
When Dad and Mom arrived home, we quickly told them the happy event that happened before—the birth of Rurune!

No one was happier than Alt-nii. Rurune was born today—Day 27 Month 9 Year 977. Just a few days after Alt-nii's tenth birthday. He kept saying that it must be fated, or that Rurune was God's belated birthday gift for him!

And so, it became Dad and Mom's concern as to whether Rurune was indeed a [Familiar], [Summoned Beast], or just an ordinary beast.

But today ended without finding out anything about Rurune. Rurune slept in Alt-nii's room, obviously. Even if she didn't have any contract with Alt-nii, I still think that she was so attached to Alt-nii because she saw him first when she was born to this world.

After 3 days passed, one night, Mom returned home with… a vague result, at long last though!

A similar beast was recorded to be accompanying the most influential female ruler in Riviera, Her Highness Remillia. However, it was definitely not Queen Remillia's Familiar.

"Still, it can't eliminate the possibility that she might be a beast that can form contracts as [Familiar]," Mom added.

Then, adding the fact that such beasts were not recorded that often, Mom and Dad hypothesized that Rurune was an extremely rare kind of a beast.

"What about the proposed connection to [The Greatest Magician]?" I asked after remembering the fact that the egg was entrusted to Alt-nii after it was found in the First Queen's Tomb. Since Alt-nii possessed [Void] magic just like [The Greatest Magician] aka our [First Queen], the egg might react to Alt-nii's magic aura.

"Well, that's…," Mom was unsure.

"Could Rurune be related to the first queen's Familiar?" I asked again.

"No… I'm not sure of it. The Greatest Magician's Familiar was one of a kind, that we considered it as a legend now. Based on the vague descriptions of it, Rurune didn't seem to be related to her Familiar…," Mom shook her head, but she looked to be quite unsure, too.

"Hmmm… So, Rurune is a total mystery?" Alt-nii asked.

"Yes… unfortunately, we'll have to learn about her as time goes by," Mom concluded.

"Awww… I wish Rurune is a Familiar that I can form a contract with!" Alt-nii said.

"Ruuu?" Rurune tilted her head a bit—HOW CUTE!

"Haha, be patient, Alt. A man has to learn to be patient," Dad tried to cheer Alt-nii up.

"Boo… Okay…," Alt-nii was still sulky.

"But giving her a name didn't form a contract?" Mom asked again.

Oh… right!

There are various ways in forming contracts with [Familiar]. It can be formed after the master gives a name to it, or a blood contract, etc… And I heard there were two different kind of contracts: [Equal Partner Contract] and [Master-Servant Contract].

In case of [Master-Servant Contract], as the name implies, the servant has to obey their master's orders, and the master can draw out the servant's power at any time. Meanwhile, [Equal Partner Contract] will require both sides' consent.

"No… nothing happened," Alt-nii shook his head dejectedly.

"Seems like giving Rurune a name isn't the way to form a contract with her, if she is indeed a Familiar…," Mom concluded.

"T-then, should I try the blood contract?!" Alt-nii excitedly stood up.

"Blood contract is done either by giving her your blood or her giving you her blood…," Mom muttered, "in my case with Fenix, I submitted my blood to her, at a special part of her body that she usually keeps concealed…"

"Is it the [Equal Partner Contract]?" I asked.

"Obviously, she couldn't stand being someone else's subordinate, and I certainly won't let my pride get trampled, as well. Not like she wished to form a [Master-Servant Contract] and get a human servant…," Mom said.

"I-is that so?! Rurune!" Alt-nii suddenly grabbed both of Rurune's front paws, as he looked earnestly into Rurune's eyes.

"Do you have a part of your body that's usually concealed? Or anything? I will give you my blood there…," Alt-nii said.

"Alt-nii, but to draw your blood, you have to…"

Hurt yourself.

"Isn't it fine? I can heal it afterwards, right? Let's do it on my thumb, I heard it won't hurt as much if it's one's thumb!" Alt-nii was so enthusiastic in trying it out.

"Well… That's… true," Mom contemplated for a while, and then gave her consent. Perhaps since it was Alt-nii's resolute determination, she couldn't object to it.

"Then, let me cut my thumb a little using my dagger…," Alt-nii quickly took his dagger.

"Be careful, Alt."

"I know, Dad! Don't worry!"

Then, he lightly grazed the dagger's blade on his thumb—and blood quickly appeared.

"Hurry, hurry, Rurune!"


"Lick it!"

"…Ru?? Rururu??" Rurune was even more confused, so I got a hunch that this wasn't the right way…

"Please?" Alt-nii pleaded.

"Ruru…," Rurune conceded and licked Alt-nii's blood.

Nothing happened.

"T-then, let me put it on your forehead?"

"Ruruuuu!!" Rurune seemed to like cleanliness, as she growled in disagreement.

"I will clean it up afterwards, please?" Alt-nii pleaded again, and surprisingly, Rurune agreed.

…Well, Rurune didn't seem like a newly born beast—she even looked more mature than Alt-nii… Oh well, let's just keep it in my heart!

After Alt-nii smeared Rurune's forehead with his blood…

Again, nothing happened.

"Aaah, that wasn't it?!" Alt-nii asked as he was quite frustrated.

Mom quickly cast a healing magic to heal Alt-nii's wound.

"O-or it can be done with the Familiar's blood…," Alt-nii stared at Rurune who only tilted her head.

…Alt-nii? Don't tell me…

"…I can't. I don't want to hurt Rurune even if it's to try out if we can form a contract that way…," Alt-nii bitterly smiled.

Thankfully, Alt-nii said those words! I felt so relieved to know that Alt-nii was still the kind older brother I knew. He couldn't afford to hurt his new friend. It seemed like they were both quite close to each other, even if they barely knew each other.

This was already good. They could still form a kind of partnership even if Rurune was an ordinary beast. Their close bond would surely be beneficial in the long run.

"Okay then, let's clean your forehead, Rurune. I'm sorry," Alt-nii said as he put his index finger to Rurune's dirty forehead.

"Ruru…," Rurune stayed still as she stared at Alt-nii's finger on her head.

"Erase this bloodstain," Alt-nii muttered—even if it was not in Spraec incantation, I could tell that Alt-nii was using his [Void] magic to wipe away the bloodstain.

Yep, a hazy light formed at the tip of Alt-nii's index finger as the bloodstain on Rurune's forehead disappeared.

After making sure it was fully gone, Alt-nii let go of his index finger, that was still forming a hazy light that grew dimmer.


Suddenly, Rurune happily growled and… bit Alt-nii's index finger?!


"R-Rurune, that's not a food or toy…," I panicked.

"Wait, that's ticklish, haha!" Alt-nii's laughter ceased my panic. It seemed that Rurune didn't bite Alt-nii's finger, but she was only… putting it in her mouth and tasted it with her tongue?

…Okay, that still sounds so wrong.

"Could it be attracted to Altaire's [Void] magic?" Dad also switched off his panic mode, and Mom sighed in relief.

"It seems so," Mom answered.

"I see…," I patted my chest lightly, that nearly gave me a heart attack!

But suddenly…

"Eh?" Alt-nii exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Alt?" Dad asked.

"Ah?" I was surprised by Alt-nii's sudden exclaim.

"Oh my!" Mom was the first one to realize what was going on.

Suddenly, there was a distinct purple mark forming on Alt-nii's forehead and Rurune's forehead. After Rurune let go of Alt-nii's finger and happily giggled, "Rururu~!", the purple marks disappeared from their foreheads.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"Wait, could it be…?" Dad seemed to catch on what was going on.

"Yes! Altaire, did you just form a contract with it?" Mom asked.

"EEEH?!" I reflexively exclaimed in surprise.

"I… I dunno, there was a weird sensation and suddenly…," Alt-nii answered.


"Eh?" Alt-nii suddenly looked at Rurune.

"What's the matter, Nii-nii?" I asked again, still confused.

"…Errr, I can't really explain it, but I seem to… understand what Rurune was trying to say? Though it wasn't as if I explicitly heard her talking…," Alt-nii said.

"Oh, it's similar to me and Phyllo?" Dad asked back.

"Well, that's enough to be a proof that you just formed a contract!" Mom smiled complacently.

"W-what kind of contract was it?" I asked hesitatingly.

"Uh… Rurune seemed to tell me that it was [Equal Partner Contract]," Alt-nii answered.

"Ruru, ru~!" Rurune smiled again.

"Oh… oh…?" I was so dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

So, apparently, Alt-nii's [Void] magic was the key to forming a contract with Rurune…?

"Yayyyyy~! I finally have my own Familiar! Yay, yayyyy! Let's be the best team ever, Rurune!" Alt-nii happily grabbed Rurune's front paws and swung it up and down, and Rurune seemed to be doing the same thing, making it seem like they were dancing in happiness together.

Could their quick close bond be formed by their affinities to [Void] magic?

I contemplated, but there were still many mysterious things surrounding Rurune. For example, what is her power?

However, only time could tell.

And that is how my big brother got his first [Familiar], and since the bond between a Familiar and its contractor could last a long time, I sincerely hope that Rurune will be his Familiar all throughout his life.

…I wonder if I can get a Familiar in this lifetime, too?