Jem gave me a knowing smile. " what I like to say but I still have things to do so I have no time telling a story."
My face sunk as well as my mother.
"Jem jem, you just got here." My mother said while pouting.
Jem smile sadly. "I'd loved to stay but my daughter's baby had a fever last night so I can't stay, but I have a present to give you, Gev."
"Hmm? What is it?" I raised my one eye brow. Ever since Jem visits here she always had a present for me. It must be the reason why I always remember her even though she rarely came.
She opened her unbranded bag and brings out a small blue notebook. I don't know what's happening but my chest started pumping rapidly. I frowned. What's happening? This is my first time having this kind of feeling. Am I sick?
"Are you okay, Gev?" asked my Mom. She must see me holding onto my chest.
I shook my head. "No, I'm alright." I said but my sweat is starting to fall in my forehead. I turned myself to Jem and smiled. "Is that a notebook?"
She smiled like she was reminiscing. "Yes. This is my great-grand mother's treasure."
I was surprise. Why is she willing to give this notebook to me when it is her great-grand mother's treasure? I became unsure if I'm going to accept this present.
"Is it okay for me to have that notebook, Jem?" I asked.
"Yes. My great-grand mother said that this notebook is from her best friend. And if I found someone who has the same principle as her then this notebook will be his/her." she explained. She handed me the notebook but I saw my hand was shaking.
"Gev, are you really okay?" my mom asked worriedly.
I smiled gently at her while I took the notebook in Jem's hand. "I'm okay, Mom. Maybe I'm just tired."
"Then you should take some rest!" mom exclaimed. "You should've said that sooner. I'm so worried that you'll over work yourself."
I just sigh. I'm not really that over work but I also don't know why I'm feeling this way. I must be over thinking. Maybe Mom is right. Maybe I'm just tired. "Thank you, Jem for this gift. I will read this tomorrow."
Jem also looked at me worriedly. "Take your time reading it and resting."
"I will." I said and went up to my room.
'Today is a weird day.' he thought.
I looked at the notebook.
This book is really weird.
I clutched my chest. "I must be very tired." I whispered and started falling asleep.