The Devil's True Rival

Ririna and Eli finally got home after lunchtime. When they both arrived at their manor (previously just Ririna's), Skyler was also at home waiting for them. As soon as he heard the car coming into their garage, Skyler hopped down from his bed and ran downstairs to welcome his parents.

Mommy and Daddy just got home the other day. However, they said Grandpa died, and they had to attend the funeral. Skyler wanted to go with them, but his Mommy said it wasn't safe so he and Jiro waited for them to come home.

"Mommy!" Skyler ran and hugged his mother's legs when Ririna slipped out from Eli's car. He missed her so much.

With all the work they had to do, he was starting to notice that their time together had been decreasing recently.

"Hello there, my little prince," Ririna said with a smile on her lips.