It keeps getting better and better.... and Worser?!?

Still reeling from the excitement he had from the ring, he remembered about the gifts he got from going up a Tier and the one from the patch. He hoped sincerely that they would be something good, but then he realized. How the fuck do I access the inventory? Is it the same? He yelled 'Inventory!' and suddenly another blinding light appeared. His last words were PLEASE NO JUST FUCK OFF WITH THAT LIGHT! Ding! 'Player has become impartially blind -1 Sight.' Ding! 'Player has discovered the hidden feature of the Rusty Ring of The Phoenix: When one will is in sync with their thoughts, it can become reality. Able to negate all negative influences upon Player when the will is in sync with their thoughts! The effect is activated +1 Sight'

O_O! I FUCKIN LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! After another intense battle of praises to the ring, he looked back to see the two gifts. One was a |Beginner Starter Pack| the other was a |Stat Unlock Pack|, the beginner pack gave some random equipment and other stuff like manuals or Mortal Weapons but the stat unlock pack was something divine for him. 'Stat Unlock Pack- Allows to unlock one hidden stat on Player' He giggled like a toddler and activated it without any doubts and then came an animation of a screen scrolling through a list of talents and stopped on a single one. This is fucking from CS:GO? Isn't that copyrighted? Ding! 'Player has unlocked hidden stat: Talent! You are able to see your talent value in Stats!'

His jaw dropped. Hahahahah I heard something different, didn't I? So funny hahahhaha I thought saw that talent could be augmented. I was probably hallucinating and wasn't hearing properly due to earwax. Let me see what stat I got. He shouted 'Stats!' and then tried to evoke the hidden function of his ring. LIGHT BEGONE! That doesn't work uhm... KILL YOURSELF YOU INANIMATE PIECE OF SHIT! No response? Uh no please quickly work. STOP BLINDING ME! No, it's not working fuckFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! Then came the dreaded light and what followed was that horrifying sound. Ding! 'Player has -2 Sight and is now fully impaired' AHHH FUCK YOU YOU BLOODY SHIT! STOP FUCKING WITH ME AND RETURN MY SIGHT YOU SHIT! Ding! 'Rusty Ring of The Phoenix's hidden effect was triggered! +2 Sight'.

WHY THE FUCK IS IT HAPPENING NOW. WHY COULDN'T YOU FUCKING WORK EARLIER. The system's voice surfaced at that moment.

"Can you please like I don't knowwwww... SHUT THE FUCK UP!? I WANT SOME PEACE AND FUCKING QUIET AND YOU'RE HERE FUCKING SHIT UP! WELL FUCKIN DONE YA CUNT!" Feng Xie went mute but then instead released a barrage of insults and then well... the system stopped responding as if in deep thought. However, he realized what he's done and then started to pray to all the gods for forgiveness but why would they answer him? He tried to neglect that thought(like me neglecting FME much) and focused on the stats sheet. He ignored all that bullshit he already saw and looked just at the stat below Luck.


"18? HAHAHAHAAH THATS FUCKING SHIT AHAHAHAHAH! HOW FUCKING SHIT ARE YOU!! YOU SHOULD DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT THATS FUCKING THE LOWEST I'VE SEEN AND THE ORIGINAL WAS 20 HAHAAHAH. GIVE UP CULTIVATION MAN! GO WORK AT A BROTHEL YOU'LL BE ABLE TO BE 'RESPECTED' THERE!" The system laughed and mocked at Feng Xie. What the fuck is with this body? It's an MC body yet the talent is so fucking shit?! Wait it couldn't have been me that changed this stat could it?

The system could naturally hear that thought so it let out a snicker and replied "YES! You fucked the talent up! How fucking worthless!" Feng Xie cried tearlessly straight for an hour before cleaning his imaginary tears and opening the |Beginning Starter Pack|, it started to shake and rumble. HEY WHAT THE FUCK!? FIRST CS:GO NOW FUCKING OVERWATCH ANIMATION? HAVE SOMETHING ORIGINAL OKAY!? It burst out revealing three items. One weird floaty thing with numbers and looks like something from an RNG website, a floaty manual stack that would take him a day to read and a 5-leafed herb. He looked at the herb first and checked its stats. '5-leafed Green Willow Herb. Effects: Increases cup size by 1 if ingesting one leaf. Regrows 1 leaf every 10hours. If ingested fully causes cup size to increase by 6! Can only ingest 5 leaves'. UHM... UHMMMMMMM... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS HERB?!?!?? THIS IS SO WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS FOR ME! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS INCREASES CUP SIZE BULLSHIT!??!? YOU THINK I'LL ACCEPT THIS? NO FUCK OFF!

"Very Good! At least you don't become a flat-chested prostitute!" The system added in a comment like always as Feng Xie broke down for a few minutes then looked at his chest, A-cup. It wouldn't mind if I just take one leaf right??? He thought as his right hand stuck out about to tear one leaf but he controlled his right with his left enforcing his decision to not. He then eyed the manual, it was a |Grandmaster Refining&Blacksmithing Manual-|. WHAT!? He rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he read it again. Refining? You mean pills forging?! Blacksmithing? YOU MEAN EQUIPMENT FORGING? YES PLEASE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! He squealed in delight as he absorbed the manual and all kinds of information were transmitted to his head. Techniques, herbs, metals! All kinds of things. He then looked at the floating website thing, there were a tab and some numbers below with a button that says 'Start'. It was RNG! The tab was his stats sheet and then he received an instruction to how it could work. He had to set the tab to any desired stats and then he could press start 3 times and every time he could improve a stat by adding that number.

Can I improve my talent then!? He thought to look at the options, there was talent written as an option. He chose that and eagerly pressed the start button. Suddenly a number appeared '26', he somehow felt it easier to cultivate and breathe, he felt he could cultivate non-stop now. It's working! MOAR GIMMIE MORE TALENT!!!!!!! He pressed start again and he got '43'. So 18+26=44 and 44+43 means 87 and that means 13 away from maxing it out if I'm right? He anticipated the last one and pressed start, this time, however, was low '12'. FUCK! ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME RIGHT? THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!?!? I COULD'VE GOTTEN LESS THEN THAT BUT IT WAS JUST ONE POINT AWAY FROM 100? BULLSHIT!!!!!

If you could hear clearly, you could hear the snickering and laughing that the system is trying to hold back so hard. It then coughed and proposed a deal.

"If I were to alter your talent stat and add that last one point so then you can max it then would you eat something I'm about to give to you?" Feng Xie was shocked and squinted his eyes whatever it could be that the system is offering it's going to harm him in one way or another but he can max talent. Talent could help his cultivation. He was struggling to choose but the system broke the ice by saying. "It's a one-off only" He then took the risk and agreed while the system told him to open his mouth wide and then he absorbed something. It tasted fruity and delicious, he then waited for the system to apply the last point in talent and then. Ding! 'Player has maxed out Talent! Congratulations!' YEEEESSSS! Finally! This can now be considered a truly op MC body. Ding! 'Player has absorbed the 5-leafed herb and will experience changes to cup size when the body is 10-years-old!'


I'm just holding chapters back as a test lol. I'm loneli :( I'm deprosdd send halp