Last Update

All right, before we go to the changes. First, I have actually finished rewriting all of the chapters in and has published Chapters 201-210 already there. Chapter 211 will be released the same time as this.

Second, the story is still currently free and has not been locked yet, so for those who hasn't read it in full yet can still go to the website and read it in full, including the new chapters.

Third, I will be back to releasing one chapter per day at the new platform, which, as you may have figured out, has already started two weeks ago. Maybe read more while it's free.

Fourth, if you want to, you can go follow my new twitter account: @desolate_sky

I will be posting updates there at times and will perhaps be taking some ideas from you guys.

Lastly, for the umpteenth time, I am grateful for all of your support. It has been great writing in this platform, but, alas, we all must move on. I am still a little apologetic for the fact that I broke the promise that the entire novel will be free. But we must all move on. For the last time, this is DesolateNightSky, signing out.

The Changes:

1. Ages:

-Hayden, Daniel, Courtney, and Faye: 16 -> 18

-Scarlet and Zeke: 18 -> 20

2. Annual Youth Pride's Age Requirement is now 18 instead of 16 (For the sake of the entire Annual Youth Pride Arc)

3. Hayden's OCD -> Perfectionism

4. Black Devil's real name has been changed from Drake to Arlo for personal reasons

5. Arlo says that he waited six years in Chapter 33 for waiting to evolve from Level 4 to Level 5. This has been changed from that to 50 years. Yes, 50 years.

6. Removed Jin Varongar's small story at the end of Chapter 19. It was too irrelevant and just abrupt.

7. Hayden's Endless Regeneration is now part of Indestructible Force (Previously Devil Force) and Infernal Flames is now the second power.

8. Zeke's rank in Chapter 40 from First Rank Special Agent to Second Rank Special Agent.

9. Mentioned that Ares' team in War of Honor reigned for three years already.

10. Void Sword Dancer in Chapter 67, Ace Navalez's earlier assistant, was changed into Dark Sword Dancer. Her black katana was also changed into a black Kampilan, a traditional Filipino weapon.

11. Changed Sophia's natural hair color to beige instead of pink (I actually forgot that I initially gave her pink hair color as I have always envisioned her as a person who had a beige hair color, lmao).

12. Annie's Ability - Celestial Tigris-Rhinoceros' definition have been changed. Her transformation is now as such: Annie's body grows larger as she becomes somewhat of a hybrid between a rhino and a tiger, standing in an upright posture. Her fur was white and the stripes gold. A single gray horn protruded out of her forehead, her eyes turning that of a tiger's, her face showing similar stripes. In her 'human form,' her hands, while resembling that of a rhino's instead of a tiger's, did have small, humanlike digits. These digits had retractable sharp claws, like that of a cat's. As for her feet, it was that of a tiger's, enlarged.

13. In Chapter 74, previously, I made it so that Rose said she was the one to create Puting Araw. I changed that because that was bullshit and was not the storyline I have been aiming for.

14. Changed Eun-ha's net worth to 1.6 billion because it doesn't make sense as I've stated that CHORUS is a household name. She's also one of the more popular members of CHORUS, so you just know it's bullshit.

15. During the chapter when Hayden becomes a Blue Agent, Scarlet does not kill anymore as it doesn't line up with my current, and actually initial, idea of her character. Also, she's literally against killing in Chapter 'Are You Prepared?'

16. Changed Coach Dominic Ardiente from being an old man to a regular middle-aged person. I don't know why I even described him as an old man since I always pictured him as a middle-aged man.

17. Made it so that Daniel did not kill the hooligan back in Chapter 86. I don't think that Daniel would've killed the hooligan at all, after he's been through, and writing that was a poor choice.

18. PAPPF (Puting Araw Public Protection Force) is a part of WISERA (Wielder Supervision and Existence Regulation Administration). I forgot to mention that in Chapter 90, which I now mention.

19. I now specified Social Media Platforms:

-Inbox - A microblogging app that focuses on smaller, more compact posts that are even smaller than current Twitter's. Inbox is also the mother app of Chatbox, which is why Inbox is popular in the first place.

-Microcosm - A microblogging app that is the equivalent of what will happen if Instagram and Twitter were to merge.

-Worldnet - Basically the equivalent of what you'd think will happen if Reddit and Facebook were to merge: Communities upon communities with personal profiles

20. In Chapter 107, Hayden gave his life up without resisting when Black Devil tries to kill him. That was a poor choice as that wasn't in-line with the personality I have already gave Hayden. Hence, this was changed into him acting like he was giving up his life, but was secretly plotting how to get out. It may be a small change, but it is more in-line with Hayden's character.

21. Eva's previous age was 36, I changed it to 46 as I thought that jumping from Level 4 to Level 5 in that short a timeframe is way too fast

22. In Chapter 108, I mentioned how cognizants evolve. I changed it so that they need to eat instead of using Origin Crystals. Also, in hindsight, I did not think it through as to why I made Dusk and Dawn's evolution to six months. They only need two more months to be able to evolve now.

23. Oh yeah, I mentioned that Sophia's and Dominic's codenames in Pangkat Anino were Serenity and Scholar respectively. This did not go well with Pangkat Anino's usage of their Ability as their codenames, so, I changed it to Tranquil Maiden (Maiden of Tranquility) and Mind Force. Which is which? I trust that you aren't that stupid (Or forgetful).

24. CHORUS Members' natural skin color have been changed to better fit the country they resided in. I did not even realize that I fell victim to white-washing and I sincerely apologize for my own colonial mentality and/or oversimplification of skin colors.

-Aiko: White, yellow undertone

-Mi-Sun: White

-Jae-hwa: A little tan, almost a soft beige and has a yellowish undertone

-Madoka: White, yellow undertone

-Sayuri: Beige, perhaps borderline white

-Jin-ae: Soft beige, almost white

-Mieko: Beige, with a yellow undertone

-Hsiao-Han: Honey, whitish

-Eun-ha: Still the same pale white (Porcelain)

-Chung-hee: Honey, whitish

-Shu-Ching: Fair, beige, rich tan

25. Changed the Ashirothir's description in Chapter 113: "On the other hand, the Ashirothir was the polar opposite. Most of the Ashirothir had bluish skin with a metallic sheen and had black tattoos all over their bodies. The most notable tattoo they had They also had blue-colored eyes, with claws, and a thin tail with a flame on its end."

26. Added a description in Chapter 119 that may or may not be notable:

"Gaia's eyes radiated light. Hayden's surroundings transformed for the second time. He was in a barren and snowy… battlefield… Or at least that's what it looked like from the corpses that was strewn on the ground. Some corpses were human. Some were… What in the hell was that?

Some of the corpses kind of resembled octopuses, though their tentacles were devoid of suction cups and they had bigger eyes than regular octopuses. Their colors also weren't pink, but yellow."

27. Changed Ysa Kilch's age to 290.

28. Added in some new words in the Roshist dictionary

-Asukatli - A term for humans that weren't born in Foriast/originates from the outside

-Gathrix - family head

29. Sitan was killed four years ago instead of two (Chapter 132)

30. Specified that Level 3 wielders can up their body enhancement with the use of purified essence energy in Chapter 152. Yes, I always intended that.

31. Changed the initial ten True Divine Marker limit of Hayden to 15

32. Changed Hayden's planned courses from three to four: Engineering, computer science, music, and acting

-Reason: In the same chapter (177), I now state that celebrities and idols alike need to have some form of degree in their own field to back themselves up as it is a meritocratic society. This includes CHORUS, who all needed to complete college courses in the timeframe of three years while they were already making music.