[Suspected Alien Old Man, will he wake up now?]

Wisnu Wild Cat comes approach him. He saw Old Man's eyes being wrinkled a few times before blinking with his dizzy eyes.

[Yo, Alien Old Man! Did you wake up already?]

Shout him as always with a cute tone of a cat.

Old Man furrowed his eyebrow. The first sentence he heard after regaining consciousness was someone taunting him, of course, he wanted to lash out.

"You! You—"


Wild Cat feels he need to remind him of not being excited like that again. Else he would need to tend him up for a week in case he fainted again.

[Old Man, you shouldn't be excited over something trivial. Take care of your own health, Old Man!]

The other side couldn't wait to hit him a few times. He thinks who was the reason he becomes excited—ehm, angry over a trivial thing.

He lightly regulates his breath. "Did you take care of me these days?"

The little cat before him raise his head and proudly says,

[Right, I am. Amazing 'right? Where else you could find a smart and earnest cat like me in the world? Haha...]

"Urgh..." What he said was true, um, it was true. That is precisely why it gripped his heart, making it ached so much.

He was an Immortal. How could an Immortal be taken care of by a little cat? He even couldn't find himself to deny it.

A Cat could tend his injuries, an Immortal's injuries. Even you search every corner of Nine Heaven and Myriad Realms, you would never be able to find one beside him.

Thinking about it now, he couldn't help but ask, "How did you do it?"

As an Immortal himself, he knows how heavy his wound are. Even with only an external look, his injuries could be rated as third stage injuries.

In medical nowadays, third stage injuries wouldn't be able to be cured based on days count. Even with his Immortal vitality, his natural healing ability would be directed toward his internal injuries.

He counts that without the right tools and heavenly material, his injuries would not have convalesced without a three-month rest.

[I only give you first aid for emergency care... Ah, I bandage you with my relic cloth. Maybe, it was made by something magical so it fastens your healing.]

"Wha—bandage from your relic cloth?"

He saw a bandage on his chest. He suddenly looked agape, shock written on his face.

"Thi, this... This is Heavenly Unshaped Cloth!" shout him.

*cough, cough*

Wild Cat looked at him strangely.

'This Old Man... How lively he is? He easily excited like that, is he alright?' thought him.

[Beside... what is the deal with this Heavenly Unshaped Cloth?]

He takes a few long breaths, "This is a Treasure... Divine Artifact Level Treasure. You, how did you have it?"

The little cat shook his head and answer casually,

[How did I know? It was there when I open my eyes for the first time. Besides what the heck with Divine Artifact Level treasure?]

Old Man didn't hide his shock anymore, there was even a bit of expectation within his eyes.

'This little cat, his background seems not that simple. That makes remembers about something...'

He was an Immortal, his power even on par with Heaven's Order. Still, he couldn't be free from the shackles of Heaven's Order. He ends up fighting with Heaven's Order for his and directly freeing every cultivator's fate.

A few days ago, he has a dream.

For someone like him. He needn't sleep nor he'll dream casually. But that day, he fell asleep for unknown reasons in his dwelling.

He was someone who never loosens his nerve every day, since the day he battled Heaven's Order. Only that day, he was able to fall asleep and even have a long dream.

In that dream, he was able to make heavy damage to Heaven's Order. Afterward, Divine Light comes down to the present world on the southeast island. As they said, Dreams of an Immortal is the same as divination.

He couldn't remember the details, but he was truly able to make damage to Heaven's Order. Thanks for it, Heaven's Order should be in his dormancy for a few years.

When a lonely Immortal fell from the heavens, he saw Divine Light on the present world. At that time, he only trusts his instinct and approaches it.

He knew, his fate was already sealed. For this reason, he began to think about taking in a successor.

Right! He might be able to realize his wish to take a successor if he follows that Divine Light. He already taking time for his successor to cultivate himself for a few years in this Vacuum of Power.

'Is he destined to be my successor? My, Free and Unfettered Immortal's successor?'

Looking at how vacant his mind. Suddenly, a creepy feeling welled up his heart, Wild Cat couldn't bear to ask again,

[What did you think about? Hey, answer me!]

What surprised him was Old Man's response is out of his expectation.

"Do you wanna be my disciple... This, Free and Unfettered Immortal's successor?"

Wild Cat spontaneously answer, [Are you Mad or something? Immortal? Is there even an Immortal in this world?]

Is his head suffering a hard concussion or he might be broke his mind after knowing that he was beyond savings?