
Morning came and the rays of the sun descended to awaken the two slumbering figures that laid on the bed and embracing each other, as their murky eyes opened, the warmth came from the sun told them that it was currently morning.

And as if struck by lightning, Lily's figure froze, she hurriedly went towards the door, but upon feeling the smooth breeze the brushed past her lower body, she embarrassedly returned back and took a towel to cover her exposed region.

Khan stared at the events that transpired before him with a slight smile on his face, with swift movements, his body stood up and he started walking towards the bathroom, but once he arrived, he noticed that a stream of running water trickled, a fuzzy silhouette of Lily could be seen behind the glass that separated the bathroom from the toilet.

With a smile filled with blatant intentions, his figure blurred and with a creak, the door that blocked his view towards his little wife, opened, revealing the startled and embarrassed figure of Lily who stared at him with pouted cheeks.

Khan moved inside, and the bodies of the two stuck together inside the cramped bathroom, Lily's expression flushed, while Khan only smiled as he said, "It's already 6:45, we don't have much time, so I figured that we could just take a shower, together."

The boldness in his eyes and the slight smile that he had, forced Lily to nod in bashfulness as she turned the shower on followed by a burst of water that drenched their bodies, Khan took a soap and started scrubbing his body, but he stopped upon noticing that Lily wasn't moving, instead, she just stood there, with her head, hanging low, a faint crimson blush suffused on her plump cheeks.

"Mhmm? What's wrong? Could it be that you want me to wash your back?" Khan cheekily spoke, he continued washing his body for he expected to be denied, but the next instance shocked him, for Lily actually nodded her head and replied with a hushed "Mhmm..."

Khan's confidence grew and his hands deflty moved towards Lily's body, his hand that carried the soap, brushed on her silky, smooth skin as the latter's body slightly trembled upon his touch, Khan witnessed these but only inwardly smiled, his mind wandered to the events that could be considered as a legend, for it already happened a long time ago, back when he was still a fledging vagrant, at that time, he was still spending his time with the young woman whose medical prowess was considered as excellent, that young woman cared for him in each time he returned with various mortal injuries, thinking about it back then, the woman helped him in everything and without any exchange, that's the reason why Khan cared somewhat for those people with altruistic qualities, for it remembered him, of her.

'Sigh... Now that I think of it, I haven't got the opportunity to help you at least once, it was you who helped me in everything, despite the stubbornness and the stupidity that I had, back then.' Unknowingly, a sigh filled with complicated emotions leaked from his mouth, Lily noticed this, she turned her body and found that Khan's eyes shone with a melancholic light, her hands moved, and her expression void of the previous bashfulness that she had as she gently caressed his head and pressed it on her chest in an embrace. Her innate maternal instincts was triggered upon noticing his pained expression, 'I see, so Khan is also a person with a story of his own, ' She thought as a slight smile leaked on her face, 'No matter what, I'm his wife, even if he isn't willing to tell me everything about his life, I should still support him whenever he needs it, and whatever it is.'

Normally a shower would only take about twenty minutes, but because of that affair, it took them double the time to finish their shower, as they moved out, Khan's eyes shone in a tender light, void of any lust and desire, he dressed his little wife with clothes that he found to be fitting for her and afterwards, Lily insisted that she would dress him up.

But the situation became awkward since Khan's lance reacted towards her, Khan could only leak an awkward smile and inwardly cursed his young body for having such a high sexual drive, Lily sighed, she kneeled down, grasped the weapon in her palm and spoke with a hushed tone, "I'll only do this once..." Her head moved, as Khan's eyes narrowed towards the pleasure that ran through his spine.

Several minutes later, a pouting Lily came out of the bathroom, her mouth slightly bulged as she gargled, spitting the mouthwash from her mouth, she tested her breath and nodded in approval upon smelling it, her eyes that shone in a critical light landed on Khan wearing a combo of t-shirt and shorts with a crooked smile on his face.

Lily didn't bother about him anymore and prepared a shoulder bag filled with the necessities that a woman needed, she also added some foundation on her face and some perfumes that accentuated the matured odor that emanated from her body.

Khan sat there in impatience, for Lily had already taken about thirty minutes just to get herself ready in their stroll throughout the noble Realm of Muspelheim. Khan's hand clutched slightly on his stomach, even though his peak Divine Emperor Realm body didn't necessarily need any food to live, he already became used to eating three times a day, and of course, he desired it, especially when the distinct flavor that it had, that the Ancient civilzation lacked.

Khan took his smartphone and searched for nearby places with good food using his browser, thanks to the study that he did, last night, he becam more proficient in handling his device, so that he would't land at those shady websites anymore.

A creaking sound resonated, Khan's attention condensed into a door that slightly opened, and within the next seconds, Lily's figure emerged from her room as Khan stared at her with a dumbstruck light in his eyes.

Within his entire life time, Khan witnessed innumerable beauties that could destroy kingdoms and decimate empires and has already became numb of them to the point that he would only feel indifferent towards them, however, it was different when the beauty dressed specifically to appease your desires.

Khan's eyes landed on Lily's fidgety figure who wore a one piece aquamarine dress, the material that composed the dress seemed to be light enough that you could peek through it, but it was also thick enough that your eyes couldn't fully pierce though what was hidden inside.

This teasing capability that the dress had, surely encited the desires hidden within every man. Khan gave a small cough, clarity returning to his mind as he spoke, "Why do you always take such a long time when it comes to dressing up?" His eyebrows locked together.

"So what? I didn't even take that much time, and who do you think am I dressing for..." Her tone became barely audible at the end as she moved towards the exit in an effort to hide her current expression, Khan stood there in silence, a satisfied and gentle smile leaked on his face as he embraced the beauty with his right arm.

Lily startled for a moment before slowly calming down, even though her expression betrayed her calmness, she still stood there, letting Khan do whatever he wants as he walked with her in tow, towards the gates.

Dobart noticed the incoming two and his expression became filled with utmost shock, for he thoroughly knew about Lily's violent tendencies, his eyes shone with a light filled with utmost admiration and worshipped.

'Damn, he even conquered the dragon-like goddess, what a goddamned god.' He silently thought in his mind as he watched their gradually distancing back.

The Noble Realm of the City of Muspelheim was geared towards the people of the middle-class and above, and because of that, food was more expensive, but, of course, more delicious than average.

Khan fiddled with his smartphone as Lily leaned on his shoulder, her eyes focused on what Khan was doing and she smiled as she noticed that he was doing his own research towards their supposed to be destination for today's date.

She snuggled even more, indulging herself in Khan's manly scent and the gazes of the young men around Khan focused on him, filled with utmost emnity and envy.

'Hmmph! These kids actually dared to ogle my litle wife...' Khan's eyes narrowed, he sweeped and the young men around him gulped a mouthful as they retracted their lascivious stares.

But he also felt helpless, for Lily was really beautiful to the point that no matter where she went, she would definitely attract all kinds of gazes.

"Lily, do you want to buy a robe?" Khan inquired, the snuggling Lily raised her head and replied, "a robe? No, it's too hot, why should I wear something like that?" Her eyebrows frowned in suspicion.

"It's because your too beautiful, I'm afraid, some rich young master may fall in love with you and take you from me." Khan revealed a pouting expression accompanied with worry. Lily stared at him for a while before pinching his waist, which made him jolt in pain.

"Damn, that hurts... What's wrong with you?" Khan rubbed his aching waist, while Lily retorted with, "Do you really think that I'm that kind of a woman? A woman whose gonna leave you for a rich, handsome, and charismatic young master?" Khan revealed an awkward smile, "Remember that I already think of myself as your woman, if not, I wouldn't do that embarassing and disgusting thing earlier..." Her tone became like a whisper at the end, her expression flushed as she remembered the actions that she did, back at the mansion's bathroom.

"I see, so you're already starting to accept that your my wife..." Khan's eyes shone in a complicated light, his expression became filled with a guilt that only he understood.

But since written history, a woman's instinct was always sharp, especially towards a matter pertaining to her man. Lily noticed the hidden emotions that Khan had, as her grip on his arms tightened, her eyes shining in a light of doubt and she replied with an uncertain tone, "Khan, do you really love me? Why do I feel like you're near, yet so distant from the true, me?"

Khan sighed, his hand moved and ruffled her head as the latter's eyes narrowed in pleasantness, "Can we talk about this, later? I promise that I will tell you about everything..." His eyes shone in a determined light.

"Okay, I believe you...So today, let's have some fun, okay?" Lily revealed an assured smile as she calmed her nerves and once again snuggled to Khan's embrace.

The entire City of Muspelheim spanned at least half of the entire continent with the Noble Realm taking at least a half of the region that Muspelheim occupied.

Inside the Noble Realm, there were several small-scale blocks that could be considered as a tourist destination, and they arrived at one of those, specifically, the region called the Culinary Bowl of Muspelheim.

As the two disembarked, a strong scent of spices and frying oils, accompanied by the alluring scent of foods that wafted in the air.

Lily's eyes shone in a delighted light, as well as Khan who felt excited about the dishes that they were about to discover.

Khan took his smartphone from his pocket and was about to consult a search engine before being stopped by Lily who told him that it would be the best to discover everything on their own, than consulting the internet.

The two proceeded to stroll around the city, tasting dishes that shook Khan's perception towards food.

It must be known that the food that Khan usually ate back at his peak were foods infused with the Qi that came from the heavens and was pure to the point that it tasted bland.

And so, tasting these kind of dishes filled with several flavors was a new experience for him to the point that he ate until he felt like vomiting.

Lily rubbed his bulging stomach and spoke while laughing at his outcome, "I told you not to eat too much, and you didn't listen, now you look like a pregnant woman at his thirties."

"Damn it, how could I not devour all of those delicious dishes? That would be an insult to the skillful chefs who painstakingly made those!" Khan retorted.

"Mhmm, so you're saying that the meals I make at home isn't as delicious as this?" Lily's eyes shone in a light that made him gulp in apprehension.

"How did you reach that result?" Khan replied in a helpless tone.

"Well, that's because you don't eat as much as you did, when I'm the one making the meals..." She revealed a pouting expression and spoke with a wronged tone.

"No, no, no, no, no," Khan hurriedly denied, "The reason why I ate that much wasn't because your meals tasted bland, well even if do they taste like that sometimes, it's ju-"

"Enough with the excuses!" Lily interupted him with a stern tone, "So you're saying that the meals that I make tastes bland compared to these?" Khan revealed a guilty smile, and didn't reply.

Due to the fact that Lily was the princess of the Divine Dragon Sect, she didn't really have that much experience when it comes to cooking, for her meals would be taken care off by the servants.

As a woman, she felt quite hurt when she heard that her husband didn't like the dishes that she made, but thanks to the innate pridefulness that she had due to being a member of the noblest Dragon Race, a profound light filled with determination shone in her eyes as she said.

"Okay, from now on, I'm gonna practice!"

"Say, what?"

"I said I'm going to practice cooking! Now, tell me what dishes do you like?"

"Ermm, I like everything, though..."

"I want to know what you like! I need some kind of a concrete answer, not a vague one, or else, how am I supposed to make the dishes that you like?" Lily urged him to reply, Khan sighed helplessly and succumbed under her determined glare.

"Red-braised pork."

"For dinner?"

"Yes, for dinner."

"Then, what do you like for breakfast?" Unknowingly, Lily already took a notebook accompanied with a pen as she started to take notes.

"F-fried dough sticks and cold soy milk."

"We can't be eating those unhealthy stuffs, every day, you know! We need to eat, at least a proper breakfast."

"Then, I want stir-fried vegetables with cured pork meat."

"I see, then, what do you want for lunch?"

"I like to have roasted duck for lunch with vegetables on the side, and hot, barley tea,"

"Mhmm!" Lily nodded, she closed her notebook and had a perpetual smile on her face as she continued eating.

"Hey, don't tell me that, you're planning to have me eat those meals, everyday?"

"Mhmm! You like those dishes, right? Then it should be okay for you to eat it everyday..."

Her words made him facepalm, however, seeing her delighted and excited expression, he only suffused a small smile and said no more.

The day ended with the two, extremely full as they struggled to walk towards a nearby hotel, since today was Saturday, they still have a day to thoroughly explore the Culinary Bowl of Muspelheim.

They eventually arrived before a so-called Love Hotel. Khan moved inside and rented a VIP room all the while Lily hid her face from the ambiguously smiling attendants.

Arriving inside the room, Khan found that it was filled with the scent of an alluring incense that roused the desires hidden with a person's body.

Khan could easily withstand with it, but Lily, whose cultivation was lower and was exhausted by the all-day travel, found it hard to endure.

Her body fell towards the soft, king sized bed as she started undressing herself. Khan stared at her with a helpless expression, he moved atop Lily and within a blink of an eye, the clothes that coveredd their body, scattered as suppressed moans filled the entire room, not until did four entire hours had passed did the storm susbside.