
Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Jin Fu was doing her morning exercise as usual. When Jin Fu saw, Aunt coming out of her room and going to the kitchen, she said

"Good Morning, Aunt"

Cai Xiang just nodded and continued her way to the kitchen. By now she understood that Jin Fu was just being nice therefore she didn't mind it.

While making dishes for the lunch time, Cai Xiang thought of how much the young miss changed since she came to the village. Cai Xiang thought that this was the real Jin Fu because Jin Fu in the Jin Estate was restricted to much. She also noted down Jin Fu's daily routine. In the morning Jin Fu will exercise till noon. Then she will take bath for which Cai Xiang just complied and eat lunch. Then in the afternoon what Jin Fu does perplexes Cai Xiang the most. Jin Fu wastes four to five hours just make those weird dresses that will better suit a boy than a girl. Cai Xiang didn't know what to do about this even though she was impressed by Jin Fu's sewing skills. Cai Xiang thought at least young miss learnt how to sew while being locked down in that estate. Just before going to sleep, she will just sit there cross legged and eyes closed for one hour. Cai Xiang still didn't understand why does Jin Fu do that.


After eating lunch, Jin Fu had nothing better to do. Jin Fu would like to sew but she was tired of doing it every day for the past five days. She had already done five set of dresses and that is more than enough for her.

Jin Fu sat at the outer court and looking up at the sky while endlessly sighing. The ancient times didn't have much of entertainment. While thinking Jin Fu heard Cai Xiang's voice from behind.

"Young miss, why don't you go out and play with the kids. At the same time, you could tour the village if you want to."

"Ah.... Thank you for the idea Aunt. Then let us go together Aunt since it is the first time Im going out and I don't know where the kids play."

"This servant understands."

Cai Xiang hesitated for a while but still spoke her concern.

"Young miss, is it fine to wear that kind of dress and to go out?"

"Yes, Im fine Aunt. Let's go."

"Young miss, at least wear the dress which you made that covers the whole body."

"Not required Aunt. Let us just go."

Cai Xiang just sighed and allowed the young miss to follow her.


Cai Xiang soon noticed that as they were walking in the village, every villager who passed by them gave them weird looks. Cai Xiang wondered what was wrong with them. Then she thought about the Young miss and she understood and thus she ignored those gazes.

When a villager passed by Jin Fu and Cai Xiang, he thought about the little girl and how weirdly she was dressed up. The dress that the little girl wore was tolerable but the hair. What was wrong with her mother? How could she allow the little child to have that weird hairstyle that is not at all suited for girls. < The hairstyle the villager is talking about is the bang cut with ponytail at the back.>

Jin Fu on the other hand was watching the village with interest as she thought she was on a tour that was sponsored by the cultural organization who liked to preserve the old ways. But when she saw the brown-haired people walking passed her, she felt displeased from inside and was brought back to reality. She really felt displeased with the hair. She thought that how could all the adults have brown hair. She thought like this because she was used to see black hair as common and held slight prejudice towards brown hair which was normal for the empire's people.

Other than that, the village looked bland and nothing much was there except some ancient looking houses and ancient people who are stronger than average people from the modern era.

Then she thought that how could people from this village bring the require necessities since this village had nothing? But then she thought that she was being too silly. Of course, the villagers had to travel to towns or cities to need the necessities. Jin Fu eyes began to sparkle from this thought. Jin Fu would have a chance to travel soon to other places. Jin Fu thought that once she reaches home, she will surely ask Aunt.

Now, Jin Fu heard Cai Xiang's voice

"Young miss we have arrived. Look over there."