Eggie's Fate

Wait a minute, this doesn't make any sense…

We certainly managed to catch the egg at the very last second, so why did it still crack? Did it receive enough impact or was it really this fragile?

When I glanced towards Alt-nii, he only blankly stared at the cracking Eggie, with face full of… blank. Yup, he also couldn't make any sense of this!!

But our confusion didn't last for so long (luckily!)

Very soon, we realized that the egg was actually… twitching! It was moving along with the forming cracks. This phenomenon…

"It's hatching!" I exclaimed.

"Y-yes it is!!" Alt-nii stuttered a bit because he was too excited to see the egg hatching.

We gently let go of our hands in order to let the egg hatch, and we stood up in anticipation, all while our gazes were still fixated on the hatching egg.

What kind of creature is going to hatch from it?

Nothing was known of the egg or the Familiar in it.

…What if it isn't a Familiar, but an ordinary beast?

It would be nice if we could still use it as a [Summoned Beast], but if not… if we were to raise it carefully from when it's still a baby, it will surely obey us, right?

Contrary to a [Familiar] who forms a special bond with its master, a [Summoned Beast] can be called for a short period of time or to do a certain order before the mana-based temporary contract is called off, and there is no special bond like what a [Familiar] has. Just like its name, [Summoned Beast] can be summoned from other areas, with certain techniques.

Meanwhile, ordinary beasts can be tamed and can accompany their masters. Since [Familiar] and [Summoned Beast] are exclusive to people with magic talents, taming ordinary beasts is the only option for people with poor or no magic talents to have a beast company.


When I thought the egg was going to crack and hatch faster, the reality betrayed my expectation. The one inside the egg was struggling at its original speed and strength. Thus, it felt really long for us, who were watching the unboxing—I mean, the birth of a beast!


"Wha…?" Question marks floated above my head.

"Eeeeh? Eggie, come on! Are you giving up just like that?!" Alt-nii sulked.

At that moment, as if responding to Alt-nii's question, the egg rotated and then…


Light purple smoke formed around the egg.

Errr… My eyes are itchy!

Yeah… A natural response to this itchy stimulus to my eyes… I reflexively closed my eyes, and I was sure Alt-nii also closed his eyes.

After a moment, we opened our eyes… and saw the empty cracked egg shells all over the floor!

Wait, does it only contain the smoke and it's now empty…?

As a ridiculous thought entered my mind…



We heard a voice… from above the cracked egg shells!

When I looked up, I was greeted by a beast who floated gently in the air, with its back facing me. Thick white fur, two long ears that were similar to a rabbit's… it actually used its ears to float?! Then, around its neck, there was some sort of a dark purple cloth to its left and right—as if it was wearing a scarf! Finally, the most important part—its fluffy white fur, shaped like a leaf's!

The way it floated—this posture… it seemed like it was the type who stood with its two back paws, instead of with all of its four paws.

Uuuuu, and its voice was so soft and cute, too!

I bet it was a beautiful beast. But since its back faced me, I couldn't see what it looked like… Should I move in front of it…?


Before I could move, the newly-hatched beast moved its way to Alt-nii, and it seemed as if it was inspecting Alt-nii!


It peeked into Alt-nii's face.

Meanwhile, Alt-nii who was frozen up til now—

"How cuteeee! You finally hatched!! Finally, finally, finally!!"

--finally moved as he stretched his arms to "Eggie" and hugged it.

Ooh… it didn't seem to be scared or on guard against Alt-nii!

Could it consider Alt-nii as its parent, because Alt-nii was the first creature it saw?

"I'm Altaire, nice to meet you, Eggie!"


This time, it made a low voice. I could sense a hint of anger in its voice… Eh?

"Oh, could it be that you don't like your former name, Eggie? Well, the name certainly doesn't suit you…," Alt-nii let go of the angry "Eggie" as he put his hand on his chin, thinking of a name to replace "Eggie".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I decided to move next to Alt-nii. Finally, I could see the beast's front appearance!

It was indeed a beautiful beast! From its gentle voice, it seemed that it was a female…? Not that I know if this one was a genderless species or from a species with gender…

It actually had a dark grey inner fur on its face and stomach—and also its four paws. Its eyes were clear amethyst color, with two dots of white fur on top of its eyes… its eyebrows? Then, the outer white fur on its head that also grew on its ears made it look like its hair. And on its forehead, growing from the dark grey inner fur up to its white "hair"—two small dark purple horns were there. Oh, it also had dark purple nails on all its paws!

Overall, it was a very cute creature!

"Then, let's call you Rurune, how does that sound?" Alt-nii said as he clapped his fist on his other palm.

"Ruru!" This time, it seemed that the little familiar agreed to this name?

"Alright, Rurune, let's be friends!!" Alt-nii said as he caressed Rurune and Rurune made a happy sound…

Uguuu… Bonding so soon?

"Alt-nii, can I touch it too?"

Unable to withstand the temptation, I timidly asked.

"Sure! Ah, Rurune, this is my younger sister, Lyra!" Alt-nii introduced myself to Rurune as Rurune stared at me, as if assessing my character.

I smiled even if I felt weird being judged like this by a beast! Look at its cute eyes, so judgmental!!

"Ru!" It obeyed Alt-nii as he let go of Rurune, so I slowly approached it and extended my hand… Uh, okay, it seemed to be a little bit cautious…

After a short moment that felt like an eternity, Rurune bumped its head against my palm as it—let's just consider it as a female—as she happily growled, "Uru!"

"Y-yaayyyyyyy! Nice to meet you, Rurune!!"

I happily patted Rurune's head as my other arm hugged her gently.

"Hey, Rurune, are you a Familiar, a Summoned Beast, or just an ordinary beast?" Alt-nii suddenly bombarded Rurune with questions.

"Ruu…? Rururu??" Rurune looked back at Alt-nii with questioning eyes…

"It's no use asking her, huh?" I concluded.

"Aaaah… But I wanna know! If she is indeed a Familiar, how can I form a contract with her?" Alt-nii suddenly became impatient.

"Ruru…," Rurune said dejectedly, as if she was sad for not being able to answer Alt-nii's question. Well, even if she knew, we couldn't understand her words, so it was also useless.

"Altaire-sama, Lyra-sama, do you want some sna--…ahhh!!"

Niina suddenly barged in as she offered us snacks, as usual. Just at that time, she noticed the cracked egg shells and the floating Rurune.

"W-w-w-what is this cute creatureeeee?!!"

…And Niina's switch was flipped.

Niina quickly approached Rurune with her wagging tails and upright wolf ears, surprising Rurune. In response, Rurune hid behind Alt-nii, only popping her head to judge Niina.

"S-sorry, did I scare you?" Niina finally regained her sanity—I meant, she finally realized that this way of approach was ineffective instead, and then slowed down.

"Ruru…," Rurune suddenly growled—and at the same time… we could also hear someone's stomach growling.

"Uh… Not me!" I quickly denied it.

"Not me too!" Alt-nii shook his head.

When we both looked at Niina, she immediately denied it, too.

"Hey, don't just decide it was me! Because it wasn't me!!" She said—and then she seemed as if she figured something out.

"Ohh, could it be that you're hungry, little cute beast?" Niina asked as she slowly approached Rurune.

"Ruuu…," Rurune cast her gaze towards the floor, dejected because we found out that it was her majestic stomach that just growled.

"The name's Rurune, she hatched from Eggsie, Niina!" Alt-nii explained.

"Ooh, no wonder it was quite noisy here! I thought you two were just playing as usual," Niina said, "since Rurune just hatched, it's no wonder that she's hungry! Do you want to eat, Rurune?"

"Ruru!" Rurune looked up at Niina and nodded happily—she actually understands our words?!

"Then, I'll prepare some food for you! …what can a newly hatched beast eat, anyway?"



Thus, all of us went to the kitchen and racked our brains together with Chloe, our beloved cook. In the end, Rurune seemed to be interested in the boiled soup Chloe was making, so she ate that.

Surprisingly, Rurune already had her teeth!

She didn't seem like any newly-born beast at all!!

When Dad and Mom arrived home, we quickly told them the happy event that happened before—the birth of Rurune!