I’m Her Biggest Fan!

Qiu Yue's smile was contagious, she went around skipping her steps with an involuntary smile and bright shiny eyes, it felt like she was lighting up the place.

When she found Yao Yan and Qiao Feng she could sense the cold air, but she just slightly raised her eyebrow at this, choosing to pretend she hadn't noticed.


She caught both of Yao Yan's hands in hers as she shook them up and down energetically, all the while Yao Yan had a surprised look her face.

"Come over for dinner! My treat!"

Even as Yao Yan stared at Qiu Yue's huge smile that seemed to say, be happy! I'm making the food! As though it was an honor; Yao Yan could only blink as she took in the pure joy that Qiu Yue radiated. Truly, once Qiu Yue gave herself to love, she didn't hold back in the least.

She smiled back at Qiu Yue, hiding away the sadness and want in her heart back into the dark corners of her eyes.

"You're making the food? Now, this I have got to taste!"

Qiu Yue just nodded triumphantly before bouncing over to Qiao Feng as she beamed up at him, as though asking to be praised at doing a good job. Their fingers weaved together as they found each other so naturally, it felt like they'd been together for years.

Which in some ways, wasn't wrong at all.

After settling the matters of the 'music conference' she'd brought up, ...or rather being scolded, ahem, Qiu Yue quickly skipped away from that battlefield stealthily running away from the responsibility. Qiao Feng shook his head lightly but the pampering gaze in his eyes just grew even softer as he looked at her energetic and happy back, her hair bouncing softly as she skipped her steps.

Anyways it was his work to handle all of this, and who was he? As though he couldn't handle this much. He'd quickly finish up and rush home to his family's adorable person!

Qiu Yue was scrolling through social media and reading the comments on all the articles that had been released today on Qiao Feng and her relationship when she heard voices from a room ahead. Normally this wouldn't be of any concern... but why did one of the voices sound so much like Yao Yan?

Aiya, she even sounded so frustrated and cute?

Curiosity had even taken the lives of superior cats, what was a mere human Qiu Yue to do?

But before she could inch closer to eavesdrop, Yao Yan stormed out of the room. Qiu Yue froze immediately flattening herself against the wall but somehow it seemed like Yao Yan hadn't noticed her.

Before Qiu Yue could get back in a normal position, the second person in the room walked out, with a blatant and teasing smirk on their face only to stop as they made eye contact with Qiu Yue, who still looked like she was trying very hard to climb the wall.


Qiu Yue coughed lightly before nonchalantly straightening herself, pretending that that moment hadn't just happened.

"Ah... Miss He Min...?"

Qiu Yue did remember this girl actually, wasn't this the person who hugged her? Even asking her to marry her?

"QiuQiu remembers me!"

Acting very cute He Min chirruped in an excited voice.

Qiu Yue laughed lightly at her cute way of talking.

"Does Miss He know Miss Yan?"

Qiu Yue made it a point to call Yao Yan like that because she didn't want He Min to misunderstand their relationship. Yes, they were friends but nothing more.

He Min's smile turned sly as a cheeky dimple quirked on the left side of her face.

"I met Yao Yan in A country actually, I had no idea she was your friend!"

A country huh? It almost felt like He Min had followed Yao Yan all the way here...?

Wha! This was the legendary beauty chasing a beauty scenario?

Qiu Yue found it to be very cute, of course, this was all because she knew that if Yao Yan was truly annoyed by He Min then she wouldn't have been able to enter the agency itself. The fact that Yao Yan, albeit begrudgingly, got along with He Min was itself proof that she didn't dislike her, or find her a threat.

In fact, Qiu Yue had never seen Yao Yan flustered before, only today she'd seen this godly image.

The gears in Qiu Yue's brain turned rapidly as she grabbed He Min's shoulders startling the young girl for a second.

"From what I can see you both get along well! I'm actually calling a few people over for a party at my house a few days later. Seeing as you're close to her, why don't you come along with Yanyan?"


He Min's eyes lit up, why wouldn't she go?! This was a good chance!

Plus knowing that girl, she'd get herself all puffed up on the outside, hiding her sadness even as she forced herself to watch Qiu Yue and Qiao Feng feed every dog food.

Maybe she could even take this chance and... eat some tofu for once!

Plus~ her idol Qiu Yue was inviting her! That ikemen manager of hers would be there too! Ikemen manager had many good looking friends!! Members of the outward appearance association couldn't let go of such a chance!

(A/N: Ikemen* means a super good looking/ handsome male human.)

In order to make He Min's appearance a little less out of place, Qiu Yue decided to invite a few more people, she had already thought of calling Xiang Yu Se, though calling him as brother... was a bit awkward. Next she even added Fan Yin to the list, anyways he was Qiao Feng's good friend, there was no harm there. Then she decided to allow a plus one for him, she truly wanted to see Fan Yin's boyfriend, the one Qiao Feng had mentioned long ago. How could she let go of a chance to witness live BL?

Ignoring that pitiful looks her boyfriend was currently shooting towards her, she invited Fan Yin. Her lips twitched as she looked at Qiao Feng shamelessly expressing his disagreement. But how could he agree?

His wifey was going to cook for him and he'd been dreaming about it for so long... now he had to share?!

Seeing her sit next to him the couch, seeing her silhouette and that teasing smile on her face...

Qiao Feng threw the papers in his hand down in the table in front, grabbing Qiu Yue's hand he pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her as he nuzzled her neck. Seeing her ignoring his actions made him want to go even further. Anyways even if he had to share her food, she herself was all for him. 

The food was good but the person herself was much sweeter.

Later that day, He Min took the jug of milk, pouring it into the shot of coffee in the cup. She watched as the milk formed concentric circles on the surface, the stark contrast, her lips curved into a sardonic smile. She slowly stirred it so the bitter coffee stained the unmarred white of the milk.

"It looks better this way."

Picking up both the cups on the counter, she peeked into the bedroom, warmth returning to her eyes as she looked at feminine figure lounging lazily underneath the thin sheets.

Even as she kept the cup on the side table next to the girl, He Min received no attention from her.

She took a slow sip before her lips parted to speak.

"QiuQiu invited me for the dinner party."

This caught the girl's attention immediately, making He Min smile at her simplicity.

"Ha... that girl is too nice. How can she just invite someone she doesn't know? Why did she invite you of all people anyway?"

He Min licked her lips before looking at the girl with innocent big eyes.

"I'm her biggest fan!"

Yao Yan scoffed at He Min's words.

"That's why you asked her to marry you? Even though you're already with this great aunt?"

Her words dripped with annoyance that she didn't bother to disguise.

"Would I be able to tolerate you otherwise? More than me it's you who's in love-"

He Min stopped speaking as Yao Yan's sharp eyes looked at her coldly. He Min did stop speaking but a mocking smirk played on her lips instead.

"We'll go together."

Yao Yan said suddenly actually surprising He Min, though neither of them knew why Yao Yan said so.


Hey guys! I'm actually sorry for the delay, I know I've said this a lot xD

I had a bad couple of weeks.

At first it was just exams but... well things weren't that good with my personal life and stuff.

So, you might have noticed, I said before this would be a short arc, I changed my mind! I have scenes I really wanted to add, so this isn't gonna be as longer, maybe longer than the first arc! :3