Magic (Part 3)

"Wait you are going to make him chant, without making him visualize the chant first?" Aerwyna asked.

"Erm uh yeah ahh haha. Sorry, Ezra, I forgot, well It's almost automatic to me so it's just like a flash of images that happen to me it's almost instantaneous when I utilize chantless magic like it is sort of ingrained in my head already and the feeling just comes to me without thinking," Reitz reasoned.

"You know that it's dangerous when you don't give the proper visualization it could rebound on Ezra. Are you seriously going to kill your firstborn son? " Aerwyna frowned.

"Hey hey, no damage done so don't worry." Reitz apologized.

"So first let's get to the visualization. There are two things to consider when visualizing your magic. First is the visualization of the chant itself, and visualization of the outcome. So the pattern should be outcome-chant-outcome. So when trying to do a flame blade. You should visualize the sabre materializing out of your hand. Then you recite the chant and you could visualize it using the words of the chant but there is an easier way. Each chant actually has a shortcut to the visualization, this was discovered and was enhanced by trial and error by our ancestors and what we have now is the optimized version and it would differ from chant to chant of course that's why each house has their own speciality even though they could conjure the same spell it would not be the same in either power, output, cast speed or efficiency but of course this does not apply to higher tiers of Elementalists so the disparity is just for budding mages. For the optimized version of the visualization just picture a flaming sword slicing through a wall or any object. So basically, first, picture the effect, picture the flaming sword slicing through a sword, then after the chant picture the effect again as you activate the spell. " Reitz discussed the visualization phase of the chant in detail.

"Got that Ezra?" Reitz asked his son.

Ezra nodded.

"Happy now M'lady? Or did I still neglect some aspect of casting a spell? " Reitz said this as he turned to Aerwyna

"I'm just doing this for the safety of our son, why are you so tense? His own magic can't hurt him but the rebound will" Aerwyna replied.

"Well okay. Ezra let's go back to the start, First, condense your magic aura," Reitz instructed.

Ezra followed just as he was told.

"Good now, keep it there as you visualize the chant and say it with me" his father continued.

[ A flame is sharp and ever burns, all is scorched by its frowning blade, no man, no bird, or beast can stand the might, the pow'r of it bestow. Now I shall wield its strength and cut and hack and slash at length ]

Ezra said the chant there was a peculiar feeling as he was saying this string of words. The aura in his arm seemed erratic, it was heating up slowly and pulsating. Ezra closed his eyes as he was saying the chant.

"Ezra just keep visualizing it okay?" he heard his mother's voice.

The tension was high for the couple they could clearly see the development of the magic as if it was about to cast the magic was gathering in his arm slowly flickering. All the cues pointed that the incantation was about to pour forth.

They were euphoric, they had a son that could produce magic from infancy. This was the first ever occurrence in history and they were the parents of this budding legend. They were proud and at the same time anxious as they anticipated the future of their family and their domain.

Then suddenly the magic spell, upon almost reaching climax. the magic that was condensed faded and returned to the bodily aura that it once was disappearing back and melding with Ezra once more.

There was no activation, there was no spell that materialized. Only the fist of an infant could be seen raised in the air.