Continent of Pride[11]

Of all the Divine Beasts scattered in the entire universe, one of the strongest of them all was the Nature Dragon, possessing a physique that boasts a restorative capability that any injuries that it would sustain, could be instantly healed.

Thanks to their affinity with nature, their bodies contained a gargantuan amount of life force that the other races envied, and their lifespan, long enough, that they could witness the rise and demise of empires.

And so, they expected that Khan wouldn't be able to endure, much less defeat the patriarch. But the scene revealed before their eyes, betrayed all of their expectations.

The once mighty patriarch of the Divine Dragon Sect slumped on the ground, his eyes rolled backward and his consciousness temporarily erased from his body.

In contrast, the youth didn't even have a trace of sweat on his body, he just stood there, as if he didn't punch a Divine Beast, but a training dummy, instead.

the Sect Master looked the most incredulous of them all, for he absolutely knew about the patriarch's true power and had even struggled when fighting against him, but against this brat, he wasn't even able to take a single strike and fell like he died.

Towards their expressions, Khan gave a small smile and explained, "Of all the creatures created by the heavens, all of them contained their own might, and weaknesses, even a Divine Beast like father-in-law isn't exempted, I just jabbed on that weakness and as you can see, he's sleeping, really good." He even leaked a slight smile, causing the Sect Master to facepalm as he thought.

'Thankfully, this old bastard is asleep or else he would be coughing blood, nonstop...' Although he thought of this, he slightly rejoiced in his heart towards his brother's misfortune.

Several hours later, inside a lavishly decorated room, the patriarch of the Divine Dragon Sect's eyes slowly opened, his blurry eyes recovered and the first scene he saw was Lily's worried expression.

'Damn, that kid, he actually punched me on my funny scale!' He revealed a reassuring smile while silently cursing Khan in his mind.

The funny scale that he was talking about could be compared to the human race's funny bone where a single stab in the right angler accompanied with the right force could forcibly incapacitate anyone.

But under normal circumstances, he would cover his funny scale in under several wraps of Qi, but in that fight, earlier, he became complacent, removed most of his defenses and even let Khan take the first attack, resulting in his current situation.

He sighed, but there was no medicine for regret in this world, thus he could only ask Lily to call the brat over.

Khan walked into the room, rubbing his nose in awkwardness, for he understood that he really went overboard back then, not letting the patriarch attack, one could feel his indignance and lost of face towards the matter.

The patriarch's face reddened in anger, 'You can still feel embarrassed?!' He almost wanted to scold but when he noticed the Sect Master's smirking face behind the youth, he swallowed all of his words.

"Now that my disciple won the bet, I suppose that he's suitable to be Lily's husband, right?" the Sect Master said, he couldn't contain himself from smiling, especially when he saw his brother's irritated expression.

"Yeah, I admit, your disciple really is capable, but I won't have her marry my daughter that easily!"

Towards this attitude of his brother, the Sect Master could only sigh, for he already expected that he would answer in this manner.

"Then, father-in-law, what should I do to have you bless our marriage?" Khan interrupted in the side, causing the patriarch to almost spat a mouthful of blood.

"What father-in-law? Stop acting so close when I still haven't recognized you!" He scolded him while the latter only returned a mysterious smile.

He held Lily's hand as the former furiously blushed, Khan found this cute and implanted a kiss on her cheek, which almost made the patriarch summon his entire cultivation base to punish him for his lecherous actions.

The Sect Master only stared at them, an amused light shining in his eyes, 'It looks like my brother finally found an opponent when it comes to shamelessness...'

The patriarch took a deep breath, calming his sizzling nerves, he suffused a solemn expression and said, "It's not like I'm being pity, but I already engaged her to Haem's son and to break the engagement by ourselves would make them lose all of their faces, and I don't want that to happen."

Khan threw a confused glance towards the patriarch's attitude, if his brother, the first patriarch of the Divine Dragon Sect witnessed this, he would furiously scold this unfilial descendant, for when did the Divine Dragon Sect that became famous due to its dominance became as meek as a child?

"So, father-in-law is saying that unless they break off the engagement, Lily would always be engaged to them?" Khan spoke in a weirdly gentle tone, causing Lily and the Sect Master to look at him with strange gazes.

'Could it be that this kid has some idea in mind? I hope it's not too preposterous...' the Sect Master formed a premonition in his mind that he didn't dare to confirm.

"Kid, what are you planning? I'll tell you this, don't you dare say that you know me when they captured you!" The patriarch who felt that something was weird from Khan, said in a grave tone.

"It's nothing, don't worry, the Sect wouldn't be affected." Khan turned his head towards Lily and planted a kiss on her succulent lips, almost choking his father-in-law in his own saliva.

Khan walked away towards a nearby rubble and picked a small turtle underneath the rocks.

the Sect Master looked at his miserable state and flicked his sleeve forward, sending a complete set of clothes and a bag full of Pisos.

"Kid, I don't know what you're planning but I know that I can trust you, just remember that you have to be back in two weeks." the Sect Master didn't even glance at Khan as he spoke.

Khan smiled in response, he took the clothes off the ground and dressed his bloodstained upper body.

But before he could leave, he was embraced by Lily who sent a surge of healing Qi towards his body, mending all the injuries that he sustained.

He looked and found that his little wife stared at him with moistened eyes and said with a compassionate tone.

"Khan, you have to back, please promise that you will be back."

Khan nodded, gave a small smile and rubbed her head in assurance, "I will definitely be back..."

He walked towards the exit, watching the distant back of the youth that called himself as her daughter's husband, the patriarch didn't know what to feel, he just stared at him with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Khan noticed his gaze and stared back before sighing and continuing his walk down the dimmed hallway.

Earlier, he already sent the Sect Master a voice transmission saying that he would find a way to have himself recognized as Lily's husband, but Khan's aim wasn't just that, it was to take revenge against the Lion Race itself.

A cold and detached light shone in his eyes, his body subconsciously emanated a bloodthirsty aura akin to that of an Ancient Beast, his footsteps, heavy and measured as he walked towards a certain wall.

The wall didn't look different from the others, but for Khan, who participated in establishing the Sect, he knew everything regarding secret entrances and hidden formations, it could be said that he was like walking in his own backyard.

Khan formed a fist and tapped on the wall in a strange rhythm, all the while infusing a small part of Qi on his fist.

A buzzing sound echoed, as a formation installed on the wall shone, followed by a burst of green light which swallowed the entirety of Khan's body, when he realized it, the scene before him changed from the dark hallway, into a splendidly decorated room.

Literally, mountains of treasures filled the entire room that looked more like a huge warehouse, Khan smiled towards this view as he recognized the room as the Divine Dragon Sect's treasure room.

But he didn't come here to loot the Sect's treasures, instead, he came here with a clear intention in his mind.

Gracefully walking around the mountains of treasures, Khan arrived before a pair of Gardbrace embedded on the wall, the Gardbrace shone in a mysterious aquamarine light filled with the force of nature.

Decorated around the Gardbrace was an image of a Dragon and Phoenix coiled around each other with a talisman engraved on their bodies that said, [King]

Khan stared at the Gardbrace, his eyes blank as if he lost his soul, his mind wandered back at the time where the three of them created their own Divine Artifacts, back then, his brother, the first patriarch of the Divine Dragon Sect, Hazwell Dragnil was a man who liked to fight with his own fists.

Back then, Khan told him this idea and the three poured all of their efforts in creating the Artifact, Khan was responsible for embedding the formations on the weapon while his brothers took the job of molding and forming the weapon.

Khan was also the one who captured a spirit and nurtured it as the Guardian Spirit of the Divine Artifact.

He sighed, took a deep breath and calmed his aching nerves, suppressing the emotions in his heart, he beckoned towards the Gardbrace with his soul as the medium.

The turtle on his hand struggled, it's small eyes landed on the Gardbrace and it stared at it with an unknown light, shining within its eyes.

A burst of aquamarine light exploded with the Gardbrace as the center, bathing the entire treasure room with its light, Khan gently smiled, for he noticed an olden figure clothed in an aquamarine robe slowly walking towards him.

The olden figure looked emaciated due to the passing of time, but still, the light within the figure's eyes indicated that it still had the pride and stubbornness that it once flaunted across the world.

The two brothers stared at each other for a long time, before their feet slowly walked towards each other and shared an embrace.


"Azrael, we meet again..."