Wild Cat, Receive Bestowment of Power

Wild Cat, Receive Bestowing Power

[Day 17]

A day has passed since Old Man awoke.

Banyan Tree Garden, under the banyan tree. There is two sound repeating each other's answer and question.

"Hey, Wild Cat! Be my disciple... This Old Man's successor! I'll teach you Immortal Technique..."

This Old Man really adamant about his request.

"Nyao, nyaau nyanyaaunya nyau....!" [No, I don't want to be Crazy Old Man's disciple...!]

The opposite is more adamant than the old man with his answer.

"I am not crazy! I am Free and Unfettered Immortal!" Old Man trying to defend himself.

But his opponent didn't buy it. "Nyaau! Nyaanyanyaau nyaaw nya..." [Look! In these days, even Alien Oldman will be trying to deceive you...]

"This Immortal is not deceiving anyone!" Old Man's effort is futile.

"Nyaaw nyanyaaunya, Nya?!" [Immortal can fly, You?!]


He nearly coughed out a mouthful of blood again.

"I, I can't, but..." of course, he can't, he was literally bleeding from seven orifices...

Wild Cat ignores him this time, Old Man has been defeated in an unredressed manner.

Only a few minutes after that...

"Hey, Wild Cat! Be my disciple... This Old Man's successor! I'll...."

Their dialog is a bit different, but the purpose and results were all the same.

Yesterday when he asked him to be his disciple for the first time. He called him "Mad", and said,

[Immortal is only fiction created in wuxia if not xianxia and xuanhuan. Don't cheap me like that, Old Man! You'll only deceive a three-year-old child.]

Old Man nearly blurt, "You aren't even a one-month-old child!"

Seeing Old Man silent, Wild Cat even added. [If you really Immortal then fly now... I wanna see you fly, hurry up fly!] Said him hastily like a curious kid nagging his old father for horseback.

'This guy is really stubborn. Not only he didn't believe This Venerable was Immortal... He even didn't believe there was some being like Immortal... What a pain in the ass!'

'He always refers to me as 'Alien Old Man' or else he would just call me Crazy Oldman afterward. Um, in some view, I could be counted an Alien as he said being from another plane was 'Alien'... That aside, how should I coax him to be my disciple?'

He sighed again. 'He is a really good material to be an Immortal. He has an unwavering and earnest mind. Also, he is blessed by Divine Light, having Holy Unshaped Cloth, Inborn Spirit Attraction body, and Formidable Luck. Just, one of them is enough to make cultivator reign supreme in Nine Heaven and Myriad Realms.'

He obviously could see through Wild Cat's identity. It could be seen from how he addresses him, like 'this guy', 'he is' or directly call 'Wild Cat' not only refer him as 'it' nor opened spirit wisdom cat.

As Immortal, he has Heavenly Eyes that see-through principle. His eyes even something called Variant Class [Appraisal Eyes] as an add-on. He uses it to check Wild Cat stat aftershock filled his Heavenly Eyes from looking Holy Unshaped Cloth.

More or less, the appraisal result was...

[Name: Wild Cat]

[Race: Unknown]

[Age: 16 Day]

[Cultivation: Refining Body Stage (Lv. 2)]

[Technique: ??? Technique]

[Magic Art: Unknown]

[Innate Skill: Divine Wisdom, Divine ???, Divine ???, ??? System]

[Treasure: Holy Unshaped Cloth (Soul Bound),]

[Contract: None]

[Addition: Inborn Spirit Attraction, Formidable Luck, Stubborn and Earnest Personality, etc.]


He couldn't help sigh again and again. With all of that stat, isn't he is Inborn Heavenly Emperor that could rule Heavenly Palace.

"Only if I have a bit, even just one out of thousand of my strength beside these eyes of mine. I could just use a few magecrafts to seal him and listen to my teaching for weeks..." Said him as he saw little white cat take a stroll to the neighborhood.

What's more nerve-wracking was this wild cat said something like,

[Hey, Crazy Old Man... If you don't stop with your joke, I would not come back to see your condition again. I don't care if you've got a dream to be an Immortal, but don't push that dream on me... I am quite satisfied with a few cups of milk and saltfish a day. Bye~]

His injuries are too severe, or else he would already tidy up a little cat like him. He couldn't walk and even lifting his hands need a lot of effort. If not for fear didn't have any dignity again before him, he might as well put his life on line then crawl up toward him.

'Whatever, I still have some of the time to persuade him.'

His gaze directed toward the heavenly-like garden, then a smile crept from his corner mouth.

To think a cat like him could make a lonely garden become a lively color flower and butterfly garden.


[Day 19]

Wild Cat as always starts up the morning with routine 'heart to heart dialogue' with Self-admitted Immortal Old Man.

"Why didn't you wait a bit and hear me out. I know you wanna see Immortal flying freely, but you see," he tries to say his condition was unconventional to do such things.

[Of course, you trying to fly and dropped from high altitude. It would be like dropping an egg from table to floor. You will crack, it is already fortunate that you were saved.] confront him logically.

"Normally it would be so," he said slowly with much patience, not like the last day.

He decided to explain everything slowly. So long he patient enough dispelled his doubt, he would naturally accept him as Master. Even he have to exert all his life force, he would make him believe unsurpassed being like Immortal is true.

Besides, teaching him the immortal technique or anything would be more simple if the other party welcomed it. He could just impart his knowledge and all his experience in cultivation through his Heavenly Eyes or directly plant an Immortal Wisp.

"But, did you think... someone fell from high altitude would be talking with you merrily. Sigh, you know... Even though this Holy Unshaped Cloth was able to fasten my healing ability by much. I've lost more than half of my Immortal Soul when I trying to deal my enemy."

Even though it quite picked his interest. But he still said, [What are you talking about?]

Old Man smiled, "Just listen to my story a bit..."

By now he looked a rather ethereal being as he reminisced his last battle against that guy till he ends up falling down here.

As an Immortal, of course, his voice could directly influence others being that lot more bellow him. Only this little cat has something powerful protected his consciousness, Old Man's voice couldn't even make him bugged.

But, today as Wild Cat was willing to earnestly listen to his story, Old Man's voice changed into "Great Sage preaching" toward his students.

Wild Cat feels his blood boiled as though Old Man's story was being seen before him. He is still yellow, still young one, every young one always fired up with an epic scene played before them.

"How about it?" sound Old Man ended his story.

Wild Cat awakens from dream-like feelings and nearly jumped back and is ready to run. But thinking about it again, if this Old Man only injured Oldman with no strength then even without running away he would be okay, but if he was truly an Immortal even run away from the neighborhood area he still felt nothing different from standing up here.

He looked at Old Man again, he could see an ethereal feeling come out from him.

A few minutes past, he could only say,

[Are you?]

'Seems, Gentleman persuasion was Kingly Way to make your opponent give up on the argument. Lil' Jack was true about it...'

"Well, I am Immortal. But, I might be not one in the future few days or weeks. That is why This Venerable was so eagerly getting you to become my successor—"

*Thump, thump!*

Old Man's face turned dark. "Is it possible?!"


A mouthful of blood essence coughed out.

His core could not withstand for much time again, at most a few hours he would be comatose again. For more awfully, this time he would never regain his consciousness, ever again.

Seeing such a painful expression of his, Wild Cat couldn't bear to ask,

[Are you okay? Is it backlash from last time?]

"I am okay. This Venerable isn't that fragile, boy!" said him sternly trying to hide his worsened injuries.

Feeling something isn't going to be right, He thought about something and come up with a taboo technique. It was [Heaven Bestowing Immortal Art].

Hearing his forced voice, Wild Cat, on the contrary, thought that his injuries won't suddenly worsen without reason. As for reason, um after hearing his story and how strong his opponent. He has already come up with a few assumptions.

Suddenly, as someone enlightens, he hurriedly said to Old Man.

[Did that Heaven's Guy strike you from behind? Something like a curse, hidden planted attack, or your destroyed immortal souls... Did your em, time much shorten?]

Worthily someone with Divine Wisdom, Old Man praised him in his heart.

For deducting this far with only seeing his suddenly injured. After all, he would never know how powerful Heaven's Guy, when the other side already has beaten to dormancy, 'right?

Wild Cat looked at his face as if could use reading face skills. He said, [Then, what will you do? Did you really need me to become your disciple?]

Old Man smiled gently, "Of course... But, I wouldn't be able to teach you much... I'll only leave my Immortal Wisp before bestowing my last power to you as my last present using [Heaven Bestowing Immortal Art]. So... do you want to be my disciple? This half-dead Immortal's successor?"

Wild Cat shivered as he sees the determination in his eyes.

'You couldn't guess how strong determination of someone who already becomes an Immortal, even in his last breath.' thought him.

[Alright, this young one sincerely asked Your Venerable to accept me as his last disciple... I'll receive your teaching, your dream as Free and Unfettered Immortal, and then your bestowing power... I, Wild Cat, will 'act' to be your Venerable Free and Unfettered Immortal's successor.]