The Internet is a Scary Place.

The room-sized Rune that materialized in the air immediately scattered upon Khan's will, he gave an exaggerated moan and staggered backward, his face pale as Lily supported him, the woman who stared blankly at him recovered, her eyes darted at the computer and found that it gave an error.


A bunch of gibberish displayed in the screen as the woman kneaded her forehead and sighed, she sat before the computer as rhythmic sounds echoed in the silent room,

[Assessment Completed; Results; Silver Ranked Magician]

"Mhmm, it seems like it actually broke and sucked too much of your Mana to the point that the manifested Rune became as big as the entire rune." The woman gave an awkward smile, as the one responsible for the Assessment, she was of course, accountable for the mistake.

Khan weakly nodded his head as Lily assisted him to a seat and the woman offered some citrus to help him regain his strength which Khan gladly accepted, while he sucked on a lemon, the woman's eyes turned to him, but instead of pure desire, it was filled with admiration towards a talent.

"Ahem, my name is Catherine Glass, it's a pleasure to meet you." The woman gestured with her hand stretched out, Khan glanced at her smiling, stretched his hand and returned her gesture in kind.

"Khan Liverto," Khan replied.

"Now then, since the two of you are definitely talents, I welcome you aboard, to the Specialized Course, Magic Programming, and Magic Engineering!" She clapped her hand, however, the smile on her face looked bleak, Khan had a thought in his mind, he raised his hand up and spoke.

"Why is it that you're the only one here? Catherine?"

Catherine's figure startled, while Lily revealed an awkward smile and the atmosphere inside the room became strange, to settle this down, Lily decided to explain.

"That's because although the concept of Magic Engineering and Magic Programming is good, it's extremely hard to learn and master to the point that nine out of ten people would be unable to get even a Bronze-Ranked License."

"Mhmm, so basically, it means that they can't pass the exams?" Khan's eyebrows lifted, he spoke with an uncertain tone.

"Yeah, they can't..."

Even though what the two had said felt quite disheartening, that doesn't mean that Khan's motivation to learn the concepts disappeared, instead, it became even more fierce.

After signing some formal documents, the two retreated back to the mansion, but instead of resting, Khan pestered Lily to join him in his experiments regarding Modern Magic and so, in the backyard of the mansion, the two stood, facing each other with a Decipherer on their arms.

According to the information that he received from the books that he read earlier, every magician had a passive area interference surrounding their bodies, called Borg, Khan felt unsure about its existence, and so, he asked Lily to attack him.

'So, to materialize the Borg, I still need to imagine a forcefield surrounding around my body.' Khan's eyes narrowed, he bent his knees in a defensive stance.

"Okay, I'll attack now, so be careful!" Lily shouted at the distance, a burst of Mana emerged from her body which transferred at the Rune Decipherer on her arm, her hand stretched out, followed by the materialization of a Rune that floated silently before her opened palm.

'A fireball, Rune?' Khan's mind instantly read the instructions written inside the Rune, his expression didn't wave for the Spell that Lily used to attack him couldn't possibly scratch his Divine Emperor Fleshly Body.

'According to the book, I need to feel sufficient danger for it to be activated, but damn, it looks like I won't be able to.' Khan helplessly smiled, he can't really blame Lily, for she still hasn't ascended the realm of the Divine Soul.

A fireball manifested in the air, it bought a scorching heat as it flew towards Khan's direction, the latter stared at the fireball Rune and with a thought, a surge of Mana flew towards the Rune, striking directly at the energy lines that made up the fireball as it disintegrated into nothingness.

Lily sighed, she didn't feel amazed anymore about Khan's feat, she just walked listlessly towards him and spoke with an exhausted tone, "Just how can you dissipate a Rune that's already materialized and flying towards you..."

"Hahaha" Khan chuckled, his eyes momentarily landed on Lily's expression that looked tired and the burning light within her eyes that contrasted her true feelings.

He tapped on his Rune Decipherer and manifested the simple knockback Rune that he created at Barhan's place.

The Rune silently floated in the air, giving off a threatening might, despite the simplicity of its design.

Khan slightly smiled, walked towards the floating Rune and pointed at it several times before saying, "Those are the weak points of the Rune, if you can find it and attack it with sufficient Mana, you can disrupt the energy that flows through its energy grid and destroy the formation of the Rune entirely."

Lily frowned: "How am I supposed to find those weaknesses when the time gap between the manifestation of a Rune and Phenomenon Rewrital is so short...?" She revealed an irritated and vexed expression, which made Khan chuckle in response.

"You just need to focus..."

Lily almost coughed a mouthful of blood toward his words, she stared at Khan speechlessly before retreating back to the mansion, leaving the awkwardly smiling Khan behind.

Back at the mansion, the two proceeded to eat their dinner, however, Khan's eyes weren't at the line up of luxurious looking dishes, but towards Lily who seemed to be endlessly smiling while she looked at the smartphone in her palm.

Laughing sounds and mirthful voices could be constantly heard coming from the device in her hand, which peaked Khan's curiosity as he asked, "That seems fun, what are you watching?"

"Mhmm? Ah, it's about this," Lily turned her phone towards Khan's direction and found that displayed in the screen were two figures of men near an alleyway, as people walked past them, the other would throw a firecracker to the ground, as the other begs for his life, which greatly frightened the onlookers nearby.

Lily's expression changed, she held her stomach and laughed, while Khan found the situation as amusing, it didn't really feel that much interesting for him, so he just stared at the laughing Lily with a blank look.

She continued on her enjoyment as Khan frowned with a thought: 'I should really learn more about this internet, thing.' He stood up, walked towards his bedroom and took a slim device from the nearby cabinet.

He pressed at the side buttons and the smartphone flared to life, he stared at it for a while to confirm that it really worked before returning to the dining table.

He then asked Lily on how to connect the internet, of which, the latter gladly instructed him, she even added his Weaboo account and declared her relationship towards Khan as a deterrence towards her lurking stalkers.

They took a picture together which Lily used as her display picture, it took quite long to describe but the process didn't even take ten minutes as Lily returned Khan's phone after connecting it to the internet.

Khan then proceeded to open the phone's built-in browser and tapped on the what's trending button, the screen took a while to load, and Khan ate as he waited, after several seconds, a vibration came from the smartphone.

[Top 10 Trending Websites for the year!]





Khan stared at the selection of websites, his finger tapped on the third selection, and as the website loaded, he ate a mouthful of rice that almost caused his death as he almost choked when he heard a resonating, alluring moan coming out from his smartphone which startled Lily.

Blood drained from Khan's face, his lips trembled and his eyebrows twitched, in his panic, he fiddled on the side-buttons but the volume that came from the smartphone didn't lessen, instead, it intensified as the moans soared through the entire mansion.

Lily stared at him with a piercing gaze that threatened to devour him alive, her hand blurred and snatched Khan's smartphone from his palm. She stared at the screen with a speechless expression, her eyes glanced at him and thought: 'Could it be that this rascal did this on purpose?'

No matter how ignorant Khan was, he should at least have some information regarding these lewd sites, towards her gaze, Khan could only give a crooked smile, his hand scratched his head.

'Damn, the internet is actually such a scary place...' Khan honestly thought in his mind.

Lily proceeded to silence the seductive moans by closing the browser itself before sighing and giving Khan precise instructions so that he wouldn't wander towards those shady websites again.

This affair shortly ended as the two felt sleepy, Khan told Lily that he wanted to sleep on his own so that he could focus on researching the occupation called Magic Engineering, but after seeing her pouting and wronged expression, he was eventually forced to sigh and now, the two laid beside each other.

Lily's expression looked glazed, her eyes filled with blatant desire would momentarily land on his body before shyly turning away.

Khan, with his honed senses long noticed this abnormality and couldn't help but stare at the inexhaustible Lily with a speechless smile suffused on his face.

He sighed, his left hand blurred, reaching towards Lily's lower body that intermittently trembled, feeling the moisture that stuck on his hand, he once again sighed as the might of his hand technique that he cultivated for a century displayed its power.

Soon enough, a satisfied Lily leaned on his shoulder while he massaged his aching wrist, he heaved in relief and continued on his research about the path of Magic Engineering.

There, he found that the ranks of Magicians were divided into several realms depending on their capabilities, starting from the Bronze Class until the Adamantite Class, according to the legends, there were about fifty Adamantite Class Magicians hidden somewhere around the planet.

And their might could easily rival an entire continent.

Khan's eyes shone in excitement, one of the requirements to officially ascend to the rank of Adamantite was to cultivate your own Rune that could cause mass destruction comparable to that of a nuclear warhead.

He clenched his fist as a burning determination surged deep within his soul, 'If those fifty plus people could do it, then it should also be possible for me to reach the same peak that they assailed, after all, I have a hundred thousand years of experience.'

His lips revealed a small smile, his fists clenched in excitement as he looked towards the future days that he would spend on researching the path that he had chosen.