Case of Murder

"Cecilia! You've woken up," Kiyo entered the room. I wanted to wait until Miya left before I asked Kiyo what happened. "Sorry, but could you prepare to go out? We have an emergency." "What is it?" I asked. "No time to explain now! Meet me outside as soon as possible." Kiyo left. I got dressed and left the room with Miya, who also didn't know what was going on.

Outside the building,was a carriage waiting to pick us up. "We're heading to a court right now. When we're there just stay quiet." "Alright." I trusted Kiyo knew what she was doing so I didn't bother asking. When we arrived at the court, two soilders accompanied us in. Inside, there sat a judge along with a few others who were spectators. "Order at court!"After the judge said that the room became dead silent. Miya, Lyla and I sat down while Kiyo stayed standing."State your name." "Kiyoshi." "Alright, you are being questioned for the murder of a group of bandits near the edge of the town." "That is correct, but I didn't murder them." "Who out of the four of you admit to or have taken part in the death of the bandits." I know it was Miya, but she doesn't remember what she did.

I'm probably going to regret this but, "I did sire, I have the sheath of the knife used in this crime with me." A solder came up and took the sheath from me. The judge took a look at the sheath and nodded. "As punishment for your crime you are to pay a fine and leave this town immediately. You are to never step foot into this town within the next year. Court over, everyone may leave." Kiyo stood up, "Wait! Please reconsider your decision. We were nearly killed by the bandits why are we to face punishment when we are the victims?" The judge clearly didn't want to continue this case. "Then the fine shall be annulled. But you are still to not step foot into this town for the next year. Over!" The judge said sounding annoyed while stepping out of the building.

-Society (part 2/4) End-