Altaire vs Carbuncle

I blinked several times at the serious declaration that Carbuncle made while lifting her left hand.

After she finished saying everything, the crystal pendants on her chest and Alt-nii's chest shone brightly for a moment before the light quickly faded away.

For some reason, it seemed like the two of them had an unspoken agreement, as they looked at each other with battling stance already.

Then, Carbuncle floated above the ground and summoned a few thunders surrounding her, moving quickly to Alt-nii's direction.

Alt-nii dodged the upcoming thunders while rushing closer to Carbuncle and threw what seemed to be a [Void] ball at the direction of Carbuncle's crystal pendant.

Carbuncle gestured with her hands and sent a ball of sparks at Alt-nii's Void ball as the two clashed and disappeared.

Ah, I see. It wasn't a [Void] ball in the literal meaning. I thought the Void ball would cause anything it touched to return to nothingness, but it seemed like Alt-nii threw an offensive type of his magic. It's understandable, since his objective is to break the crystal pendant.

Alt-nii didn't seem to bother with it and continued to approach Carbuncle. When the distance between him and her was close enough, he jumped with the help of his wind magic so that he could reach Carbuncle.

Carbuncle flapped her wings and the raining thunders surrounding her intensified—it seemed as if she was making an offensive shield all around her with the thunders.

From my point of view, it'd be difficult for Alt-nii to dodge all of them. Perhaps he understood it as well, because he then chanted a different spell.

[Hagorûn undôn!]

He shouted the only [Void] spell I know—the one used to negate the opponent's magic.

A faint magic aura—that seemed to be [Void] aura—spread around Alt-nii, protecting him from any magical attack, as every magic that touched the aura quickly vanished.

At that time, Alt-nii decided to show his melee weapon—a dagger—as it multiplied in his hand before he threw it at Carbuncle's crystal pendant. I assumed he imbued his dagger with magic spells—magic that caused it to multiply—a kind of illusion magic; and magic that controlled its movement as the speed accelerated—wind magic.

At this speed, Carbuncle couldn't make it in time to escape—and yes, she didn't escape.

Instead, she tucked her dragon wings in, covering her front body. The daggers landed on her wings and instead of stabbing the wings, the wings managed to send the daggers flying back to the ground instead.

…Seems like the dragon wings—or the dragon scales, to be more precise—are that sturdy.

After that, Carbuncle opened her wings and decided to run amok. She spawned several sparks of electricity and sent them flying towards Alt-nii—with no specified aim?!

Alt-nii obviously dodged them and continued using the same spell—Void to cancel the dragon girl's thunder magic.

However, perhaps due to the numerous sparks sent flying without any direction, some sparks eventually managed to graze Alt-nii. Alt-nii didn't seem to feel pain as his expression remained the same.

"What is this? It doesn't hurt at all. I thought a dragon could do more damage that I was worried for a second…," Alt-nii expressed his thoughts out loud.

Carbuncle only smiled.

"I promised not to hurt you… right? But you're wrong if you think I sent those sparks with the intention of injuring you or the crystal."

Alt-nii tilted his head in confusion reflexively. It seemed like he didn't understand what Carbuncle was aiming for, as he didn't feel any effect.

Before Alt-nii could do anything else, Carbuncle decided to float higher. Incidentally, the hurling sparks stopped spawning and then she… flew in circle around the sky?

What is she planning to do—

…No, there's no need for me to ask. Why? Because it's already clear.

A small storm was forming at the area that she circled around. The sky around that area turned darker and the dark clouds emitted thunder sparks.

Carbuncle stopped flying around in circle and floated next to the storm—seemingly unaffected by it. She then extended her hand and pointed at Alt-nii's crystal pendant.

The storm obeyed her gesture as it spiraled and formed a tapered point that aimed straight at Alt-nii's crystal pendant.

Sensing the danger, Alt-nii moved his body as he gestured to run—

But he ended up not moving after he brought his hands closer in front of his face.


Alt-nii exclaimed in his surprise—and at that time, faint sparks of lightning could be seen all around his body.

This is…!

So, the spark attacks that Carbuncle did earlier were for this…?

"Haha, show me how you'll fare against this situation!!" Carbuncle moved closer to Alt-nii as if she wanted to observe his next movement in full details. She grinned widely as her eyes sparkled in excitement.

…however, that excitement soon died out.

Alt-nii literally did nothing—or he couldn't do anything?

And with that, the storm that turned smaller and sharper landed a perfect hit on Alt-nii's crystal pendant alone.

"Alt-nii, be careful!"

I unintentionally shouted, though there's no way he'd hear me…

I'm really worried—if the storm hit the crystal pendant at such a close range, there's a high possibility that Alt-nii will get injured!

The crystal pendant broke in pieces—but before the pieces or the storm attack could do any damage to Alt-nii, there seemed to be a faint barrier protecting him, but Alt-nii still ended up taking a blow backwards and landed on the ground with just a bit of impact.


Carbuncle's expression quickly turned to that of a disappointment as she slowly landed herself on the ground and folded her wings.

She looked down at Alt-nii who was coughing from the impact as he cleaned the dust from his body.

"…It ended? Just like this?" Carbuncle asked.

It felt as if her high expectations were crushed in an instant, though I felt that time flew by so slow as a spectator to my own brother fighting a dragon.

"Not fair! You're a dragon!!"

Suddenly, in the middle of his coughing fit, Alt-nii... protested!!