Play field

Jin Fu saw some little kids playing at a patch of land near a river.

"Young miss, do I need to stay here? "

"No need. I can manage on my own. You could go back and wait for my return."

"This servant understands."

When Jin Fu was not able to see her Aunt then only she moved. Jin Fu didn't walk towards the children but went fifty meters away from the children and sat on the grass. Jin Fu didn't want to play with those children because her mental age was more than those children. But she was bored to death at home. Therefore, Jin Fu came here to have some entertainment by watching those kids play.


After a while some of the kids noticed that someone was watching them from far away. But those kids didn't bother and continued to play.

After half an hour, some kids started to brawl against themselves. Jin Fu found this amusing and watched the scenario with bewilderment. This is because Jin Fu saw a girl fighting against four boys who were playing earlier. Jin Fu also noticed that the other children did not involve themselves in the matter. Perhaps the four boys must be local tyrants of the area. Jin Fu already knew the outcome. Anyway, she continued watching because she didn't care about some kid's brawl.

The girl obviously lost after some while. It was not that Jin Fu had anything against that girl. She was just being rational. Jin Fu then saw one of the boys throw the pouch that the girl carried towards the river.

Then another boy shouted "Let us go back now. Our parents must be worried by now."

The other kids heeded that boy's word submissively and got up to go back home. Till the end everyone ignored Jin Fu as if she didn't exist in the first place. Jin Fu didn't mind with that attitude because if she didn't interact with them, why would they interact with her.

When Jin Fu was about to head back home to, she heard a girl's wailing sound. When she turned to look, it was the same girl who was bullied by those boys. Jin Fu thought that if you can't fight then why did you pick a fight with those boys. But for some reason the crying of the girl still bothered Jin Fu. So, she went towards the girl to check out why she was crying.

"Hey, little kid why are you crying?"

The girl "...."

The girl who was crying was first surprised when she heard the question. Then she looked up and saw a girl as same age as her wearing a weird dress. Then she thought in her heart that who are you calling a little kid, we both look almost the same age.

Meanwhile, when Jin Fu didn't hear a reply, she posed another question.

"Do you need my help?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, then she pointed at the pouch which was thrown at the river which was now stuck on branch.

When Jin Fu Saw the pouch, she instantly understood why the girl was crying. But then again, she was little speechless inside. Jin Fu thought doing this small deed to help was not such a big deal but later she will understand that this small deed brought a lot of trouble for her.

Jin Fu went next to the river. But when she saw the depth of the river she couldn't help but sigh. The river was practically walkable but that girl still was not able to walk and take her belongings. Jin Fu thought that the girl is seriously hopeless. But since Jin Fu lend a helping hand she was not going to back out now. She jumped to the river and walk towards the branch were the pouch was stuck.

Meanwhile the girl was startled because it was the first time she saw a person, that to a kid, not afraid of water. The girl just stared blankly while Jin Fu was retrieving the pouch. It is to be known that the HanXia Empire's people are instinctively afraid of water because of their brown Chi Force.

When the pouch touched her hand, the girl was jolted awake.

Jin Fu said while walking away " You do not need to thank me."

The girl wanted to ask some questions but Jin Fu was already far away.


At night, after dinner the girl asked her mom "Is there a person who is not afraid of water?"

The girl's mom glared at her while saying " What nonsense are you talking about?"

The girl became quiet. The girl knew that she can't tell the matter which happened in the field because her world view at also changed when she saw a kid touch a water and not get harmed by anyway.

So, the girl hesitated and then said in a round-about manner " Mom, let's say a person jumps into the river and touches the water. Is it possible to not get harmed by it?"

The girl's mom answered her with 'what the hell' look "Of-course a person who touches the water will get harmed. This is already common sense. I only know that those who are not from our Empire are not harmed by water."

"Did you meet someone from another Empire today by any chance?"

", I didn't meet anyone from another Empire."

"That's a relief. Do not ask any more stupid question and go to sleep. Its already late."

"Ok mom."

While the girl was going to sleep, she kept thinking about what happened today. She thought about the girl in that weird dress. Then she thought that she would be able to meet girl tomorrow at the play field. She was determined to find out more about the girl who she met today tomorrow for sure.