A lot like Love

Sara scratched the back of her neck as she stomped her feet on the staircase leading up to Ririna and Rion's office. Ririna had called her earlier to help them sort out and produce another set of copies of documents they needed to send to the event organizers for the following month.

It was already late afternoon, but she agreed to drop by the office to see what she could do to help. She adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulders while holding her phone with her other hand, listening to her friend's voice. Her eyes rolled when she heard what her friend said on the other line.

"No. I told you he is straight, and he's not interested to go on a date like that. He will kill me," she hissed on the phone.

Her friend was asking her again to convince Rion for another date with their mutual friend which was also a guy.

"He is straight? Sara dear so is spaghetti until it gets hot and wet, you know." Her friend laughed back at her.