
Three days had passed and everything was doing great. Danna and Kevin are also doing great. Kevin's family finally accepted Danna and this made Kevin and his grandmother very happy. However, Grandma Wang was still not happy with Kevin's parents. She's still avoiding them but they just thought that her anger will heal over time and they're not that anxious about it.

Everything was going great.

Except right now!

"And…?" Gev restrained himself from twitching his eyebrow. "...why am I going to go to the market with you?"

"Do you think I like going to the market with you?" Kaxs retorted while rolling her eyes. She started walking ahead of Gev.

Why is this even happening?

A while ago…

"Oh no, today is Saturday and we're out of stock. What should I do!?" Micah started walking back and forth and she said, "I know! Gev and Kaxs! You guys should buy the ingredients in the market before the coffee shop opens!"

"But…" Kaxs was about to complain but Micah gave her a scary face. After that, both Gev and Kaxs went out the door with no place to complain.

That was the gist of it.

"You're so slow." Kaxs complained to him. He also started walking ahead of her. Kaxs glared at him and passed him. They're doing it over and over again until they finally reached the market.

They went inside and started looking for the ingredients they need. Kaxs was looking at the list while Gev was holding the ingredients and dumping it in the cart. They're doing it peacefully when a lady eyed them and said to her friend, "Hey, aren't they cute! They're shopping together. They must be in true love!"

The lady's friend also looked at them and started squealing like a high school girl. "They are also sweet! I will definitely drag my boyfriend to the market sometimes."

Gev and Kaxs cleary heard it and they both snorted.

"Who wants to be this little cat's true love?" Gev whispered but Kaxs had a great sense of hearing so she heard him. Kaxs kicked Gev's leg. "Ouch! That hurts!"

"Hmm? Who are you?" Kaxs said as she went to the counter.

Gev looked at her, confused. "Hey! What do you mean by that!?"

Kaxs ignored him. Gev continuously tried to talk to her but Kaxs ignored him like he was air. The lady looked at them again and started squealing. "They must be fighting! The guy is so cute trying his best to make her look at him again!"

"They are really in love. How sweet." The lady's friend commented. "I'm jealous!"