I dare you to try and nerf me! 2/2

After a brief hiatus on the trial, Feng Xie composed himself and awaited the next trial as he thought.

If this goes on then wouldn't I be way too overpowered like what the fuck? But who cares? At least I'm able to be like this, it would be wonderful if I get another bugged item. He grinned too wide that it seemed ugly, he began kicking his legs forward and backward until the voice rang out loudly.

"Trial 3: Pass through the maze of illusions. Trial Start" Suddenly, the white void around him disintegrated and what replaced them were shoddy and ancient stone bricks threatening to fall apart at anytime soon. A maze huh? He thought as he then pondered about a way to escape. Time to follow the strategy of moving with the right wall.

"Hey, brat." The system's voice appeared. Feng Xie was scared as he jumped and look behind him.

"Who's there? I dare you to come out. I have a weapon." He replied while grabbing a handful of the sand underneath him ready for it be thrown.

"Violence again? Do you really want another punishment?" The system asked in anger. Feng Xie remembered who it was, the hellspawn system. When he thought about the last time the system said if he wanted a punishment, it was that dark day where he was turned into a woman. He shivered and shook his head side to side. "That's right. Grandfather is in a good mood so he will let you off this time."

Feng Xie then took a deep breath and cursed at himself for fighting with the system. "Like I said since Grandfather is in a good mood I will then help you with this shitty and broken down maze." Feng Xie smiled widely as he gave a couple of praises while cursing with his eyes in order to make sure the system doesn't realize. Fucking Bastard. If it weren't for the rewards and benefits I could get from here, I would've ripped you apart.

The system then gave out instructions and directions as fast as possible without the fact that he had honed reactions he wouldn't be able to hear anything at all. At the same time, a wind blew away dust sitting on top of a brick revealing the words 'Exit ->' in bright, neon light. As Feng Xie followed the system, he saw numerous illusions which all made him cough blood at least once. In the first one, he was married to a strong and buff man and a few years later he gave birth to a healthy and strong child. Split Blood Counter -> TTTTTTTriple Kill! I'm not fucking gay alright? Can't you see I'm a man?! The second, he became a general and said farewell to his lover. Charging into the battle heroically, flipping it over as he fell down due to the numerous scars and gashes. Where he woke up to his lover having sex with him? Necrophilia? Both the system and Feng Xie spit blood. Split Blood Counter -> Penta Kill! The last one was truly the worst, he appeared living the life of riches like an arrogant young lady. Yet due to an unknown reason, the Feng Clan collapsed and he had to sell himself to a brothel where an enemy clan brought him as a mistress and raped him multiple times. Split Blood Counter -> AAAAAAAACE!

After spitting blood for a long time, he felt empty inside as he lost too much blood. His face was paler than before and that's saying a lot, considering how he was female and had whiter skin than others. He then looked in front of him and saw a spot that kind of looked familiar with the only difference is a brick covered in neon words saying 'Exit ->'. Hey, wasn't I there before? He thought as he widened his eyes gobsmacked.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" He yelled every insult he could at the system, hurling them in rapid fire. Of course, there were some creative ones and one more messed up... Either way, he was extremely pissed off at this system, who led him into a circle and fucked over his head. He entered the direction the brick pointing at, stomping with his face twitching a lot if this was a manga then surely you could see that smoke coming out of his head. He then saw the bright light in his direction. Ding! 'You have become partially blinded! -1 Sight.' GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! WHY DO YOU GUYS WANT TO KEEP MAKING ME BLINDER THEN BEFORE!

Just like that, he maniacally sprinted across the tunnel until finding the familiar white void that he found somewhat pleasanter than the previous setting. Suddenly, the ancient voice rang once again.

"Trial 3: Completed! Rating: Perfection! Granting final reward" Final reward? That's going to be something good 100% sure. I mean it can't lose out with the two rewards I got from the last two trials, it'll be better then both of them combined. He thought with anticipation in his eyes until suddenly a phoenix appeared in front of him.

"WHAT THE FUCK? HOW THAT APPEARED?!? WHA?" He yelled as the Phoenix suddenly flew at him, leaving blazing flames in its wake. "SHIT ITS COMING HERE!" He tried to run away but there was a seal imposed on him leaving him incapable of movement. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!" He screamed trying to break through the seal, however, a few moments later the Phoenix charged right through him and absorbed him into its body. Then began the agony as information was transmitted again and again into his forehead. "GAAAAAAAH! IT HURTS EVEN MORE THEN THE FLAMES! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" He cried out as a red flame branded itself in between the small breasts and just like that he passed away twitching and frothing. Mere nanoseconds later, the agony stopped as he was covered in a white light and his consciousness was brought back into real life. Ding! 'Player has received the Inheritance Of The Phoenix- Hidden Legacy'

A day later...

*Pant Pant Huff Puff* Feng Xie woke up with his eyes still fearing the last few moments before he passed out, he felt it stare. Stare deep inside him revealing his secrets. Staring deep into his eyes, sucking his soul away. He shook his head as he looked around, it was his room. He heard a buzz in his head earlier so he shouted 'stats' mentally and quickly covered his eyes to avoid that blinding light that appears every time stats are shown.

Name: Feng Xie

Gender: Female 'System Comment: You're not going to escape it like ever'

HP: 800/800

QI: 0/200

Level: QI Cultivation/Condenser Stage 1 0/2000

Attack: 78+30

Defense: 43

Intelligence: 28+10 'System Comment: Worthy of a virgin'

Agility: 48'System Comment: Too bad that extra agility stuff doesn't apply here'

Endurance: 100 'System Comment: I'm still worried about this.'

Luck: 9 'System Comment: Don't be smug for now hehehe'


Archmage- +10 Intelligence +10 QI Capacity 'System Comment: Same with here. Never forgotten'

Blood of The Phoenix- +100 HP +30 QI Capacity +Supreme Affinity with Fire +10 Attack'System Comment: Fucking bullshit I tell you!'

Inheritor of the Phoenix- Natural suppression to all flames. +200HP +60 QI Capacity + 20 Attack

Flame Empress: You can control all flames and none will harm you but instead act against the caster. Grants Godly Comprehension to Flame Techniques.

Phoenix Nirvana: Once every 3 realms of cultivation, experience a Nirvana which will improve one random stats except for luck.'

Demoness: 10% Chance to apply Absolute Charm on enemy. All resistances are nullified when it is applied.


Phoenix Jade Pendant. Effects: Doubles Affinity Rate with Fire. Doubles Cultivation speed with Fire! Triples if the bearer is a descendant of the Phoenix!

Legacy: Inheritance of the Phoenix. Burn through the sky and leap through the ashes. Show the world the beginning of the Phoenix!

Overall Comment: Fine I'll recognize you. You are now the weakest bug of the bugs who are also known as humans

Quite Good? I think? He thought pondering about the stats until the system interrupted it.

"Grandson, the GMs have decided to patch your stats and titles due to overpoweredness."

"WHAT?!" He stammered. "Fuck off I like this!" The system only scoffed and replied.

"Well too bad. Applying patch now."

"NOOOOOOOOO-" Feng Xie was cut short by the ding. Ding! 'Player has been reimbursed with an advanced lottery ticket due to patch! You can only control flames around your level, flames will not backfire with Flame Empress title and Reduce double cultivation speed to improves by half and triple to double in Phoenix Jade Pendant. Also reduces luck by 1 but the player is given another random gift.' Such a heavy patch for one person. He thought as he then focused on the lottery ticket, he then saw a small red circle bumping up and down with the number 1 written on it. He tried to use his hands as a mouse and it worked since a cursor appeared. He clicked on it by clenching his fist and a lottery wheel was found. It contained loads of unique items as he drooled at some of them. Isn't that the Mythical Parasol Tree seed from TSS? That's the sword from SAO. Ewwww. What!? That's the Meteorite Tear from ST! He then saw that they were inside the advanced lottery so he, without any thoughts beforehand, decided to spin the lottery.

"Come on! Come on! Stop on the Meteorite Tear!" He said excitedly while the system said something else.

"Come on! Come on! Stop on that rusty ass looking ring right there!" As though luck would have it, it stopped on that ring.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU FUCKING CHEATER!" Feng Xie complained as he was just so close to the Meteorite Tear! However, he changed his gloomy mood to happy as he checked the ring.

Rusty Ring of the Phoenix - Effect: +2Luck and +2 wisdom.

"....." The system didn't retort and was dismayed by this. On the other hand, Feng Xie was overjoyed.


Grammarly-san is my editor and a robot... Im loneli.