Continent of Pride[20]

Amidst the battlefield, an aquamarine haired figure could be seen dancing around, her movements graceful and without waste, in each time she brandished her fist a figure would miserably scream and explode into a blood mist.

The aquamarine robed that adorned her stained with fresh blood. She looked exhausted, but her eyes still shone with a light of frenzy.

Explosions intermittently pierced through the skies as colorful light flooded the entire area, corpses belonging to those of the Divine Dragon Sect and the Thousand Claws Sect dotted the ground, all of them had a bright future before them, but in a war, living was uncertain.

Lily clenched her fists, her eyes scanned the approaching wave of Core Disciples, her complexion changed into that of anger as she noticed a familiar figure of a young man with a golden hair.

The gazes of the two met in mid-air. Lily's eyes filled with a cold and distant look while the young man had a gaze of infatuation and desire.

"ADRIAN... PATRIGIO..." Lily violently spat, the young man only chuckled, the hint of desire in his eyes burned even more.

"This is the reason why I like you... Little Princess... You're too spicy... Fitting for my taste..." He carefully enunciated his words and licked his lips.

"However, the thing that I hate the most is having my woman stolen right before my eyes, so instead of marrying you, I'm just gonna capture you and use you for as long as I want..." By the end of his sentence, his figure blurred and reappeared before Lily.

The latter hurriedly retreated backward as the young man suffered from the attacks of the surrounding Core Disciples.

"You disgusting, bastard! How dare you ignore our existence!"

"You're not gonna get our princess, not under our watch!"

"Just kill him, already!"

All of the Core Disciples roared in anger, mustering the power of their cultivation bases, resplendent light soared towards the golden-haired young man.

"How boring." He yawned, flicked his wrist towards the incoming attack. The beams of light that flew towards him crumbled down as if all of them struck an invisible wall.

In the midst of the Divine Dragon Sect's disciple's confusion, the golden-haired young man took a stance as the air around him froze, a suffocating pressure spread from his body that seemed to bore down their very souls.

Lily's eyes constricted in horror, for the aura that he felt from the golden-haired young man coerced her soul directly as her body started to quiver uncontrollably.

Not only Lily had this reaction, all of them started to kneel towards the ground, their bodies spasmed as they tried their best to resist the pressure that stirred their innate fear.

"D-D-DragonS-s-slayer..." Lily sucked a deep breath, she forcefully bent her knees and sprinted in retreat, her body enveloped in a faint green light.

"Hahahaha!" Adrian laughed, his lips revealed a brutal and excited smile, "Run, run, run! Go run wherever you want!"

The intangible coercive force-field that surrounded his body expanded as his body blurred and sped towards the escaping Lily.

Back at the Thousand Claws Sect, an Elder could be seen erecting a defensive formation around his body and the disciples around him, all of them glanced at the Elder with grateful smiles on their faces as they endlessly fawned.

"!" the Elder's eyes widened, he stared into the distance as his body disappeared into thin air, leaving the dumbfounded disciples behind.

Lily glanced at the pursuing Adrian behind her, scouring the area, she clenched her fists and stopped.

"Hoooh? What's wrong? Are you exhausted, already? Come on, run more!" He chuckled and teased, however, his lips still revealed the same lustful smile that he had shown.

He scanned Lily's body and sent a probing Qi. The suppressed Lily was unable to do anything to the intangible Qi and could only let it scan her body.

As if struck by heavenly lightning, Adrian's figure staggered, blood leaked from his lips as his face reddened in anger and humiliation, raising his trembling finger, he pointed at Lily and cursed.

"Y-y-y-you bitch! You actually let that cripple, touch you, while I'm engaged to you?!" The remaining sanity within his mind disappeared as a fuzzy silhouette of a Lion materialized in the air behind him.

The savage aura that surrounded him thickened, enough that those with weaker cultivation would fall down, unconscious.

He revealed the same cultivation base that he had back at the Great City of Valencia, the only difference was, he released his Innate Avatar, boosting his physical abilities to the utmost limit.

Gritting her teeth, Lily took a deep breath and summoned her Innate Avatar as an indistinct figure of a Nature Dragon emerged in the air behind him.

The Nature Dragon coiled around her body in a defensive stance, her eyes faintly shone with a green light as scales protruded on her body.

Adrian stared at her transformation with a cold look on his face and right as she finished her transformation, he immediately pounced and launched a deadly attack towards her chest.

A dull sound echoed followed by Adrian's scream as the intangible dragon actually became reality and bit his hand, the eyes that he used to gaze at Lily became even fiercer.

"No matter what technique you use, it's all useless in the face of absolute strength!" He cackled towards the skies as his cultivation base rumbled and sent consecutive beams embued with Qi towards Lily.

The vague silhouette of a Nature Dragon that enveloped Lily roared in anger towards Adrian, it flicked its tail as the beams that he sent dissipated.

His eyes flickered with a cunning light as he slightly bent his knees and spread his arms wide, without a noise, his figure reappeared behind Lily and he once again pounced towards her.

A deafening sound echoed as a tattered young man flew backward, he even rolled for several times before he was able to stop.

"Damn, you're forcing me!" He screamed in a hoarse tone as a jade sword materialized in the air before him, he held the jade sword on his right hand and inserted the might of his entire cultivation base towards him.

Lily's expression became grave as she noticed the jade sword, her right hand tightly clenched a small stone, for if the young man dared to attack, she would immediately crush it and disappear from this place.

Inside another battlefield where everything looked lifeless aside from two figures intermittently clashing with each other, Sinbad's figure suddenly froze, his eyes became filled with a worried look as he stared into the distance.

Before he knew it, a punch struck his stomach, sending him flying towards the skies.

"Damn, you old fogey! You actually let your a non-member of the Dragonslayers wield a Dragonslaying Sword!" Sinbad bellowed, for if a person who didn't have the bloodline of the Dragonslayers running through his veins wields a Dragonslaying Sword, they would slowly lose their sanity and become a bloodthirsty beast who only knows to kill.

"Hahaha." Haem Patrigio chuckled, "Sinbad! I may lose this battle, but as long as we win the war, every sacrifice that we made are worth it!"

"Y-Y-you madman!" Balbadt venomously cursed, he forced his severely injured body to stand up and fly towards the source of the ominous aura.

"It's too late! It's already too late you old fogeys! By the time that you arrive there, all of your disciples should already be slaughtered! Along with that precious daughter of yours!"

Sinbad's eyes constricted, earlier he had prohibited her daughter from joining the battlefield, but hearing these words from Haem, it seems like she sneaked and participated in the slaughter.

Staring at their solemn expressions, Haem Patrigio crazily laughed, the two's expression froze for a moment, before suffusing a slight smile and saying.

"Can I really trust, that brat? Balbadt?" Sinbad spoke in an uncertain tone.

"Of course you can, after all, he defeated you, and even in your dragon form at that!" Balbadt chuckled his eyes turned towards Haem and said, "Let's just do our job and finish this undying bastard, first!"

Soon, consecutive booming sounds filled their area as their figures disappeared and reappeared sporadically, in each exchange, the three of them would suffer several injuries, that at this point of time, their battle could only be considered as a battle of endurance.

A horrifying might enveloped the battlefield at the other side, Lily's fingers became pale as the hand that she used to grip the small stone on her palm bled.

"Here I... Come!" With the last intonation, Adrian's figure flickered beside Lily and hacked with his sword, a trail of blood splashed as the aquamarine dragon that protected Lily screamed in agony.

A blood arrow shot from Lily's mouth as her body rolled several meters on the ground before stopping.

Her vision became fuzzy as a piercing headache spread through her mind, biting the tip of her tongue, she forced herself to remain conscious and tried to crush the stone that she tightly held on her palm.

But to her horror and dismay, she found that she was unable to muster a single ounce of strength as the terrifying aura that came from the Dragonslaying sword robbed her strength.

She tried her best to remain conscious for she felt a pair of warm arms embracing her exhausted body, unknowingly, Khan suddenly appeared in between the two and carried her on his arms.

"Brat... So it's you again?! It's you again?!" Adrian already lost his sanity by the time that he wielded the Dragonslaying Sword, however, the deep-seated hatred within his soul still lingered, especially when he saw Khan's face.

Khan held Lily's right hand that still clutched on the small Void Stone, with a small force, the Void Stone that she grasped shattered as a suction force of a Spatial Tear materialized in the air behind her.

Khan glanced at the hole and found that it connected directly to her bedroom, he tenderly stared at her pale complexion and kissed her forehead as she disappeared into the void.

The already insane Adrian started to violently curse. Khan paid no heed to it, instead, his expression became icy cold. His body took a peculiar stance akin to that of a puppet as he whispered in an indifferent tone.

"Asura Slaughter Path, First Stance; Marionette's Dance."