
The day ended without much suspense after Barhan knew that Lily also walked on the road of jianghu, he revealed Khan's true condition and confessed about how Khan recovered so easily.

Barhan then gave Khan a purple atm card containing ten million of which Khan handed over to Lily for he doesn't know how to use it. When the two arrived back at the mansion, it was already dawn, although martial artists like them, don't really need sleep, they could still feel the fatigue.

Morning came and when Khan came out of his room, he found the Lily who was supposed to be cooking, seating on the couch in the living room, before her, were several books stacked together. She wore loose clothes which gave her body a breather, and a pair of glasses, her aquamarine hair in a top knot bun which enhanced the contour of her graceful visage.

Khan stood there, dumbfounded for a while, although he had seen countless beauties in his entire life, seeing a beauty when it was unexpected can still startle those who saw.

Lily noticed the gaze, turned her head, she gave a sweet smile and spoke.

"Good morning."

Khan didn't know why, but he felt that the smile that he saw before him, was something precious.

Khan calmed his mind, he returned a slight smile and said.

"Good morning, what's for breakfast?" Khan moved, sat on the couch at the other side, upon seeing the steaming hot steamed buns, Khan felt excited, he immediately grabbed a bun and ate without minding his manners.

Lily gave a small laugh when she saw the Khan who ate in a quite vulgar manner, however, she didn't mind, she also ate a bun albeit with a more refined manner.

After drowning their meals with soy milk, Khan opened up a topic and spoke.

"Hmm? What are these books for?" Khan picked up a book and read the title.

"University of Modern Magic's General Mathematics?" Khan murmured.

"Ah!" Lily suddenly shouted, startling Khan.

"What's wrong?" Khan frowned before asking.

"I forgot to tell you that there's an Entrance Examination on Monday!" Lily's tone became grave as she spoke.

"Entrance Examination? So that's the reason why you're reading this material..." Khan nodded, placed the book on the table.

"Then? What should I do?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? You need to study, of course!" Lily asked with a frown, apparently displeased by Khan's tone.

Khan didn't reply, he merely nodded and opened the book.

'What the hell is this...?'

Khan's eyes widened in shock, even with the knowledge he obtained from the Great Library didn't contain any mentions about the contents of the book.

'If 3x−y=12, what is the value of 8x/2y? Explain your answers.'

'To write a certain phenomenon, one must cover, which areas in Rune Creation?'

The question stumbled Khan as he stood there with a blank look. Lily noticed Khan's expression and couldn't help but feel curious.

"Hey... Don't tell me..." Lily cheekily smiled.

Khan snorted, brought the book with him and went back to his room.

"Hey, I'm still studying!" Khan slammed the door shut, ignoring the cries of Lily on the other side, he opened the book and thoroughly looked at it.

An hour passed...

Two hours...

Three hours...

A bedraggled Khan could be seen inside the room, his head ruffled that it looked like a birdnest, his countenance pale and bags could be seen under his eyes, evident that he had just gone a huge mental stress.

The formulas inside the book completely destroyed Khan's perception about arithmetics, back at the time where he stood at the apex, he never bothered learning arithmetics for there were people who would do the calculations for him.

But now, Khan regretted his decision, for he had discovered the greatness of math. With logical reasoning and enough mathematical ability, he found that almost anyone could calculate anything, even the trajectory of celestial bodies.

This discovery startled Khan and at the same time, made him excited. He didn't hesitate to spend the recent several hours to learn even at least a fourth of the materials in the book.

And the result was complete defeat.

Khan's knowledge didn't cover the recently invented formulas and thus he almost immediately struck a bottleneck after persisting for several hours, Khan finally gave up and could only ask Lily for help.

"So that's the reason why your face looks like a ghost? Hmmph, you really overestimate yourself, and also, did you live in a cave or something? I can't believe that you don't even know the theory of phenomenon rewriting." Lily shook her head in disappointment, Khan only stood there with a sour look on his face, although he wanted to retort, he was unable to do anything since Lily had only stated the fact.

"So you wanted me to teach you?" Lily's tone became bold, she purposely lengthened her intonation in the end and lifted her head up, her gaze looking down to Khan.

Khan felt helpless towards Lily's antics, although he didn't really want anyone to teach him, without initial knowledge of the basics, he will not be able to move forward.

"Yeah, I want you to teach me..." Khan turned his head to the side, causing Lily to became even more cheeky, she poked Khan's face and spoke.

"Hmm... What did you say? I can't hear you..." Lily whispered ambiguously towards Khan's right ear. Khan felt the warm heat from Lily's mouth and couldn't help but shiver.

"Cough... Cough..."

Hearing the cough, the two startled and turned their gaze towards the source, only to find an olden man smiling at the two. The Elder said in a tone with hidden intentions.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt, I didn't see anything so you can continue." He then disappeared in a flash, as if he didn't arrive in the first place.

"Ermmm..." Lily who still leaned on Khan's body furiously blushed, she raised her hand and slammed towards Khan.

Elder Gabica who snickered as he went away shivered when he heard the miserable shriek. He immediately sprinted towards his room, placed a do not disturb sign and sealed his room.

Back at the living room Khan and Lily seated opposite to each other, the former held a pen on his right hand while listening intently to the latter.

"So at this part, you use this formula then solve it using FOIL method."

Khan nodded, his eyes sparkling with the thirst for more knowledge, he immediately scribbled down and almost exclaimed in excitement when he solved the problem.

Seeing the Khan who always moved mysteriously, acting like a kid before her, Lily couldn't help but sweetly laughed.

"Hmm? Why are you laughing? Did I do something funny?" Khan confusedly asked, Lily, glanced at him, and seeing his confused face, she laughed once more.

The two continued their study sessions until night came where Lily excused herself to buy something for dinner. Khan returned to his room, his eyes shone with a light-filled with enlightenment.

He had learned almost everything that the study materials contained, however, to truly integrate everything he had learned, he knew that he needed to practice.

And so, Khan went to a nearby desk beside his bed and scribbled down. However, in the next instant, his eyes widened, followed by his palm smacking towards his face.

"What the hell?!" Khan's scream was loud enough that it could possibly be heard for several blocks away if the soundproof walls didn't exist.

"I actually forgot to ask the Sect Master about the herbs!" Khan smacked his own face again as he contemplated the meaning of his life. 'Just what the hell I've been doing these past days...'

However, it didn't take long for him to recover, now that he had a paper to work on, Khan's eyes shone with anticipation. He held his pen in a weird grip. His hand flew across the paper on the notebook.

In each second that passes, a small part of something could be seen, after several seconds, Khan sighed and looked closely at the herb that he had drawn.

Thanks to modern technology, Khan didn't need to find any specific color to use since the ink in his pen could change color depending on what he wants.

Khan spread the notebook and there drawn on the paper was a flower that anyone in the modern world could recognize. It was surprisingly, a sunflower, however, instead of it being yellow, it had a crimson shade on its body and its petal was blue.

Khan wrote the name of the herb below it.

'Crimson Moonflower.'

Khan repeated this process and drew several pictures of medicinal herbs that he needed to concoct the medicinal that could heal his Withered Dantian. The Second Chance Pill!

Khan then asked the Elder about the pill and was disappointed to find out that they have never heard of it at all, and Khan was puzzled about why they kept referring to the Moonflower as a sunflower.

Towards this strangeness, Khan shrugged, didn't bother about it anymore and walked back to his room.

'Wait... I could ask Barhan since he's also a cultivator.' Upon having this idea, Khan immediately asked Lily to contact Barhan, Witnessing the desperate, yet excited tone of Khan, Lily couldn't reject him and so she complied.

Barhan's chiseled face could be seen floating on the hologram image.

"Oh, Khan, what's the matter?" Barhan smiled and waved his hand.

"Do you have any information about this herbs?" Khan moved the pictures before the hologram.

Barhan pondered for a while, he looked towards the name and frowned.

"Crimson Moonflower? Is that the same flower as the flower that only blooms in full moon? Its petal gives off a crimson light in the morning and gives off a blue light on the night?" Barhan said, prompting Khan to continuously nod his head.

"Hmm, I know something about that flower, but that is not called a Crimson Moonflower, it's called the Yin Blooming Flower."

"I don't care about the name, just tell me where I can find it," Khan spoke, his tone increased Barhan's confusion even more.

Khan then showed him the pictures of the other herbs, and Barhan knew something about them just that its name was different from what Khan knew.

"Okay then, I'll meet you tomorrow at the casino." Khan nodded and stopped the call.

"Hey, are you sure that you're gonna attend that auction? Although he gave you several million I don't think that's enough to contend at such a high-level place." Lily spoke worriedly, Khan nodded, reassured her before he returned to his room while taking his dinner with him. He told the two that he would be studying in his room.

Khan arrived in his room, he placed the drawings and the dinner on the desk and sat on the bed cross-legged.

He urged his consciousness to dive into his memory banks, searching every cultivation methods that he had learned back at the time. There he found several Divine Emperor Cultivation methods, but he also found that it was unsuitable to be cultivated in the current world, for almost all of them focused on walking the way of slaughter.

Khan continued his mental dive, he then remembered a cultivation method that a monk had given him.

'Extreme Yang Method: cut off the meat to increase the heat and reach the peak!' Khan almost coughed a mouthful of blood as he read the cultivation description, back at the time, he didn't really pay much attention to cultivation methods for he already had reached the apex, but now, he noticed that almost every cultivation method he has, had something to do with sex and murder.

Of course, these methods didn't originate from him, but from those people whom he had killed.

'What the hell should I cultivate?' If this was at the ancient times, Khan would immediately choose his previous cultivation method, the Asura Slaughter Path, but now that he lived in a weird world that sanctioned anyone that killed, Khan decided to choose a much milder cultivation method.

Khan cut off his connection to his mental world and decided to call it a day.

At the other room inside the mansion, an olden figure could be seen seating on a chair, on the opposite side was the figure of a young maiden with aquamarine hair, the young maiden had a pained look on her face as she sat there.

Elder Gabica's hand laid on Lily's wrist as a stream of Qi flew towards the latter's body. When it entered her body, the pained look on her face diminished. However, the elder's face became even paler, and his head became even more barren.

"Grandpa, you don't need to this, I can still endure..." Lily groaned in pain while she spoke.

"Don't worry about Grandpa, I can feel that I don't have enough time anymore, I better just ease my granddaughter's pain." The Elder gave a gentle smile, Lily's eyes reddened, however, she couldn't do anything.

Lily was born with a peculiar constitution that would cause her great pain whenever the full moon would arrive, particularly the area just below her belly button.

At first, she just thought of it as normal cramps that a girl would experience every night, but when she joined the Divine Pills Sect and cultivated, she noticed that her body would emit a unique frost Qi which damaged her body from the inside.

Everytime the full moon comes, her body would be wracked in extreme pain, it was only thanks to her grandfather's formidable Qi that she could barely endure. If not for her grandfather, she would not live up to this long.

However, she also noticed that each time her grandfather treated her, the frost Qi from her body would travel towards her grandfather. She knew that even now, her grandfather endured a great amount of pain, yet he could still gently smile towards her.

She didn't notice when, but tears fell from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks, eventually staining the ground, the atmosphere became bleak. Lily uttered a wish that no one else but her grandfather could hear.

A wish filled with hope interlaced with despair...

"Someone... Save me..."