2.19 2in1

For best effect listen to 'Torisetsu' by Kana Nishino. The song used in the chapter is the same.

Qiu Yue sat in her exclusive studio going through all the preparations for the so-called music conference they were going to have today. For the past three days, the media, fans and antis alike had been running abuzz with her name.

All those tickets that they'd put up on her fan site to be sold at its cheapest to the members had rapidly sold out. Even the journalists from various media houses were talking about what she would do next. This wasn't as much about her popularity than it was about the fact that she'd dared to declare her relationship in public.

Some were saying that this was a pretentious move and that relationships were meant to be private.

Some said that by doing this she was effectively going to kill her career with this move.

Some were accusing her of playing with her fans. How could she talk about loss when she'd found someone?

Qiu Yue's thoughts wandered around before finally stopping on Qiao Feng. Mhm, he was probably in his office?

She quickly gathered up her notebooks, stationery and phone before striding towards his office briskly.

Though, that didn't really do her much good. After all, she stood in front of his door for 2 minutes, hesitating.

'Do I just go in? But...'

This was Huo Zi Feng. This was her Feng and yet... yet he wasn't? Though she couldn't quite understand her own feelings it felt slightly different? It was him, of course, she could feel that... but it wasn't him at the same time?

A person didn't just have one side to them, that she had known. Well, even then, the way he looked at her hadn't changed.

Exhaling slightly, chuckling at the thoughts her impulsive visit to Qiao Feng's office had caused her, she twisted open the doorknob.

Qiao Feng was on the phone with someone, judging by the words and tone, it seemed to be an official call?

His lips curved into a slight smile when his eyes met hers. He nodded at her and so she just made herself comfortable on the sofa. Actually, she hadn't come here to do anything, she just wanted to work next to him. She couldn't explain it but, even though they didn't speak all the time when they were together, that silence was what drew her in. It was so... warm and comfortable. She didn't feel the need to say anything and yet she knew that he was there.

His coat was hung on the couch opposite to her, so he was simply wearing a white shirt. Honestly, why did it have to look that good? This had to be a bug right? ( * ֦ơ﹃ơ֦) She just couldn't take her eyes off of him. The way his eyes focused on a single thing, his serious and professional silhouette was in the center of her view.

She tried to stop that annoying smile from spreading on her face, but she couldn't do anything about her heartbeat that was going haywire. Seeing the way he was so focused on his work was sexy, but it was also annoying her.

'I know you're busy...'


Her lips twitched as she resisted the urge to jump on him.

Instead, Qiu Yue walked around him. Sloooowly. Then acting as though she was just around to see the projects he had with him, she picked up the pile and pulled out the project at the very bottom.

Actually, she wasn't intending to read it at all, but the title caught her eye.

This was actually the teaser script for a movie?

Qiao Feng smiled slightly. He was aware of what she was doing. But how could he not be? Even unconsciously his eyes would wander over to her, just constantly affirming her existence.

He just couldn't understand why these slow silent moments that he spent with her felt like they were worth their weight in gold, and more. It just seemed to be too precious. Like that moment in winter when you stepped out in the warm sunlight, and the way the rays warmed your fingertips with giddy warmth.

His sharp eyes softened as he gazed at the girl who he had given his all to. Though it seemed, she was lost in the script, just like she'd been enamored by him, he too was fascinated.

Why? One may ask when they seemingly would share this life together, why were they so intent on being around each other?

But... perhaps to understand the answer you'd have to feel what they felt. That feeling of warmth, strength and flexibility and confidence that being around that special person gave you. That feeling of home, even centuries would never be enough.

Being in that person's presence lit up your day. Being alive felt like a blessing and if you looked closely you would be able to see how beautiful the world truly was.

That was what they felt.

And no amount of time would ever be enough.

Although Qiu Yue originally wanted to seduce- COUGH -wanted to attract Qiao Feng's attention, the script was pretty unique.

It wasn't actually the complete script, just a teaser story. The story was of a young girl who was born to a noble family in line to rule. However they seemed to have no such intentions on the surface, seemingly living life leisurely, until one day, the new king was coronated.

It was unknown to everyone how and when they disappeared, but none of them was ever mentioned or heard from again. Except one girl knew, this was the main character, the female lead. She had seen the rivers of blood flow in her home, every single person in her family was slaughtered like mere statues broken to dust.

Only two people remained from that family. The girl who had barely began her childhood, forced to survive in the shadows of the night, and her younger brother. The brother was too young to remember much, so he forgot. But in the girl's memories, behind every sweet smile and laugh, hidden was a single thought that made the blood coursing through her veins boil. Revenge.

She knew who had slaughtered her entire clan, and yet it ate away at her soul that she couldn't reach him. She couldn't reach the king.

Qiu Yue hummed, interested. Though she couldn't say how good it would truly be when the movie was completed, right now she liked it. However, the terms of being selected for this film were very eccentric.

Seeing Qiu Yue raise her eyebrow at him questioningly, he understood what she wanted to ask.


He seemed unsure of what to say for a few seconds.

"Well, it's an old one. The scriptwriter is also a director who is very famous but the requirements for the lead role are a bit different. That's why it's been lying in almost every manager's office for five years now."

"Ah, but isn't this really suited for you? If you want to, you can debut in the acting world with this."

Qiu Yue didn't know whether to laugh or to cry looking at the man in front of her saying such things with a serious face. Well, of course, he was serious, he really believed everything he said, but where he got such confidence, Qiu Yue didn't know.

For five years no one had been able to get the role, what qualifications did she have?

Hmm, that wasn't right, the requirement was to write a song that would satisfy the writer. Qiu Yue did indeed have a song in mind, but even if she got the role... acting wasn't really something she'd ever done.

"Just submit a song first, we'll think about the rest later."

Qiao Feng said, almost reading her mind. But... how was her male god suddenly so close to her? Wasn't he just sitting in his chair?! (⊙ꇴ⊙)

Qiao Feng didn't let her think for too long, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her close, making her breathing hitch. Seeing her look at him with those wide eyes he felt something tug at his heartstrings. Just as he leaned forward to taste sweet litchi like lips the door to the office opened.

Yao Yan pulled Qiu Yue back with an unimpressed look on her face.

"You've already eaten once, right? Now starve for some time."

Ignoring the squirming cat that kept trying to escape her hands she pulled the thirsty girl backstage.


Qiu Yue shot Yao Yan grievous looks, as though Yao Yan has just deprived her of her favorite food.

"Couldn't you give us a feeew minutes?!~"

"Your schedule starts with this so-called music conference that you came up with, then we have the talk show where you might be maimed for your actions. Followed by a new album launch because you insisted on single two new songs today and since this means you now have enough songs you need to start promotions and do more media appearances. Talk shows, live shows, reality tv shows, online podcasts, live broadcasts online -"

"I got it! I got it!!"

'Wah this Yan Yan becomes so scary when she's annoyed...'

Qiu Yue flashed Yao Yan a very innocent looking cute smile hoping to distract her. But judging by the way Yao Yan was directing a glare at her operation act cute was failing... ( ; ᴗ ; )

Fine! Fine! She'd stop playing around!


An overly cheerful voice shouted to them and was increasingly getting closer. Yao Yan immediately jumped out of the way, but Qiu Yue couldn't move away seeing the cute girl look at her with adoring eyes.

But Liang ZiQin stopped before pushing Qiu Yue down. Instead, her eyes were flooded with worry, but also envy.

"Senior Yue... this situation... I'm really envious of you. You had the courage to go out and say the truth... while I can only hide."

Saying so the little squirrel face downcast, she just looked down.

It wasn't just Liang ZiQin who thought this way, there were many other celebrities who did too.

But this wasn't right.

After all...

"I don't think so! The only reason I could do this is that my dream isn't to be a musician or an idol. It's you guys... who work so hard, through everything, for your dreams, that are truly admirable."

As Qiu Yue spoke, she said what she really thought. Her voice was low and her eyes seemed to be looking at something else. Then something seemed to snap her out of it, and she looked at ZiQin, smiling at her.

"You are really super cool!"

ZiQin's lips parted in surprise as her heart started to beat faster looking at that smile. She could see Qiu Yue truly meant it. ZiQin's cheeks turned red as happiness burst from her heart. How could there be someone so cute in reality?!

Just as she was about to pounce on Qiu Yue, Shi Dong pulled her back from the scruff of her neck. If he didn't stop her god only knew how long this octopus would stick to Qiu Yue. That and... he never got any attention whenever Qiu Yue was around. As soon as her idol was nearby ZiQin would drop everything and run. Even him. Literally.

Catching the mic Yao Yan threw towards her, she turned to all the people backstage. Each one of them was so precious. From Liang ZiQin, Qiao Feng and Yao Yan, to the recording staff, the lighting staff, audio equipment staff, and everyone else. She gave them all a big smile and a victory sign.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything!~"

Of course, she knew everyone was worried. They were all part of her small team and no matter what they thought at first, they were all her people now. They were all worried. Don't think about how Qiu Yue loves her fans and they loved her. Haters existed for anyone, and Qiu Yue wasn't such a big star. With all that was going on, positive comments that she'd read were but a few. Most were negative.

But Qiu Yue was never one to care so much about everyone's opinion. She'd learned the hard way that if someone wanted to hate you, no matter what you did they'd find a reason. So why did she need to struggle? Instead, just find the people who truly supported her and protect them. That was enough for her.

That image of Qiu Yue who ran to the stage, always smiling and reassuring them, these people would never forget.

However the screams and cheers that Qiu Yue received when she went onto the stage, even she wasn't prepared for it.

She almost dropped the mic because of the shock, taken aback. Shouldn't they be... angry with her?

Seeing her shocked expression, the fans could guess what she was thinking. Even they'd seen all the hate she'd been getting, so how could she have not? She must have felt so bad! And yet she'd come up to the stage with a smile. Actually, they had all decided that they would cheer for her, regardless of what was going on. There were antis mixed into the crowd, but as long as they shouted hard enough no one would notice a few silent people.

But seeing her so taken aback, the stadium grew silent as they all thought about all the things she was going through.

She didn't care for others opinions. Looking at all these people, though they may only number less than a thousand. They were people who were still supporting her, cheering her on. How could she not care? The carefree words she'd been meaning to say, she swallowed them all back.

After a few moments, Qiu Yue finally found her words.

"You guys..."

"Thank you!"

Saying so, she bowed deeply. Perhaps no amount of gratitude would be enough.

"I haven't been in the best state of mind. I believe you know that. But I don't know if you know this, it was you guys who gave me a reason to live."

Her eyes started to cloud over.

"And yet... that wasn't enough. I was slipping, slipping away."

"A few days ago... I was at the end of my road when someone finally reached me. This person was someone who had stayed beside me through everything. Though I couldn't see him, he helped me through everything. He helped me reach you all."

"I don't like talking about my problems. I have always believed that I can solve them myself. But I do have people who give me the strength to believe in myself. There are very few people who've given me that strength. He is one of them. And you are too."

Qiu Yue really hated herself sometimes. Why did she start crying so easily nowadays? Before she'd never done this so why were tears starting to fall from the corner of her eyes?

Her voice quivered a bit, so she stopped for a second.

"This may seem like a betrayal to you... but I - I think I can finally learn to be happy again."

She was faced with silence. Fear started to creep into Qiu Yue's heart as the silence continued. Perhaps this was it. She couldn't fault them...

"Are you happy?"

A single fan asked her, she looked like she'd started to cry too.

Those banners they'd made, they unfurled them, before shouting out their own questions.

"Are you happy?"

"Does he treat you well?"

"If you're not, then tell us!"

"We'll take care of everything!!"

They hadn't planned this. Groups of them had made posters with questions they realized they really wanted to ask.

And somehow, they were all of the same minds.

Qiu Yue felt the urge to cry uncontrollably because of all the happiness that was flooding her heart. How could someone be so blessed? How could so many people be so sweet?

But... sincerity was always received with sincerity. She'd always given her all to them. So they too, wanted to do the same.

Qiu Yue wiped her tears away before smiling wide, chuckling.


"Don't cry anymore!"

The crowd said together.

"You guys are crying too!"

Qiu Yue was laughing while trying to stop the tears as her happiness was overflowing.

After some time, when everyone had calmed down, the crowd started chanting again.

"Sing! Sing! QiuQiu Sing!!"

Qiu Yue's smile, to them, was finally real.

"This is a special song for you guys, so listen carefully okay?"

She laughed at the cute humans cheering in front of her.


"Thank you for choosing me this time!"

"Before starting, please read this handling instruction book well~"

"And always treat me gently the right way!"

Qiu Yue really, really, loved this song so much!

Because it was all true.

"I'm limited edition! No exchange or return!"

"Please understand that~"

"There are times when I'll suddenly turn moody~"

"If you ask why and I don't answer, and you leave me alone, I'll get worse!"

"Sorry for always being like that~"

It wasn't just for her fans.

No couple was perfect.

"But when that happens, don't get fed up!"

"And please stay with me~"

But she didn't really want perfect. She was happy with him.

"Praising me regularly ensures I'll last long!"

"Like saying, 'You have nice nails'"

"Please notice small changes like that~"

"Watch over me carefully~"

"But things like 'you've grown fat'"

"It's alright not to notice these unnecessary things~"

Qiu Yue smiled, acting cute as everyone laughed.

"And when I get a little old~"

"And you start to get distracted~"

"Please remember that day

When we first met!"

"Please take care of me from now on!"

"Though I'm like this, please smile and forgive me!"

"Always treasure me~"

"Because I come with a lifetime guarantee!"

"A single flower can make my heart race~"

"Sometimes, giving me a small present is also effective~"

"Being sensible is key~"

"But no matter how short or badly-written, your handwritten letter is my greatest happiness~"

She loved getting gifts just as much as she loved giving them, no matter how old, as long as it was a gift, she'd treasure it.

"If my cheeks get wet with tears~"

"Gently wipe them away and hug me tightly~"

"Because only you can fix me!"

It may seem moot to say this right now, but Qiu Yue truly didn't cry that much.

(A/N: Yes, yes we believe you.)

No, she really didn't! It's just, all that stress and those damned things called emotions. But it was mostly because she'd decided to trust her fans, Yao Yan and Qiao Feng with everything she had to give.

"Please take care of me from now on!"

"Though I'm like this, please smile and forgive me!"

"Always treasure me~"

"Because I come with a lifetime guarantee!"

"Once in a while, let's go for a trip~"

"On our anniversary, without saying it's not my style~"

"Please escort me, looking cool like always!"

"And accept it all with an open heart and deep love!~"

"Please take care of me from now on!"

"Though I'm like this, please smile and forgive me!"

"Please cherish me, after all, I come with a lifetime guarantee~"

After all, I'm already yours! And don't forget~ you're mine!

As the music ended, hearing the cheering it didn't feel like it was less than a thousand people.

Qiu Yue snuck a glance at the backstage to look at Qiao Feng before looking away quickly. To be honest... while this song was for her fans, it was also for him.

Even now she didn't quite understand what love meant and what would happen in the future. But she'd lost him once already, and she never wanted to feel that way again. She knew she wouldn't be able to handle it.


Noooo! I'm not gone! I haven't dropped this either. I once promised someone that I wouldn't ever do that.

I'd tell you guys all the reasons why I haven't updated, but really. They'd seem like excuses. One big reason was that I was writing some other stuff and I couldn't manage to change my style and mood so often. I actually wrote three chapters in the last 50 days. But I decided to publish them all together today. The day my exams start! YAY ME.