Continent of Pride[21]

Khan's movements became slow to the eyes, but if you looked closely, a faint crimson aura enveloped his figure, his arms swam in the air, performing a peculiar stance.

"Asura Slaughter Path, First Stance; Marionette's Dance."

Facing the deranged Adrian who stared at him with a murderous gaze, Khan's expression was indifferent, his eyes gave off a light of the abyss itself as if he didn't even think much about Adrian.

With a sudden flicker, Adrian's figure blurred, a twisted smile on his face as he hacked at Khan's figure.

The latter only smiled, the faint crimson light on his body condensed on his right hand and punched.

A clanging sound echoed as a feedback struck Khan's fist, Adrian's figure explosively flew backward, his figure struck a boulder, crashing it into smithereens.

Adrian stood up with a growl akin to that of a beast, on his bare chest an imperceptible reddish light squirmed and entered his body.


A guttural roar pierced through the air as Adrian became thoroughly enraged, his figure dashed beside Khan and slammed his sword downwards.

Rocks crumbled as dust flew towards the skies, Adrian's expression became filled with irritation as he found that he only struck his enemy's after image.

He leaped once more and attacked, but each time he launched his offensive, Khan's figure would dissipate like a ghost.

Khan watched the crazed Adrian with an amused smile on his face, every-time Adrian pounced at him, he would retaliate with a finger strike directly on his crucial acupoints.

Consecutive crashing sounds resounded in the area as Adrian maintained his crazed attack, meanwhile, Khan didn't even break a sweat as he leisurely dodged as if he was just strolling on his backyard.

Fortunately, Adrian already lost all signs of sanity. If not, he would most probably be coughing blood in anger and shame.

By a hundred exchange, Khan yawned, he pointed a finger towards Adrian and said,

"You gave me a good show, however, I can't easily let you die, how about this?" Khan gestured, a blood arrow spurted from Adrian's seven orifices, his enraged eyes became blank as if he lost his soul.

An excited smile surfaced on Khan's lips, he flicked a finger and Adrian's figure leaped towards where he pointed.

The Marionette's Dance of Khan's Slaughter Path uses his Slaughter Qi to invade his enemies body, eventually taking control of them. But this was not the reason why this technique was considered as cruel and inhumane.

The reason was, the victim would remain conscious until the caster gave them the permission to die, they wouldn't die and every devious crime that they committed in the span of time that they were possessed would be engraved deeply in their minds.

Khan approached the Adrian who had an expressionless face and a listless light in his eyes. He wore a slight smile on his face as he stared into the distance.

Infusing a chunk of Divine Emperor Qi on Adrian's body, he made sure that his body would withstand the stress of countless attacks before commanding him to charge towards the place where the Disciples of the two sects, fought.

The battle that raged on among the disciples although it wasn't as earth-shaking as the battle between Elders, fueled with complete anger, all of their attacks seemed to be even stronger than before.

Corpses of the disciples belonging to the two sects littered the ground, inside a trench, a group of disciples from the Thousand Claws Sect crouched, their bodies dotted with severe injuries.

"I already shattered the jade slip, don't worry, help is coming." A disciple whose injuries was the least consoled the others, he glanced at them and found that all of their wounds were bleeding non-stop. If this was to continue, they would eventually die of blood loss.

The disciples closed their eyes and tried their best to meditate and summon the energy of heaven and earth to slowly recuperate. However, the constant booming sounds and explosions around them kept them from focusing as they could only grit their teeth in indignance and pain.

A swift, yet heavy footstep rang behind them, the disciple who consoled the others tried his best to stand up and scout.

"We're saved! Senior Adrian is here!" His eyes shone with hope as he spoke towards the other disciples.

Their vigor returned, they leaned on the muddy walls of the trench and waved their hands towards the incoming figure.

Not long, the figure arrived before them.

"Senior! You came back! Thank the heavens..."

"Senior, please help us! Other disciples are suffering heavy casualties at the right wing and also at the middle wing! I already crushed an emergency jadeslip, yet five minutes already passed but no Elder arrived!"

They encircled Adrian and pleaded, fawning upon him like a commoner to an Emperor. However, Adrian's eyes remained blank, as they stared at his lackadaisical eyes, all of them had a sudden and incredulous thought.

But before that idea could fully form, Adrian had already swung his sword,


The only sound that they could utter upon their death was a tone filled with confusion about why they dearest Senior Brother had attacked them.

Blood splatted on Adrian's exposed chest. He didn't even glance at his fellow disciples that died of grievance and sped towards the distance.

Reaching his destination, where he found several groups of disciples from the Thousand Claws Sect, desperately fighting another group from the Divine Dragon Sect, judging from the lackluster circulation of Qi from their bodies and the injuries that they sustained, it could be deduced that their resistance wouldn't last long.

But when they turned around, they found a beacon of hope that could possibly save them and annihilate their enemies from the Divine Dragon Sect.

"Hey, isn't that Adrian Patrigio?! The son of the Patriarch himself?!"

"Damn, he's here?! Retreat!"

The disciples of the Divine Dragon Sect hastily retreated, throwing a bunch of smokescreens and blinding explosives, they tried their best to fall back.

"Look at those cowards! Once they noticed our glorious Senior Brother's arrival, they immediately retreated like a turtle going back to its shell!" A Core Disciple boisterously laughed, and as if receiving a signal, the other disciples that stood around, clamored towards him throwing all signs of fawning phrases.

"Now that we're here, what are we waiting for?! Attack!" A scream echoed among the gathered disciples which ignited their morale as they summoned the might of their cultivation base, all sorts of resplendent colors filled the trench, armed with everything that they could think of, they emerged from the trench.

With a booming sound, mud scattered towards the skies, their figures vanished and pounced towards their enemies.

Their expression became filled with utmost excitement, their eyes shone with a light of murder as they swung their weapons with all of their strength.


As if time had stopped, everything that moved on the ground became stuck in a standstill, with a sound of sliced flesh, the heads of the disciples from the Thousand Claws Sect, simultaneously rolled on the ground, blood splattered from the root of their neck.

Among the fifty disciples that attacked, only one, who remained conscious about everything was able to save his life. His figure visibly trembled, his eyes constricted with utmost fear as the Qi that circulated in his body became haphazard.

He stared at Adrian's expressionless face and found that he didn't stare at a person, but an incarnation of a demon.


Before he could speak, Adrian had already swung the sword in his palm, sending him to his certain death.

"W-w-what's going on here?!"

"Hey, look! Isn't that the Thousand Claws Sect's Young master? Why is he attacking the members of his own sect?"

Adrian's body trembled upon hearing their clamor, his gaze, akin to that of an Asura stared back at them.

The members of the Divine Dragon Sect that felt proud of their courage and pride, couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva as they stared back at Adrian's blank eyes.

Paired with his exposed body soiled with the blood of his fellow disciples, a hint of fierce struggle could be seen within his eyes, before being quickly swallowed by a crimson aura.

"S-s-should we attack?" A disciple chimed at the side, a fellow disciple glanced at him and said, "Look at our trembling bodies, we can't even gather a bit of Qi, much less attack!"

To their relief, the bloodied Asura didn't think much of them and sped towards the distance whereupon his arrival, all kinds of screams filled with despair, resounded.

Amidst the scattered corpse, a figure drenched with the lifeblood of his fellow disciples could be seen kneeling on the ground. His hand drilled into his head as blood spurted out from his temple.

"Guah... Ahhh!!!"

He thrashed around fiercely struggling from something, but within a few seconds, his struggle lessened as he just sat there with a languid light in his eyes.

A figure mysteriously materialized before him, yet, he didn't even take a look at him and just stared like he just lost his soul.

Soon enough, Khan's voice filled with indifference echoed.

"I'm giving you permission, to die."

A smile of relief leaked from his lips as a small tear streamed down his right cheek, his body slumped over, and his consciousness dimmed, eventually losing all signs of life.