All by myself

Kiyo just stared at me, she didn't know whether to thank me or yell at me for not keeping quiet. Miya was still confused. "Let's meet up at the village in one years time," Lyla whispered. "Please follow us." Two soilders escorted me to the edge of town. The walk there made me feel like a criminal walking toward their execution. One of the soilders threw my bag onto the ground, "Your friend asked me to give this to you." The soilders watched me pick up the bag and didn't leave me alone until we were in the forest. After they left I found a nice place to sit. I'm all by myself again. "At least I won't have to worry about being found out now" "Found out about what?" A young boy with white hair overheard me talking to myself. Is it normal for people to go up to strangers and start talking with them?

"That's a secret. Now, where did you come from?" I unconsciously started patting his head. "I got lost." "Why were you walking in this forest? Where are your parents?" "Their not in this world." Wait, what? No, what I'm I thinking about. The world'sgate has disappeared I'm the only one who has a world traveling device. I touched the Worlds Gate's core which was hanging from my neck. So that must mean, he's an orphan. "Alright, where do you want to go? There's a town nearby, though I was just banished from it so I can't go with you." The boy stared at the core, then looked up at me. "What's that?" He asked while pointing to the core. "It's a secret." He tilted his head. "What's wrong with you? Why do you have so many secrets? Are you a scatterbrain?" Who would have thought such a cute child could be so annoying, no wonder my mother... Never mind. This boy reminds me of one of my old friends. "Do you have anywhere you want to go?" The boy shaked his head. "Then do you want to travel with me? I was just lacking a companion." The boy nodded. "Ok, my name's Cecilia, but you can just call me older sister. [1] What's your name?" "Rian." Rian reluctantly said.

I remembered that the soilders had given me my bag earlier. I dug through my bag. "Aha!" I knew it! Kiyo packed me a map. I put the map down so Rian could see it. "The map show's that there's a village we could get to in two days, we could head there and decide how long we should stay once we arrive. Any objections?" There was an awkward silence. "Guess not! Ok, let's start hiking!" Rian waited till I was ten steps ahead of him before beginning to follow me. 'I can already tell this will be a very awkward two days.'

-Society (part 3/3) End-