Continent of Pride[12]

Khan Paradyne, one who stood at the apex of the cultivation world, he who possessed huge, heavenly-breaking guts, found that when facing this brother of his, his heart was actually beating haphazardly, he felt an emotion filled with foreign excitement and anxiousness he had never felt before. These feelings were something that he couldn't explain nor describe.

He closed his eyes and held back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, the two separated, their faces gave a slight smile that hinted in their emotions.

Azrael glanced at his master and found that his master didn't look like what he was back then, instead, he regained his youthful looks and became even more dashing than before.

Back then, his master would emanate an aura of deterrence formed by the Slaughter Path of whom he cultivated in, but now, his master gave off an aura comparable to a gentle breeze, but he noticed that deep within his eyes, calm seething waves of anger could be seen.

Azrael sighed, he stared at his master and said, "It looks like you already heard about it, Master."

Khan nodded his head before speaking in a heavy voice, "Yeah, I heard about it from Robert."

The old man sighed, he moved his head towards the skies and murmured.

"Brother, I hope you're happy, there... Master... Master has finally changed..."

Khan heard his whisper and he followed his line of sight and the of them stared at the skies.

"Azrael, can you tell me why you're being stored in here?" Khan asked, ever since he saw the current patriarch of the Divine Dragon Sect and found that the Divine Artifact of the Sect wasn't on his person, Khan already had this question in his mind.

Azrael heavily sighed, traces of disappointment appeared on his expression before saying, "That's because the current patriarch of the Sect didn't have the drive that the other patriarch's had..."

Khan nodded his head in response, fo he also found the current patriarch's attitude to be strange, especially when they talked about breaking the engagement.

Towards this matter, the current patriarch seemed to be adamant in not offending the Lion Race which made him frown in confusion, 'For the patriarch of the strongest Sect to be acting so cowardly before the Sick Cats, the patriarch of the Sick Cats should have some kind of a trump card against him.'

"Azrael, can you tell me about how strong they are?"

"Reporting to Master, the patriarch of the Lion Race, Haem Patrigio possesses a cultivation of a half-step Divine Emperor Realm and paired with their Divine Artifact, he could fight squarely with a middle staged Divine Emperor Realm powerhouse."

"Unfortunately, although we possess an enormous amount of resources, enough to nurture several Divine Emperor Realm powerhouse, the planet itself seems to have some power to intercept the formation of Tribulation Clouds, thus, preventing the patriarch into making a breakthrough."

Khan nodded his head in reply, he already heard about the satellite that orbited around the planet which prevented the formation of Tribulation Clouds.

"Only a half-step Divine Emperor?" Khan thought, 'Then why should they so afraid of those goddamned cats?!'

Khan narrowed his eyes as a thought formed in his mind, he decided to change the topic by asking, "Do you want to come with me?" He wore a small smile, which made Azrael smile in return.

"Of course, I would be glad to!" Azrael knelt down and offered his praise towards his master. Khan only smiled towards this view and slowly patted Azrael on his shoulder.

He stood up, and found that Khan had a jade turtle on his arms, however, in the next instant, his eyes widened in shock, prompting Khan to chuckle as he said, "You noticed it, right? This little guy has a faint Divine Beast Bloodline..."

"Y-yeah... Master... Just where did you find it..." Azrael stammered in disbelief.

It has to be known that to compensate for the great power hidden within a Divine Beast, the heavens decided that it would lower its reproduction abilities, and thanks to humanities incessant hunt towards these creatures, they became as scarce as a Phoenix's feather.

Azrael poked the small tummy of the turtle and said, "It's still too young that If I didn't deliberately check its bloodline, I wouldn't notice the power hidden in it."

Khan smiled, "I found this little turtle earlier when I tried beckoning for a mount, it seems like it noticed my Imperial Aura and found that it would feel secure if it stays around me..."

"But master, what should we do with it? We can't bring it with us in our journey." Azrael replied, his tone uncertain.

"Of course I won't be bringing it, I'll just place it here for a while and let it eat some of these treasures..." Khan glanced at the sea of treasures just behind him and threw the little turtle towards it.

The turtle landed squarely on the foot of the mountain and started chewing on some heavenly materials, causing its body to glow with a faint jaded light.

Azrael glanced at the shining turtle and found that it swam through the heavenly materials with a drunk look on its face, although it was quite profitable to use all of them in nurturing the little turtle, seeing several thousand years old of ingredients casually chomped down made his heart, ache.

"Azrael, I don't have much time, We'll be transferring towards the city of the cats." Khan urged Azrael, of which the latter nodded in response.

"But master, are we not going to bring, Robert, with us?"

"Nope, let's just have fun, the two of us, then we're gonna go and shock that guy..." Khan playfully smiled, Azrael smirked upon seeing this attitude of him as memories flashed through his mind, back then, Khan's attitude always made him court innumerable troubles.

At those times, Khan's actions would always bring him a huge headache, but now, looking at him, Azrael could only sigh, sending all of his complicated emotions in the air.

Azrael groaned, utilizing his entire cultivation base, he opened a Spatial Tear in the air as a jet-black hole filled with the light of the abyss materialized, sending distortions through the air whizzing towards the two.

Khan smiled before grunting as the muscles around his body uncontrollably twitched, his bones unceasingly creaked and his physique transformed to that of an unassuming young man with bronze skin.

His appearance now looked average that If he was placed in a crowd, no one would think of him as remarkable.

As for Azrael, he didn't really need to change his appearance for no one, apart from Khan really saw his human-form.

Khan gestured and the two walked inside the spatial distortion. The scene before them distorted into several colors that formed a rainbow around them, eventually, after several seconds, it stabilized and they found themselves inside a City located in the heart of the Lion Race.

According to Azrael, the City was called the Great City of Pride, it housed several millions of citizens with many different bloodlines within their bodies, but the most dominant of them all, was, of course, the Lion Race.

It also housed the headquarters of the biggest Sect owned by the Lion Race, the Thousand Claws Sect.

The two went on and found a decent inn to stay. For the entire night, Khan's mind simulated innumerable amounts of schemes suitable to send the entire Lion Race trembling on their knees.

Under the shining moonlight, Khan's eyes mysteriously shone with a red light akin to that of an Asura, his eyes leaked a ferocious smile and the air around him seemed to freeze as if it became a thousand years old icy cavern.

Leaving Azrael who still slept like a child, Khan went to a nearby rooftop and utilized his Divine Sense to scan the nearby surroundings.

Although using the Divine Sense places the user at a huge risk that they would be discovered, this didn't exist to Khan, for his Qi belonged to a bonafide Divine Emperor powerhouse.

His ears twitched, his lips leaked a cold smile as he found the first piece for his grand scheme. His feet moved and his silhouette disappeared into the air as if it never existed there in the first place.

Alfredo Jaum was a high ranking elder in the Thousand Claws Sect, thanks to the lofty position that he had, his mindset became extremely arrogant and domineering, but looking at his background, what could the common people do against him?

Although they felt indignant about his actions, they also knew in their hearts that they cannot publicly complain against him lest they wanted all of their families to die, and so, he became the cancer of the entire City.

And he also had a wicked hobby, and that was, plucking the cherries of young women.

Beneath him screamed a young woman of the Feline Race, she adamantly struggled under Alfredo's pressing, but instead of becoming angry, he became even more excited that his eyes shone in a zealous light.


The young woman's cry for help became faint due to exhaustion as Alfredo deftly moved his hands under her clothes and pinched the mounds, causing her to flinch in pain.

"What's wrong?! Already done?! Is that the best that you can do?!" Alfredo spoke in a thrilled tone and violently stripped her clothes, revealing her fair white skin that glistened under the moonlight.

Looking at this gorgeous sight, Alfredo also stripped himself and leaped towards the young woman whose eyes, already painted in despair.

But before he could pluck the cherry, a snapping sound echoed and he saw that his view of the world distorted.

"Eh? What just happened...?" This was his last thoughts for his head already rolled down the ground. The young woman beneath him screamed towards this gory sight before fainting.

Khan felt the blood that splattered on his cheek and touched it with his finger, he stared at the headless body of Alfredo and tasted his blood.

"Disgusting..." He spat a single line in disdain and carried the young woman towards a nearby inn and left her there.

He once again moved towards the dark alleyway and arrived before the headless corpse, his palm opened and threw a patch of Qi towards the ground, as he threw the Qi, he manipulated the remnants of Alfredo's soul and obtained a patch of his memories.

The ground sizzled and the smell of burning meat wafted in the air, Khan's nose twitched,

"At least, your meat smells appetizing when cooked..." He praised in his heart.

After all the traces were erased, Khan's body emanated several consecutive cracking sounds, his physique changed into that of Alfredo and even his face resembled him, his aura also changed to match him and now, no one would find him different from the original.

He slowly walked out the dark alleyway and pretended to look exhausted as he walked towards the direction of the Thousand Claws Sect.

However, little did everyone knew that this was the start of the nightmare, of which, everyone in the Great City of Pride would always remember in their hearts.