
I did promise to serve the country, but I vowed to love you.




After she woke up, it was close to evening. Xael was then again called to General Atticus' study.

But who was she? The sick and fragile unica ija who can't even stand being with the man she was supposedly in love with as she was feeling disgust and unsatisfied with him. Of course she'll go.

After entering the study, instead of only her grandfather, Xael saw another two burly man seating on the couch.

One was with a beard messy enough to mistake as a seaweed and the other with his head already missing it's hair. Even with their gigantic body, one could say that they possessed the charm of a military veteran.

"Ah! What a surprise to see you here right now, Xael," The man with the bald head said.

"That's right! Charles should have arrive now. You're not tailing him?" The man with the beard said.

"Uncle Sigfred, Uncle Sigvard." Xael cupped her hands to express her respect. "I am here because grandfather called me, for the reason that I am not with Charles, don't want him to catch my cold."

"You mean, it's okay if it's us?" Sigfred, the bearded one, asked. His tone was nevertheless a sulking one.

"Uncle, only idiots get sick." Xael smiled. She turned towards her grandfather before repeating the gesture. "Grandfather, good afternoon."

General Atticus nodded, accepting her greetings. Looking at his face it was neither a good expression nor a bad one. Even her Uncles have this evil grin on their faces.

"Xael, it's rare for you to slept until this late of the afternoon. You must be really sick?" His grandfather's tone has a tint of worry but then it turned even gloomier. "So, this grandfather of yours has thought about it and I've decided to let you unwind until your health turn for the better."

Xael was very suspicious of her grandfather's idea, from the unusual curve of his brows to the glint of his eyes. This man is planning something.

Xael knew that General Atticus is not scheming anything to harm her as it would be a bug of this world if that happened but Xael still didn't lowered her guard. Though even if that was the case, Xael M. was the type of person that would never go against her grandfather as long as it's reasonable.

"You don't need to be anxious, that place is topnotch. Also, it's suitable for people who wants to relax." Sigvard answered.

Xael was looking for this opportunity as Charles will still be staying in their manor for two more days. She didn't want to exhaust herself by acting like a maiden who's dead in love with a jerk, constantly going to where he is going, it's not her style to be someone's tail.

Other than that, this was also a part of her plan. A very simple, if push didn't work then pull away.

Unknown to Xael, the real reason why her grandfather decided this is to pull them apart somehow. He can't stomach seeing her granddaughter behave like a dog just because of a man who can't even see her true worth.


The next day, Xael was escorted to a huge gazebo near an open field that is covered with different plants. It wasn't as hot as it was in the modern day as the wind was filled with the touched of mint and cooling feeling.

Sipping her tea, Xael could only gaze and bore herself to death. She was constantly having some chats with Willow checking her son's condition and updates about her husband and Apollo's whereabouts.

In the end, she was left out to roam herself around. Reminiscing about her husband, she happened to passed by in a place covered with flowers.

It was windy that her veil started to gorgeously flutter.

Wandering on it for a bit, soft giggle and laughter caught her ears. She was not particularly bother by it, but it was different this time as she felt that she has heard that voice before.

Xael, who was curious at heart, was then bumped from behind.

Holy hell? She turned around, like a déjà vu, a kid was behind her holding a flower crown.

"Ahh! The pretty lady from before!" The boy exclaimed. Even Xael was surprise herself.

Before she could even reply, a raspy yet husky voice broke through her chance.

"Well, what a coincidence."

"You're right, you just made me believe that enemies are destined to meet on a small road."

Xael turned around, thanks to the veil, she didn't even bother hiding the sourness in her face. The man from before walked towards her before he slightly bowed his head that even Xael was stunned.

"A man shall only bow to the heaven and their parents but this time is an exception. I jumped into conclusion, I was too rash that I spew wrong words without knowing anything. I hope this lady could forgive me." The man said before he looked up. His eyes was straightforward, sharp enough to make Xael's impression of him to go higher.

"Thank you for asking for my forgiveness. Even I am too rash that time." Xael politely accepted his apology. Coincidentally, she took a glance on the scene behind the man before nodding like she understood something.

Her hands reached for her chin as she asked, "I'm just curious about one thing. Is the boy from that time really your brother?"

"Yes. He is." The man answered unhesitatingly even if what he said was half true half lie.

"You must be very happy, having so many brothers and sisters." Xael commented.

As the man gazed on the direction she's looking, children no less than ten of numbers came on rushing before him while shouting 'brother'. The moment he looked back to Xael, a small blush was seen on his face before it completely disappeared.

Xael laughed to herself, a man who's bigger than her was actually acting this cute.

"Yes. I am." The man smiled flawlessly. Like remembering something important, his face suddenly lighten up. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Marshell."

Xael, who's now looking favorably at the man answered gracefully. "I'm Xael. Xael Martineau."