Settling down on a Path

The path of Magic Engineering was different from the Path of Magic Programming for the Programmers work on the bunch of software inside the Rune Decipherer while the former, creates the Rune and everything that was related to magic itself.

Magic Engineers in this world were also called the innovators and inventors of breakthroughs in the entire world of Magic, as Khan read through the material, the excitement that he felt towards this mysterious occupation, soared to the point that he couldn't help but have a permanent grin plastered on his face.

He merely took a glance at a page as Khan's eidetic memory absorbed all the information that he needed, within a few minutes and by the time that Lily was done, drawing her Rune, Khan heaved a sigh and returned the book at its bookshelf.

The woman who stood beside the Rune Scanner as she scanned Lily's Rune, noticed his actions as she spoke, "Magic Engineering's quite hard, right?" Khan gave a slight smile, the light in his eyes confirmed the answer to the woman's questions.

When Khan absorbed the information inside the books to his mind, that doesn't mean that he actually understood what the contents of the books meant, but if someone asked if he memorized the books, he wouldn't deny it, for he really did memorize.

A mechanical noise disturbed the silence of the room, Lily hopped over beside Khan and leaned on his shoulder, "What's the matter?" Khan frowned as he spoke, 'How did this little fox become so obedient all of a sudden?'

Khan didn't notice, but earlier, the gaze that the woman gave to Khan was full of sticky intent to the point that it threatened Lily's feminity, because of that, she decided to retaliate by acting cozy with Khan, and it was proven to be effective as the woman's desirous gaze lessened to an extent, making the young girl, sigh in relief.

All this while, Khan only had a look of ignorance and confusion, his hand moved to her waist and embraced, feeling her warmth, Khan's mind couldn't help but wander back at the memories that he had a hundred thousand years ago.

His expression became melancholic, Lily noticed his sudden change and stared at him with a worried look, she lifted her hands and caressed his face, her smooth hands filled with warmth soothed Khan's lonely and pained heart.

"Ahem..." A soft cough startled the two away from their world, Lily's expression became flushed while Khan awkwardly rubbed his nose,

"Enough with the flirting, you two, we're now gonna test her Rune." The woman took a stance towards the training dummy and tapped on his Decipherer, as the Rune materialized in the air, Khan's focus condensed as he deduced the instructions contained within the Rune itself.

'A combustion-type Rune?' Khan deduced as a fierce flame erupted from the Rune before the woman's palm that spewed in a cone towards the training dummy.

"Mhmm, it's good enough that it can actually deal a considerable amount of damage to our Bronze Ranked Dummies." Hearing her words, Lily felt elated as she leaped towards Khan.

"Is it really that good that you're overreacting?" Khan found it weird for Lily to be extremely happy just because of the fact that her Rune could cause such a small amount of damage when she could just use her Qi and transform that dummy into dust.

"Hmmmph! Of course, I would be, I'm not a monster like you, after all." Lily rolled her eyes and snorted, the woman at the side gave an awkward smile as she said, "As for you, your Rune could actually deal a good amount of damage towards Silver Ranked Magicians."

Khan merely nodded, "I see."

"Is that it? Is that your reaction? Will it hurt you to feel more elated about it?!" Lily scratched her head in annoyance, How could someone like Khan possibly feel happy about a Rune that can't even annihilate a small mountain.

In this world, any Magicians, no matter what Rank, had a passive barrier called Borg that constantly enveloped their bodies, and the strength of Runes were measured by how much it could damage that barrier so that the Spell could deal actual damage to the Magician.

If a Bronze Ranked Spell utilized by a Silver Ranked Magician to attack a Golden Ranked Magician could penetrate the defenses of the latter, it could already be considered as excellent.

Yet, Khan's Rune which was evaluated to be only at the Bronze Ranked could actually penetrate the defenses of a Silver Ranked Magician and even deal a considerable amount of damage, it could be considered as an understatement to say that Khan's rune was good enough, since it should be excellent.

"By the way, the school records don't have any information about what rank of a magician you guys are, would you like to undergo the assessment? Since this room actually has the equipment to measure that." The woman spoke, a slight smile on her face, no matter what, talents were something to be needed and admired.

Khan and Lily felt curious about how much power they actually held within their soul and so, they agreed, sure enough, in about several seconds, the room became empty as the computers and tables vanished from their view with just a single push of a button.

Khan felt admiration towards the people who made these kinds of technology and his longing towards the path of Magic Engineering became even stronger.

A mechanical creak echoed followed by the emergence of a hole at the center of the room, from the hole, a helmet and a Rune Decipherer slowly emerged followed by a computer at the side.

The woman walked towards the computer, sat down and typed in some commands as flashing lights manifested on the helmet and Rune Decipherer.

Lily went first, equipped the helmet and Rune Decipherer as the woman's hands danced across the keyboard, the information displayed in the monitor changed into a flat graph with Lily's image at the side.

According to the woman, the test assessed the person's Magic Tolerance, Processing Power, and Soul Capacity.

Casting a Spell requires the caster's body to experience a certain toll, the higher the person's tolerance, the stronger the spells that they could cast.

Processing Power meant the ability that the person has when it comes to the speed of their Phenomenon Rewrital, in short, their casting speed.

Soul Capacity signified the person's capacity in storing Mana, and the higher the amount of Mana that you could store, the stronger your spell couldd become, according to the information that Khan gathered about the Soul Capacity, it was said that a person's Soul Capacity was decided by birth and could never be changed.

If your Soul Capacity was mediocre, you would stay mediocre, but of course, Khan thought of that as bullshit, but he couldn't actually retort, for the only way to expand a person's Soul Capacity was to undergo the Divine Soul Tribulation and ascend to the Divine Soul Realm which was quite difficult.

Lily's expression became solemn, a burst of Mana surged within her body which transferred to the Rune Decipherer on her arm, the Rune Decipherer emanated a rainbow of colors as a Rune materialized in the air before her.

The information displayed on the computer changed, the woman who scrolled through the information revealed a satisfied smile.

Since they were only assessing, they used a blank Rune that didn't have any instructions inside so a Spell wasn't cast, with a relieved sigh, Lily removed the pieces of pieces of equipment attached on her body and trodded towards the woman.

"Mhmm, quite good, amongst the freshmen, you could be considered as a talent," The woman's voice filled with expectations made the young girl blush in embarassment, she replied with a hushed tone, "Thanks..."

The former chuckled, turned her head towards Khan and said, "It's your turn, now."

Khan nodded his head and walked towards the device, he followed Lily's way of attaching the equipment.

"Okay, you can start." The woman spoke, Khan revealed an awkward smile as he said,

"Ermmm... Can I get serious?"

The woman threw him a confused look before laughing as she said, "Pffft! Of course, you can, if you don't get serious, then what's the point of this examination."

Khan dryly laughed, he turned his focus on the Decipherer and tapped as a surge of Mana/Soul Energy within his Divine Emperor Soul transferred towards the Decipherer.

Khan grunted, his arm stretched and his palm opened as a Rune, the size of the entire room materialized in the air,

"What the..." The woman and Lily gaped in shock, their mouth opened wide, as the Rune shone in a rainbow light, the information displayed on the computer abruptly rose as it pierced through the skies.

Khan noticed their expression, especially the woman as he thought in his head,

"Did I go too far?"