When All Is Said and Done

Although she knew something big would happen today, she wasn't sure if it was going to be a good or a bad thing. Sara arrived at their office very early. She was wondering if she could talk to Ririna about her employment. After she met Angela and Juliette last night, she realized how she wasted her time on other things and hadn't improved herself.

Her mother wanted her to go back to school and finish the last semester so she could graduate from the university. Her hobbies, her frequent participation in her fandom, and teaching new artists had taken up most of her time, and she had failed to continue her studies.

Improve yourself; that was what Angela and Juliette told her last night. Rion might never notice her, but to make something for herself, to attain an achievement she worked hard would be worthy enough to boost her ego and confidence.

She had to go. She needed to leave before Rion would leave her broken. Her mother had also called last night, convincing her to go home.