
In the middle of the dawn, Khan's eyes snapped open, his body felt a tangible shiver that enveloped the entire room. He scanned the entire room, his muscles clenched, ready to explode with force.

His soul energy scoured the room, after finding nothing, Khan stood up, his footsteps as silent as a veteran assassin. The door didn't even emanate a sound as Khan opened it with ease.

Khan frowned, apparently, the source of the qi that he felt came from Lily's room. Although he felt panicked, his experiences enabled him to calm his nerves and carefully approach Lily's room.

His soul force scanned Lily's room, his eyebrows locked together, he only found two familiar auras inside the room, one had an ancient feel into it while the other had an extremely strong surging power.

Before Khan could approach the room, a huge burst of power exploded, sending him backward, thankfully, he reacted in time and was able to defend himself from direct impact.

"Khan!" Elder Gabica's worried voice sounded from the room. Khan groaned, rubbed his pained shoulders and stood up. But the sight inside the room made him stop in his tracks.

Inside the room, the once luxuriously designed walls were filled with stalactites. The room itself emanated a huge amount of frost Qi enough for a bystander to think that the room was a ten thousand years old ice cave.

On the frozen bed, a familiar figure laid, she painfully groaned and could barely open her eyes to stare at Khan.

"Khaann..." She tried her utmost to speak this word, but because of the energy that she spent to speak Khan's name, the frost Qi from the inside of his body erupted with an even more might.

Khan and Elder Gabica flew backward denting the wall with their silhouette. Elder Gabica recovered almost immediately and leaped back towards the room.

"Now that it comes to this... I don't have any choice." Khan could feel the despair within the olden man's tone, however, hidden within his eyes were contrasting feelings of relief and gratefulness that Khan couldn't comprehend.

"Guah!" Elder Gabica bit the tip of his tongue and spat a mouthful of eerily shining blood. Khan's face became serious, for the blood that Elder Gabica spat was extremely essential to a martial artist.

"Muskan! What are you doing?! Are you insane?!" Khan angrily shouted, however, Elder Gabica replied with a mocking laugh.

"You wouldn't understand... A Paradyne like you wouldn't understand." Elder Gabica formed several seals with his two hands, and as if a plug was removed, a huge amount of Qi originating from the olden man's body, exploded with a might that could drown the heavens.

From the Peak of the Organ Tempering Realm, Peak of the Spirit Tempering Realm, Peak of the Divine Soul Realm, and finally, Divine Ascendance Realm!

The power that came from Elder Gabica formed a vortex inside the room, Khan felt his body going weak. Although his body was tempered, without the support of his Dantian he was unable to draw its true power.

Khan felt like a boat in the middle of a storm in the sea. His face pale and his knees trembling to the sudden might. However, he didn't expect that within the next seconds, Elder Gabica would compress his entire cultivation and turn into a stream of gentle Qi of which he sent towards his granddaughter, finally, he also sent his own blood essence towards his granddaughter.

"!" Khan, of course, knew what he was doing. He was sacrificing his own cultivation base to support Lily's body in suppressing the rampaging frost Qi.

The might that once covered the room dissipated in an instant, and Elder Gabica's figure collapsed, his countenance looked even more shriveled than before.

Upon seeing this, Khan bit the tip of his tongue and regained his clarity. He took a deep breath and sent his entire soul energy into a memory dive. He arrived inside his sea of memories and scanned through it, looking for a solution to the current problem.

Khan spat a mouthful of blood, the backlash of his forcefully using his entire consciousness to search through his injured soul took a huge toll on his body as he kneeled down.

He looked at the groaning figure on the bed. Thanks to Elder Gabica's sacrifice, the rampaging of the frost Qi seems to be much weaker than before, enough for Khan to approach Lily and grab a hold of her wrist.

Inspecting her wrist, Khan felt a huge amount of power coursing through his body from Lily's body.

'Th-This constitution...' Khan moved his hand to Lily's right wrist and found that it was unbearably hot, the right side of Lily's body felt hot while the other side felt cold, this could only mean one thing.

'Extreme Yin and Yang Constitution!' Khan's face became filled with seriousness, this was the first time that he felt solemn ever since the last fight he had with heaven's tribulation.

Khan decided in an instant, he once again spat a mouthful of blood, his body shivered thanks to the unbearable pain. However, he refused to utter a groan.

He willed and a golden ball the size of a ping-pong ball materialized above his palm, of which he gently pressed on Lily's forehead.

The golden ball sunk into Lily's forehead like a rock dropped in the sea. However, in the next instant, horror-filled Khan's eyes as he felt a majestic roar that could shake the entire cosmos.

The golden ball, which was a part of his soul flew in the air. It stood there as if waiting for something to come out. A screeching sound echoed, followed by a huge aquamarine figure flying out from Lily's forehead.

Lily's pained look became blank as if she lost her soul.

'Th-this is Lily's soul?!'

Khan blankly stared, in his entire lifetime, it was the first time that he saw a human having a dragon for as her soul. Evidently, Lily was abnormal, and something that could not be measured by common sense alone.

The aquamarine dragon roared towards the golden ball. The golden ball replied as it transformed into a familiar figure. It was the middle-aged Khan, wielding a golden sword on his right hand.

Khan's soul didn't speak a word, he just floated there silently, as if waiting for the aquamarine dragon's response.

"Hoooh, a soul of a Divine Emperor? How unexpected to meet such an esteemed master in a place barren of Spiritual Qi." The aquamarine dragon spoke in Lily's voice, albeit in a more distant and cold one.

"I had thought that the dragon race was noble, pure and loved peace the most, but to think that you would initiate such a cruel punishment to such a young woman." The middle-aged Khan coldly said.

"Heeh, since you're a Divine Emperor powerhouse, you should know about the Dragon Race's bloodline inheritance, right?" The aquamarine dragon spoke, her tone as distant as ever.

"Yeah, according to what I remember, as a member of a certain dragon race, your constitution should be directly related to what your race represent... " The middle-aged Khan felt shaken, his figure startled and the hand he used to grip the sword clenched with an even more force.

"Wait... Are you telling me that..."

"Yeah, this young girl possesses the Extreme Yin and Yang Constitution, and annoyingly, the Yang in her body is becoming more dominant, so I had no choice but to exert my own influence so that her Yin wouldn't be dominated." The aquamarine dragon sighed, her sigh contained deep, complicated emotions.

"If that is so, then this girl's true identity is..."

"Yeah, she's the current princess of the Nature Dragon Race."

Even though he still deduced so, Khan still felt incredulous, to think that such a high ranking member of the most powerful race was right by my side, and I didn't even notice it...

The middle-aged Khan merely nodded. "I know, but that is not the reason."

The aquamarine dragon gave a blank look, prompting the middle-aged Khan to continue.

"I want to know the reason why the current princess of the noblest race became an Outer Disciple of a rundown sect and living so miserably... That's what I wanted to know." Khan looked at the middle-aged him and sighed.

'He's really me, so domineering.'

The aquamarine dragon gave a helpless sigh before speaking.

"As a person who reached the peak among the humans, you do know that the Extreme Yin and Yang Constitution has little to no cure, right?"

"Of course," Khan replied immediately.

"The best of our medical researchers have found that the only way for Lily to live was to have a man absorb the Yang from her body... and that of course means..." The aquamarine figure didn't continue, but judging from the grim look of the middle-aged man Khan, the dragon knew that Khan understood what she meant, and continued.

"She was betrothed to the Lion Race's most outstanding heir, the son of Haem Patrigio, and of course she was unwilling, and we were unwilling, how could we let our princess marry a person that she didn't love?"

"However, we were truly helpless... Since Patrigio's son was the only person who had the highest amount of Yang capacity, we didn't have a choice but to betroth the two."

The Lion Race agreed without any hesitation, to dual cultivate with a woman that has the Extreme Yin and Yang Constitution, and a virgin one at that, one could imagine the benefits that they would attain.

"At the day of the marriage, Lily left along his grandfather who was also opposed to the marriage, they merely left a letter expressing their grievances before coming in here."

"The two had considerable wealth when they arrived here. Because of this, they were targeted by the Paradyne family. There was even a time where the Paradyne family sent a middle stage Divine Ascendance Realm powerhouse just to acquire the treasures that Elder Gabica had."

"Knowing that he has no choice but to comply, Elder Gabica hurriedly gave his entire wealth to the Paradyne family while asking them to let them off. However, the current young master of the Paradyne Family noticed Lily's beauty and fell in love with her."

"They pretended to leave and just when Elder Gabica thought it was safe, the group attacked, and at the end, Lily was nearly raped by the young master and Elder Gabica had to sacrifice a stage of his cultivation to save her."

"After the Paradyne family received the news, they immediately placed the two into the wanted list. Because of this, they became hermits, not even daring to enter a rural village and just lived in the forest."

"But one day, they found an injured old man, and as thanks, the old man offered them a safe haven, and that is the Divine Pills Sect."

"But because they didn't have any stable connection with any of the elders, they were constantly demoted until they reached the bottommost part, the old man forgot about the two and they were left, destitute. But at least, they had a place that they could call home at that time. From what I could remember, all that happened was already five years in the past." The aquamarine dragon ended her dialogue, she sighed, her gaze, as she looked at Khan, became filled with complicated emotions.

At that time, she had seen the moment where the Sect Master of the Divine Pills Sect had called him as an Ancestor, she truly didn't understand the human called Khan.

With one more glance, the aquamarine dragon flew back towards Lily's body, and Lily's eyes returned its clarity once more.

"Eh? Khan? Why are you here?" Lily muttered in a soft, exhausted voice. Khan's body couldn't help but tremble upon hearing Lily's voice.

"Don't worry, I will help you, towards a benefactor, I Khan Paradyne wouldn't hesitate to repay half of my life," Khan spoke in a serious, yet gentle tone.

The middle-aged Khan nodded in approval before it returned to a golden ball. Lily's eyes became filled with tears, she glanced at her fallen grandfather and when she noticed the shriveled look of the Elder, her tears started to fall down.

"Why didn't you... Why didn't you come faster... Why didn't you come faster in my life?" Lily's tone revealed the helplessness and despair that she endured.

Khan gave a small smile, murmured his reply towards the air.

'Perhaps, the reason why I came into being was to help you...Maybe I owed you too much from my previous life...' Khan cheekily smiled and hugged the fragile maiden, laying her unto his arms.

He glanced at her and memories of the time he spent with her flooded his mind. Seeing her laugh, seeing her becoming angry over small things, and seeing her happily cooking in the small kitchen of hers enveloped Khan's heart with a deep sense of longing.

He took a deep breath, and swore with his heart.

'I promise, I will save you!' Khan uttered, bit the tip of his tongue as a brilliant sun exploded from Khan's body. The golden sun floated from Khan's forehead towards the air.

"Khan..." Lily noticed the commotion but was unable to open her eyes due to the blinding brilliance.

The golden sun turned into a life-size middle-aged Khan. The middle-aged Khan nodded his head and flew towards Lily's forehead. Along with his disappearance, the golden sun lost its brilliance and dissipated into nothingness.

"Khan... Wh-what just happened?" Lily murmured worriedly, she had felt the huge amount of power that came from the golden sun, a power comparable to the power she felt from her father.

Khan merely smiled as he tapped on Lily's acupuncture to dissipate her consciousness.

The sudden intrusion of Khan disturbed the aquamarine dragon as it came out in a hurry.

"Y-Y-you... What are you..." The aquamarine dragon couldn't help but tremble with fear upon noticing the feat that Khan was about to do.

"If you do that, you will have to pay for your life!" The aquamarine dragon hysterically shouted and warned.

"I know, that If I do this, my life will belong to her..." Khan gave a small gentle smile as he spoke.

"Th-then... Why are you doing this for a person that you barely know of?" The aquamarine dragon confusedly asked.

"That's because, from the time that she became my benefactor, my life had already belonged to her... Right, this must be it... This peculiar feeling of satisfaction, yes... This must be love..." Khan murmured in the air, his tone carefree as if everything that happened didn't disturb him at all.

'How foolish, to think that I, a person who slaughtered millions of people with my own hands, would think of protecting someone...' Khan couldn't help but give a wry smile as he mocked himself.

He nodded towards the middle-aged Khan. Before the latter flew towards Lily's body and melted her clothes off along with Khan.

The aquamarine dragon could only float there, dumbfounded, although deep inside she felt happy that Lily finally found a man worthy of her love, she still conflicted inside for she understood the true nature of the youth before her.

From the fight that he had with the Sect Master, the youth was someone who was calculating, and bloodthirsty, a person whom a young woman couldn't possibly have a good ending with.

In the end, the aquamarine dragon could only sigh in helplessness. Perhaps, this was fate...

Khan's clothes had already disappeared, revealing the robustness of his physique, his gaze turned towards Lily's body and found that everything that she had, contributed to her beauty.

The curvaceous figure that was normally hidden thanks to her choice of clothes was unveiled without restraint to Khan's eyes. But instead of feeling lustful, Khan only felt a sense of loss.

The somewhat small yet ample mounds and the pinkish tips that decorated it was enough to send any man into the highway to hell. But even so, Khan only felt sorry for the young woman, for he acted with his own selfishness, his own selfishness to save her and conquer her for himself.

Khan wrapped her hands around Lily's figure and sunk his head towards her neck. The middle-aged Khan immediately went to work as he poured the entire brilliance of his cultivation towards the two.

The aquamarine dragon also channeled her entire cultivation towards the two, and a faint figure of Yin and Yang perfectly blending together could be seen.

The sun rose in the skies as the moon started to hide its brilliance, the room that once had a storm inside it, looked as serene as a lake. Only the ruffled bed, where the two figures had pressed each other contrasted to the peacefulness of the room.