Continent of Pride[19]

On the border between the two Races, inside an encampment filled with several strong life forces belonging to that of the Divine Ascendance Realm, a luxuriously clothed Elder could be seen, a small smile on his face as he glanced towards the direction of the Divine Dragon Sect.

Thanks to the contribution he had made towards the Thousand Claws Sect, the patriarch, Haem Patrigio declared him as an honorary Elder, and because of that, the treatment that he received from the other Elders exponentially increased, all of them, void of the previous disdain that they had as he greeted him with a smile on their faces.

They even offered him several Spirit Stones, a rare commodity that contains an ample amount of Qi that cultivators could use to replenish their Qi while in battle.

Alfredo held the Spirit Stones on his hand with a smile on his face as he waved them goodbye, He felt really good for himself, for he received something that he definitely needed and without making any debts.

Rumbling sounds echoed in the air followed by a dull sound of blunt material hitting a shield, Alfredo's eyes darted towards the distance, a small smile leaking on his face as he murmured, "Phase 3, Start..."

Back at the Divine Dragon Sect, countless disciples gathered on the square, their faces painted with confusion, fear, and apprehension towards the Patriarch's decision.

"Hey, hey, what's going on here?! Are we being attacked?!"

"No shit, Sherlock, of course, we are, that's the reason why we're being gathered in here!"

"Those flock of sick cats actually dared to attack us?!"

"Damn, It looks like I will be able to test how their meat tastes like..."

The disciples numbered at least a thousand murmured causing a huge ruckus.


A deep sound echoed through the void, upon striking the crowd, everyone fell silent that you could hear a pin, dropping.

"The Thousand Claws Sect is starting their attack towards our land."

"Ever since decades ago, we've been trying to maintain a good relationship towards them, however, because of their treacherous actions that we noticed long ago, after a deliberation, we decided to declare war towards them and now, they're here, knocking on our doors."


The Grand Elder shouted, followed by supporting screams that originated from the disciples that stood on the square, Sinbad glanced at the Grand Elder and could only smile, 'Damn, he still sucks at doing public speeches...' He shook his head, erasing any useless thoughts and stared at the horizon.

Far at the distance, the barrier separating the Divine Dragon Sect from the outside world intermittently flickered as booming sounds ripped through the skies, sending the earth, trembling with its might.

Sinbad and Balbadt's expression stiffened, they glanced at each other and smiled.

"It seems like we'll be working together again..."

"Hmmph! Since there's no choice, I won't mind working with you..."

"Still doing that tsundere-type?"


"Nothing..." Balbadt retorted with a small smile.

"Why does it feel like I'm being mocked by you?"

"Mocked? Far from it, I'm praising you from the bottom of my heart."

"As I thought you're really mocking me!"

"Shut up, old bastard, stop acting like a kid and let's go meet those cats already..."

The Elders who stood at the side watched the bickering apex cultivators and couldn't help but leak a weird smile on their faces.

It took them about two minutes before they could settle their arguments and floated upwards towards the skies.

The disciples on the ground pointed at them and opened their mouth in marvel, Balbadt waved his arm and even winked towards the female disciples causing Sinbad to slap him on his head.

"What the hell are you doing, you old bastard!"

Sinbad only snorted at the side before flying towards the horizon, a trail of greenish light could be seen as he pierced through the air.

Balbadt snickered, rumbling sounds echoed in the air as he flew towards the direction of Sinbad.

Back at the encampment, Azrael and Khan still in their transformation met, "So, master's next plan is to have those Elder eat those pills, right?"

"Hahahaha, it seems like I still really can't defeat you when it comes to a battle of wits." Khan chuckled, his expression became carefree as he stared at the distant horizon.

"I already told them that the Lion Race failed to ask the Dragonslayers for help, it looks like those bastards became on guard when they realized that the spy that they sent on the Continent of Greed, died," Khan smirked, everything that happened from the start was within his expectations, but as for how everything would end, it would be the Divine Dragon Sect's decision.

"Also, did you already teach him the incantation needed to borrow your strength?"

Azrael nodded his head, his eyes became filled with an expectant and excited light. The formation that protected the Divine Dragon Sect gradually turned dim as cracks scattered throughout the barrier.

An explosion akin to that of a glass breaking echoed, followed by the victorious screams of the Elders and Core Disciples.

"WE DESTROYED THEIR BARRIER, EVERYONE, CHARGE!" An Elder shouted with vigor as their battle cries sundered through the skies, sending everything on the earth, trembling in fear.

Colorful lights flashed, as the clouds that covered the dazzling light that came from the skies became imbued with a golden color, Haem Patrigio's expression stiffened, he summoned the might of his entire cultivation base and erected a barrier that covered the Elders and the Core Disciples around him.


A deafening furious roar echoed through the clouds, the disciples that were unfortunate enough to be excluded from the barrier exploded into meat chunks as the remains of their bodies dyed the ground in a scarlet color.

"Divine Dragon's Fury!"

The clouds that formed on the skies, assembled and transformed into a figure of an aquamarine dragon, the dragon that spanned at least a hundred meters glanced at the advancing troops and flew towards them as the space that surrounded the dragon itself, distorted in the overwhelming pressure.

"Fuck!" Haem Patrigio violently cursed, for he felt that the aura that surrounded the Dragon, contained a might that was equal to him, "Elders, lend me your strength!" He screamed as the Elders transferred their Qi towards the Patriarch.

"Lion's Aegis!"

A brownish barrier materialized in the air and enveloped the advancing army, protecting them from the dragon's devastating attack.

Haem Patrigio gritted his teeth as he forcefully scattered the Dragon, he stared at the skies with a vicious gaze in his eyes.

"Woohoo... I didn't think that a person as ruthless as you, still has the heart to protect his disciples..." An energetic, mocking tone rang, followed by the figure of a golden-clad and a phoenix robed Elder appearing in the skies.

"You bastards actually broke through? Hmmmph! doesn't matter, I can still annihilate you all." Haem snorted, the floating elders only chuckled, "Well, you could, if you had managed to convince those bastards at the north."

"But for now, can you please, die?" Balbadt's figure flickered, and he reappeared amidst the congregated elders, the elders stiffened for a moment but managed to regain their calm as they exploded with all of their might towards Balbadt.

"Courting death..." Balbadt smiled, he unsheathed a sword out of nowhere and slashed, the appearance of the sword seemed to distort the space itself as Patrigio's eyes constricted, he leaped towards Balbadt and blocked.


A fierce explosion rang out, as the figures of the two staggered backward, Patrigio glanced at the side and transmitted, "Outer and Inner Disciples! Activate the Heaven's Ballista Formation!"

Back at the rear, the outer and inner disciples started to scramble and formed a distinct formation, with a Spirit Stone in their hands, they repeatedly chanted, "GE TALON, UNA ULO, PERO BAGO KA TUMALON, DASAL MUNA..."

Rumbling sounds filled the air as a faint outline of a gigantic Ballista gradually took form in the skies, its head aimed towards the direction of the Divine Dragon Sect.

"Shit, brother, stop that bastard, I'll stop the formation!" Sinbad screamed as his figure dashed towards the congregation of disciples in the distance.

"As if I would let you!" Haem Patrigio's figure blurred, in an instant, he arrived before Sinbad and punched.

Booming sounds resounded, Sinbad's figure flew backward as Haem Patrigio gave a cunning smile, "Elders, Protect the channeling disciples at all cost! I shall be the one to stop these two bastards!"

He took a stance as a fuzzy silhouette of a Lion with a golden crown on its head materialized in the air behind him, it roared towards the two Elders before fusing in his body.

Cracking sounds could be heard within Patrigio's body as his physique transformed to that of a four-meter giant, his pupils became vertical and emitted an eery red light and his limbs became as thick as tree stumps.

A suffocating pressure gushed out from his body, the expression of the two became grave, summoning the might of their cultivation base, they took a defensive stance.

For Haem Patrigio in this state has a might similar to that of a middle-staged Divine Emperor Realm, and paired with the Divine Artifact of the Thousand Claws Sect, it could be said that the peak of his power would be equivalent to that of a Peak Divine Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Haem Patrigio groaned as the armor that enveloped his body fused with his arm, transforming them into claws that exuded a malignant and bloodthirsty light.

It was the Divine Artifact of the Thousand Claws Sect, the Tyrannical Lion Claws.

Without a word, Balbadt, the only one who currently has a Divine Artifact darted towards Patrigio and engaged in a fierce fight.

Consecutive booming sounds echoed across the skies as the earth crumbled and the heavens sundered, their figures danced across the battlefield, fast enough that Sinbad could only catch a glimpse before they would disappear.

Blood scattered around, drenching the ground in a scarlet hue as the two received several injuries in their hundreds of exchange.

Balbadt had it worse, his phoenix robe tattered and the golden light that enveloped his word slightly dimmed, his face swollen and a scratch plastered on his back, dripping with fresh blood.

Meanwhile, Sinbad had already flown towards the Heaven's Ballista Formation, just as he was about to strike, the silhouette of Patrigio manifested before him.

His eyes constricted, his arms hurriedly blocked in front of him.


A blood arrow scattered from his mouth, he stared at the wretched appearance of Balbadt and the Elders that fought the Elders of the Thousand Claws Sect.

Each of them had severe injuries, but nevertheless, they still fought with their lives on the line.

He gritted his teeth as the idea of transforming into his dragon-form appeared in his mind. He shook his head and disregarded the idea, even though transforming to his dragon-form could certainly increase his cultivation base, he would be an easy target for Single Targeted Spells because of his gigantic physique.

His head turned and glanced at the Ballista that became tangible as time passed by, gritting his teeth, he stared at the approaching Patrigio with a smirk on his face.

Amidst Patrigio's confusion, Sinbad raised his hand towards the skies and beckoned with his soul.

Azrael who waited inside his tent glanced at the distance and smirked.

"With my body as the vessel and with my blood as the fuel, I summon thy might to transform me into a greater demon! Come forth, Guardian Spirit of the Divine Dragon Sect, Azrael!"

The mournful tone of the skies suddenly became bright, as the smell of nature filled the air, everyone who fought on the battlefield felt a gentle breeze that healed them of their injuries, however, instead of feeling gleeful, Patrigio felt an intense sense of crisis, threatening to drown his entire consciousness.

An unassuming light descended from the skies, it struck the figure of Sinbad and enveloped him with an aquamarine light. The aquamarine light contained an enormous amount of life force that the ruined vegetation sprung back to life.

Patrigio's expression became filled with horror, for the only reason why he dared to attack the Divine Dragon Sect was because it was widely known that the Divine Artifact of the Divine Dragon Sect couldn't be awakened by the Patriarch.

But now, he realized that all of them were greatly mistaken, for the reality that was revealed before him, told him that the slumbering dragon has awoken, and harbored a rage that could divide, the heavens itself.

Even though he has his own Artifact, it couldn't even be compared in the same breath as the Divine Artifact that the Divine Dragon Sect had, for their Divine Artifact was personally nurtured by the three strongest Patriarchs that ever existed in the entire history.

Namely, Willheim Longinus, Hazwell Dragnil, and Khan Paradyne.

The aquamarine light that enveloped Sinbad's body dissipated, both of his arms, clad in Gardbrace decorated by the figures of a Dragon and Phoenix coiled around each other with a talisman engraved on their bodies that said, [King]

Sinbad's eyes darted towards the already trembling Patrigio, his lips gradually leaked a callous smile as he said,

"Playtime is over, Little Cat."