Green Hat

I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




Sitting in the bed, sheets covering up her feet, Xael weakly smiled at the man sitting at the stool beside the bed as she feigned coughs from time to time. "I'm sorry for having you visit me, Charles. You must be tired from your journey and I wasn't able to welcome you properly."

Xael bobbed her head down, she looked so guilty with some filter of trembling shoulders and misty eyes, and she perfected it.

Charles arrived around eight to ten a.m., good thing; Xael has made several back up plan depending on the time he finally appears.

She has already finished her current morning routine; a modern military regime, some minutes of yoga, body cleansing and a hearty breakfast, though today, she has to take an appearance of a slightly sick young lady who's just about to get better.

"You didn't have to worry about that, it's my responsibility. Are you okay now? You're still a little pale." Charles smiled, he continued to check on whether she's feeling some ache in any part of her body like a concerned fiancé.

Xael interacted with him, in her heart, no ripples could be felt. Everything from his mannerism to language is the act of a true gentleman, indeed. But I don't like this type of man.

She brooded about it. Xael has always believe that if a guy easily acted in a conventional way even if she's just his fiancée due to the order from his family, his heart would definitely be easily swayed by that decision, thus will not bring any genuine feelings.

This is also one of the reasons why Charles was not able to love Xael Martineau before. Xael pretended to be someone to attract Charles attention while Charles gave back this half-bake response due to his sense of duty.

That's why, Xael changed the tactics. If Xael M.'s feelings won't bring any fruitful deed, then we better pull out the roots as soon as possible.

She smiled lightly, the light that was touching her cheek made a serene glow in her face. "Charles, do you remember the first time we met?"

Charles was a bit startled; it was not Xael M.'s style to ask this kind of question.

"Are you still feeling unwell? Maybe you need to rest." Charles tried to ushered her to the bed when Xael shook her head lightly.

"I'm fine." Xael laughed a little at his reply as she lightly push his hands away from her. "I just recalled about it a little. If you think about it, it's warm and funny. I accidentally crossed paths with my uncles and you thought that I was surrounded by huge burly men. Out of nowhere, you just suddenly popped out in front of me and actually dragged me away." Xael truly giggled.

This is the exact same expression she made when she watch the video record of this data.

"Instead of fighting back, I even ran away with you. I thought I was being kidnapped, it's a very interesting experience."

Xael maybe saying this in sweet and soft voice but she was ridiculing Xael M.'s decision in her heart. It's because of that choice that she was sealed on the route of the unsatisfying end.

"When my uncles finally reached the both of us, you even shielded me from them, tucking me behind you. I thought that you're very gutsy and crazy until you shouted, 'Men should always respect and treasure women. This is what she deserves.' I was very surprise."

Xael stopped for a moment; she inhaled deeply before gazing at Charles' clear eyes. She tugged her chest before saying, "Surprised that that time, I actually fell in love."

She could tell that Charles was shock in her so called confession as his stature stiffens. He tried to open his mouth but said nothing in the end.

For Charles, it's not a first time for him to encounter looks and admiration signals but it was his first time receiving a straightforward one.

"Charles..." He thought that her confession was the end but it was actually not. "Do you love me?"

Charles was still able to pull his composure before answering her with a smile in his face. "Of course, I do. I love you."

Ah! Charles, such answers will make me hate you more. Xael scorned inside her heart, it was evident that his answers didn't even have a tint of emotion. If it was the former Xael M. who was in this position, she would be blind enough to believe him.

Unable to face such deception any longer, Xael feigned a small dizziness; she gripped on the sheets with her other hand supporting her head.

Charles, being the good fiancé he is, helped Xael to lie back down on her bed, he thoughtfully tucked in the quilt to cover her.

"Charles, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well so I will also not be able to accompany you when you leave. It's so rude of me, I wasn't able to welcome you and now…" Xael sighed as she again reach out for her temple, massaging it a bit. "I know that you have a lot of things to do and you even took some time off to visit me but I don't want you to be sick because of me."

Xael averted her gazed as if she's embarrassed on her current state, Charles could only smile as he excused himself to leave.

Inside the room, Xael was actually smiling; her plan was really going well and she still hasn't encounter things that would disrupt it.


✽Willow: [ Sweetcheeks, you're not planning on putting a green hat* on your husband's head, are you? ]


It was a good thing that Xael's mouth was empty because if it's not, she will undoubtedly choke on Willow's question.

"Why would you even have that kind of idea? Besides, all the romantic relationships I've entered in my past life were all force by the mission! Willow, I will only love my husband, that's why I'm doing this." Xael answered.


✽Willow: [ Okay-okay. I'm just kidding. ]


Xael then fell asleep after that. Unknown to her, things are not like before.