Before Their Battle

"WAIT! Hold it right there, you two!!!"

All of us reflexively turned towards the principal who was inside the small room with glasses wall—eh uhm, is it the room where the announcers usually sit in? Since her voice resounded via the public address system, so yup.

Her announcement ceased Alt-nii and the dragon's fighting movement while the other students quieted down.

"What is it? You're taking too long!" The dragon girl shouted, her face was a bit sullen. I guess it's natural since she was interrupted over and over again.

"Carbuncle-chan, I know you're very eager to get to know us, the other races, but it's in the part of our agreement. Since you're more or less the "exchange" student of this school, you have to obey us, teachers. This won't take too long, okay?"

"Tch, fine."

The dragon girl—Carbuncle, is it?—this time, she seemed to loosen her body and stood there casually. Alt-nii did the same thing.

"Thank you, Carbuncle-chan. Ahem! Greetings, my beloved students and teachers. Rumors about this might have leaked out already, so let me announce it right now."

Her clear voice resounded within the stadium.

"To all present in this Colosseum-slash-stadium, you might have seen her with your very own eyes. Meanwhile, to those who're still not yet in this stadium, please don't be so surprised. Let me introduce you to her—our special guest for who knows how long—a pureblooded dragon, coming all the way from the Dragon's Heritage, the continent where dragons live. Her name is—oh, okay… Her nickname is Carbuncle and she's here to learn more about the other races, especially the humans. We hope you'd be able to keep silent about it and get along well with her. As for her class assignment and the likes of it, it's still undecided…"

Judging from her wording, it seemed like the announcement also made it throughout the whole school building. The Basic Level building complex, at least. I wonder if the other levels would have their own separate announcement later on?

All hell broke loose right after the headmaster's announcement. I mean—an uproar, to be exact. Some were so excited to know the dragon girl, while some were scared to hear that there's a pureblooded dragon among us.

The person herself seemed to be content with the headmaster's brief introduction and assumed a haughty pose as everyone kept staring at her.

"Now, then, Carbuncle-chan. Would you mind to grab that device that could make your voice bigger to introduce yourself? And while we're at it, I'd like to question you about the uproar that was going around about you battling one of our student who's capable of using [Void] magic?"

Another teacher approached the dragon girl in a panic, while pointing out at the small device she was holding.

"Ah, no need for that device. I can just use my own power to make my voice so loud."

--her voice was loud enough for the whole Colosseum to hear, even without using that device. We could hear her so clearly.

"Hi there, Non-Draconis! Just like what your headmaster, Shekai-san has told you, I'm here because I'm interested in the Non-Draconis' life. My full name is Crbnklr Azcc-Tnerre Tkmkzch, but you can call me Crbnklr."

Shekai-san… yes, it's certainly the Basic Level's headmaster's name, but I kept forgetting it for some reason.

And what's up with the dragon girl's weird name? The closest name I can make out of her full name is Carbuncle—yes, indeed, that's why Shekai-san decided to call her Carbuncle. Though it doesn't sound like a fully pronounced "Carbuncle" when that dragon girl said her own name.

But isn't Carbuncle the name of a red garnet? That girl doesn't even have red eyes or red hair, and yet… Ah! Right, she has that red garnet embedded in her forehead… I wonder if all dragons are like her?

Everyone got noisy after her introduction, and I continued to observe Carbuncle's behavior. Based on her expression, I felt like she was so content that she managed to stir the others' minds like this.

"Carbuncle-chan, are you seriously going to fight against one of my students? He's still young and even though he is talented, when you compare it to your own power, surely…"

"It's fine. We agreed. I will make sure to limit my power output so we can have an interesting match."


"I know you're worried about your student, right? No worries! Us, dragons—we are peaceful beings. I guarantee you that I won't harm anyone. It's in our agreement as well."

"Last question, then. When can we end the match?"

Carbuncle's eyes shone as she lifted the crystal pendant hanging loosely on her body up.

"This is the target. Once the crystal pendant breaks—either mine or his—that's when the match is over."

A brief explanation that managed to calm my worried heart.

I was worried that Alt-nii and her might have to fight until who knows when… Though there are healers and other healing facilities provided by the academy, it's still not good.

At least, I know that they won't be fighting with the intention of damaging their opponent until victory is theirs.

"Now, can I start?"

"One more thing. If we think the situation has turned bad enough, we have the rights to stop your match, okay?"

"It won't, it won't~ Such a worrywart. Good grief."

"Barriers, check. Emergency system, check. Broadcasting system, check. Everything seems to be fine here. All right… Carbuncle-chan, Altaire-kun, please don't overdo it."


At the same time as our headmaster announced about "broadcasting system, check," several holograms appeared in front of us, capturing both Alt-nii and Carbuncle in several different angles.

That saved me the trouble of having to open my eyes widely to pay more attention to what's happening at the fighting grounds.

"Okay, shall we go?"

Alt-nii asked, still with his usual smile.

…My big brother, don't you know fear?

"Sure. I, Crbnklr Azcc-Tnerre Tkmkzch, hereby open this match with the predetermined set of rules mentioned from before. Bestow me your blessing and administer this match, Laernaedon. I swear to the Dragonkin's God, Behemoth. Efenstálian!"
