Apology (Not Dropping, Don't Worry)

First, this is an apology letter to all of those that have been interrupted with the abrupt deletion of the 200 chapters. First of all, this story has been moved to a new platform called Ringdom as I've signed an exclusive contract with Ringdom (Or more specifically, Stary).

Second, this is also an apology letter to those that are waiting for the chapter 201 and beyond. I have been busy lately due to school stuff and have only been updating in the new platform for about five chapters per week. I have since transitioned to a 10 chapter for week basis, but I have been planning on changing this up to 40 chapters per week to reach the 200th chapter faster (Since I will be resting this week, there will only be five chapters of release to go to chapter 40. This will make it so that I will edit 8 chapters a day. You will only have to wait for a month afterwards.).

To those who have read up till the 200 chapters, I will warn that there will be minor changes to the story, though that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to read back as I will be listing out all of the changes when Chapter 201 is published.

A few changes has already been done:

1. Hayden and Daniel's age (16 -> 18)

2. Hayden's Section is now 5-8 instead of 3-8

3. Daniel's Section is now 3-1 instead of 5-1

4. Annual Youth Pride's Age Restriction is now 18 instead of 16 for the sake of the entire Annual Youth Pride Arc

5. Hayden's OCD is now instead Perfectionism (As the research points that Hayden doesn't have OCD but is a Perfectionist)

6. Keaton Rivera's small story from Chapter 19 has been removed

Further changes that I will be doing to the story are grammatical errors, a few action changes, and things that don't really impact the story that much but is significant for detail.

Third and last, this is an apology letter to those that I have promised that I will be keeping the entire novel free. While I still think this novel remains a hobby and pastime for me, I can't exactly keep on writing for free as these are tough times. This is especially since I am a student (Take from that what you will). On top of that, I did not sign the contract exclusively for the money, I signed it for the copyright protection as well. With the exclusive contract in place, I don't have to be anxious of my ideas and story stolen.

Before I get to the paragraph of me actually apologizing, I thank all of you followers and readers of the novel. I am grateful for all of the compliments that have been saying that my novel is truly one of a kind and the genuine support I have received from all of you. I hope that you will all be patient for the next few weeks and continue to support my sole release of creativity as the next arc after the Precursor of War Arc packs so much more. There's also the fact that I have been starting to give character development to Daniel and will be focusing more on other characters' perspective as they become important for Hayden (Spoiler alert, hehe~).

Now, I sincerely apologize to everybody and the readers for all the trouble that this move has caused. I know it will be tough to follow as I myself am a reader who drop stories when I get to the finish of the current chapters. Just know that I don't blame you if you do drop the story if you ever get impatient and that I fully understand the feeling of being cut off from the story after being submerged into its fantastic world.

For the last part of this 'letter,' here's the arcs that I have provided in the Chapter 200, Precursor of War Arc. The first saga, as some of you who was able to reach the last chapter know, is called Philippines Saga, as most of the saga happens in the Philippines. This remains tentative to this day as I still don't have any idea if this saga name, which doesn't precisely encompass every single detail from the 200 chapters, is the appropriate chapter.

1st Saga: Philippines Saga

1st Arc: Awakening Arc (Chapter 1-10)

2nd Arc: Puting Araw Arc (Chapter 11-24)

3rd Arc: South Korea Arc (Chapter 25-41)

4th Arc: Crimson Enchantress Arc (Chapter 42-76)

5th Arc: Concepcion Family Arc (Chapter 77-100)

6th Arc: Pangkat Anino Arc (Chapter 101-115)

7th Arc: Annual Youth Pride Arc (Chapter 116-158)

8th Arc: Wielder Standoffs Arc (Chapter 159-178)

9th Arc: Precursor of War (Chapter 179-200)

My final words for all of you will be to expect even more for Ability Wielders as I don't plan on stopping to the mere 1st Saga. There will be a total of four sagas to this book, all of which may be as long, or maybe even longer, than the 1st Saga, which I estimate will have 300 chapters (1,000,000 words). Why so long? I myself don't know, to be honest.

That is all. DesolateNightSky signs out~ :D

For those who needs the link for the new platform: ringdomstory.com

The novel can also be found in dreame.com

I think the novel can also be found on Slash, a subsidiary of Stary, but I don't know. Don't take my word for this one.

I will not be providing the full link as you can't copy and paste in Webnovel anyways, so, yeah. Just search for Ability Wielders in the search bar.