Aeous was waiting for the bus at a modest blue bus stop, the bus that was about to arrive any minute. The street remained packed with cars. The light rebounded off of each of the cars - Aeous appreciated the shadow of a longer, rectangular vehicle in the distance among many smaller cars and trucks. After he did so he took a glimpse at who was beside him.The man must of been a smoker, who else carries a cigarette? The man also leaned against the small bus box much like Aeous did.
Instead of acting like a creeper and continuing to stare at the man he decided to pay attention to his goal. That goal of his which was fast approaching much like the bus itself.
Taking a moment to look at the sky Aeous noticed that it was looking rather odd upon this day, lavender. The color of the sky should be blue, but on this day it was lavender.
It had to be the work of pollutants.
Retracting his gaze from the weirdly colored sky to the bus, he took notice of specks of white which began to appear in his vision. The clouds moved as if to welcome them home. When the specks became large enough to examine, he realized the gravity of the situation. The man beside him minded this too, they were wide-eyed in surprise - the man even dropped his cigarette, pausing.
If he had to call the large specks anything, they were winged humans...Actually the word human is not right their scleras were void of white, their eyes sharp and present at all times. They had to be angels!
Many wore bronze armor their mighty wings sticking out from their back.Few wore silver armor in that huge swarm, there was only one who had gold armor he also had a second set of wings.
Every human in the area that had previously been preoccupied with their own lives now feared for it.
The army of angels that were armed to the teeth descended like flies to a field of sugar, it was utter chaos. When they first reached the ground, they seem to examine us before having a go at capturing us out before we could breathe. None of the angels seemed to distinguish that he was there. He was up in the air on what he should do. He dared not save the other humans he lacked a desire to die. Aeous was unstrong, and those angels were decked out in fancy yet functional battle related armaments, what was he to them?
To add on top of all that they had wings, they could pick him up and make him become meat paste if they had felt like it.
Aeous was feeling anxious, more so than he had ever been in his entire life that was how much shit he was in. Humankind as he knew it was over.
In anger fear, and helplessness that only grew exponentially as people were picked off he wandered away from it all. Instead of acting like an idiot who could only stare and wonder if they were here for the rapture, or some other kind of machination of apocryphal proportions he did the smart thing and began to distance himself away from the others.
The naysayers, the foolish and those who rejected the situation entirely.
At this very moment, he worried much more about saving his own life... Then worrying about the lack of belief that this was happening, it was.They required proof and with it here they reject it, that is really really foolish.
Even from a distance, Aeous could see some humans take out their phone and attempted to take pictures of the angels who still was descending from the sky. When the people realized their internet connection was off they frowned and pocketed their phones. Looking back towards the humans who were getting angel-handled without an ounce of effort shown on the faces of the angels their mood failed to recover.
Not caring about resisting he could no longer see any conflicts that were ongoing between the angels and the humans.
After continuing to wander away for a while he heard footsteps and saw platoons of soldiers and vehicles carrying more, plus weapons and supplies.
Eventually, after all the humans who were not in transport vehicles left, he saw the silhouette of something that he was familiar with.They used very often over at the middle east in war, they were tanks.
The enormous green monsters of military engineering and warfare were brought out on center stage they would dominate anywhere else...
But the angels were in another league. He wished them the best of fortuity in his heart it was too late for them even with that fortune for humanity was screwed.
Ten minutes later all the soldiers, vehicles and tanks had passed and explosions caused the ground that was walking on to shake.
When the soldiers arrived on the scene...
The head angel, the one in the bright yellow armor with a matching golden sword began to calmly give out orders to his subordinates. Splitting up the huge swarm of angels into smaller more compact groups.
He sent the bronze armored angels to handle the rebellers, and the angels geared in silver to take care of the bit bigger issue. The soldiers.
Given their orders, the silver armored angels rushed out and charged towards their targets.
The soldiers with their guns shot their weapons relentlessly at their shared enemy while the tanks prepared to fire again.
The angels masterful in their display of overwhelming power avoided the bullets and blasts.They quickly determined their targets who were responsible for their slight show of force twisting the barrel of the guns backward and the tanks in two. Soldiers who were stationed in them included.
The soldiers in the back audibly gulped they knew they were next.
Before long jabbed in all places, with the superhuman feats of strength that demonstrated prior they were beaten purple and blue and then fell not an inch. Dead.
Aeous could feel his sweat as it trickled down his skin as heard the large conflict start to die down.
Any human who was foolish enough to resist after seeing that is the biggest fool who ever lived. This was a time where action was of high importance, not a lack of it.
Seeing the efficiency of the angels that prowled was awe-inspiring, they did their duty, and not one of them seemed to be doing otherwise.
There were a few others like him who decided to stay their hand and remove themselves from the conflict that had engulfed the whole world. The staring eyes of bystanders were glued to the ongoing event many were consequently captured for remaining still. That is when he took that chance to quickly flee - this was a battle for mankind's survival, but for him, it was his own.
The angels with their weapons that had boundless might proceeded to end all forms of resistance and captured everyone that was left. Aeous was the only one lucky enough to successfully flee, he couldn't not believe the truth in that fact.
Their every action looked perpetually practiced, every swing was precise and they never seemed to goof off in their slaughter or capture of mankind.
This was their duty, and he was to get the fuck out of dodge if he was going surviving.
Sneaking through the streets via the alleyways then through the sewer and finally to a dilapidated house. He found his way in through a basement window, he could finally pause for a moment so this would all just sink it.
It was a hell of a day he had to admit, he promptly fell prey to exhaustion. When he woke up a barely transparent blue screen appeared shook up his mood in the morning and doubted that was the only one with this little dilemma.