Technomancer: Genesis

Technomancer: Genesis

Fantasy137 Chapters2.6M Views
Author: earldennison
Table of Contents

A quantum physicist with eidetic memory reincarnates in a world of magic.

Born in upper nobility, Ezra must balance his pursuit of understanding the world around him, gaining power, and triumphing over the political power struggles that his family is dragged into while using modern knowledge, intellectual prowess and technology to advance his combat capabilities and develop his dominion.



1. This is dual hosted, on webnovel and on Royal Road. If I get a contract I might take it down from there.

2. The novel starts off with a low word count because I did not think that this would gain a following of sorts. After chapter 8 the word count increases to 1k to 1.6k words. Right now my minimum word count is 1.1k but I normally write 1.2k words and above.

3. There will be detailed explanations for certain things in the book if you don't like that then this is not the novel for you.

4. I will try to limit the info dumps as much as possible and release it into bite-sized bits.

5. The novel is not yet fully edited as of this writing, I publish chapters as soon as I finish them.

6. The novel is parental guidance. There will be cussing and some swear words in chapters.

7. Beliefs, stances and opinions of characters in the novel do not represent the beliefs and ideologies of the author

8. Update is one chapter a week for the moment.

Editor: NONE

Map of Fulmen:

163 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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To be strictly honest, this novel is still quite new so I’m not certain how things will shape up in the future but so far it seems that the MC acts in a fairly reasonable way. He doesn’t let his emotions govern his actions like many novel MCs do, but neither is he a perfect logical thinking machine. Some people have critized that he doesn’t think enough like a scientist, I have to disagree. He conducts tests and tries different hypotheses, the disagreement comes in his resolution in sticking with the laws of physics as he knows them. Of course a truly scientific method is to always question everything, but scientists have always held key fundamental assumptions. Getting scientists to change these assumptions has always been a difficult task. In order to do so you first have to propose an alternative assumption, a task that requires thinking of the world in an entirely new way and then once you have familiarized yourself in thinking that way, you have to create all the new laws based upon the alternate assumption to be able to explain everything the old model could. Then you need to analyze the two models and determine what differences would arise depending on which one was accurate, create the experiments, and do the tests. And only after all this has been verified would scientists decide to change their worldview. In general it is much easier to explain a new phenomenon using the backing of your current knowledge than it is to rewrite your entire understanding of the laws to accomodate the new phenomenon. The former is what most scientists do, the latter is what revolutionary scientists such as Einstein do. The MC is essentially being asked (by himself mainly as he is driven by a thirst for knowledge) to either rectify the seeming violation of the laws of physics by the magic system, when he is stuck with the body and parental restrictions of a baby/toddler where so far he can’t use magic as anything more than an enhanced endo-skelton suit and advanced sensory/calculating device, or to try and figure out the laws of physics from scratch, by himself. Also, side note, none of the statements he’s made are scientifically inaccurate. You might have seen a previous comment on a binary star, please read the replies to that, he’s not saying binary star systems don’t exist, but that binary star system worlds would not behave like Earth (and they wouldn’t). As for the actual novel, there definitely seems to be quite a bit of worldbuilding with plenty of details that are relevant, but the main mysteries are much slower going and look like they will take some time before the MC is able to find the answers, mainly as they are mysteries to most everyone. The MC is a bit overpowered, but compared to most on Quidian, it’s not that bad and even with his super baby magic might, he still prefers to use his analytical skills to win a fight than an explosion of power, plus with his current restriction that prevents him from actually casting spells, he does tend to come up with more interesting solutions than just swing sword super fast and sharp. The only thing that strikes me as odd (though still reasonable) is why he is keeping his reincarnation a secret when all his other capabilities (such as talking at several weeks old) get exposed fairly easily. All in all though this novel has some great potential, there are some spelling/grammatical mistakes here and there, I personally don’t find them problematic (especially as I get to read this novel for free), but grammar nazis you have been warned. Right now I could see this novel going several directions, it could go the route of RTW once he feels he is old enough to start industrializing (the MC has some ideas of doing this), it could go the Wuxia route (he is strong enough and with his understanding of physics could likely be a powerful magic user, but the author states he doesn’t want to go that route), or something different where the novel mainly focuses on the MCs quest to understand the world, with his self-improvement and industrialization attempts being mainly ways to allow himself to further pursue his goals of exploring and learning about the world (my personal prediction for the direction this novel will go).

6 years ago

My Review was deleted somehow. Anyway, this will still be the notice board for future updates of the novel. Please like this review so that it will be on top of the review pile, Thanks.

6 years ago

As requested in Chapter 129, this Old Man shall write you a review. I have been watching and reading this for a while and now I feel I shall share my two cents. If you don’t want a review but those quick ratings, just scroll to the bottom for my scores. The story the author has brought to us is a tale of reincarnation, magical combat, and kingdom building. It’s refreshing in the wake of not being half-baked. There is world building and behind the scenes hints of a developed and thought out main plot line. As far as web novels go, there is a nice cast of characters that are beyond the standard cardboard cutout that so plagues web novels in general. Reincarnation aside, the first volume of his ‘infantile mischief’ was different and amusing. I find the MC witty, smart, and full of potential. The beginning introduction background of him is a mixture of interesting and necessary. If you have read other reviews that spoil some of the intro, you’ll see some lambasting the author for not ‘science-ing correctly.’ To those I ask, pray tell what is the most correct theory, the least contentious, i.e., one that won’t cause someone to disagree. The answer is none, you can’t please everyone. If anything I look at the whole former emotionless physicist background as one that justifies the characters growth, setbacks, and knowledge. I’m not looking at it as fact, right or wrong, nor should I jump upon the author for a characters thoughts that probably are not the author’s. It’s not always a reflection you know. I’m looking for the story element and it is decent. Their is great potential for this novel, and I feel some early reviews are not justifiable in their non-constructive remarks. Having also been on the scene of web novels for years and translated web novels as well. I have seen grammar that has your eyes see colors, causes your brain to malfunction, and your mouth to say “WTF.” The only issues in grammar I see are commas placed wrongly or unnecessarily, and the few sentences with some words misplaced. For someone without an editor, it’s good enough and is not on the scale of ruining immersion. As you can likely see already, I favor commas too much as well. Good things said, let’s speak of updates. ‘Aye, there’s the rub.’ I will say my score is being nice at 2 stars. Their is certainly a priority of education for the author’s own life and that is understandable. I daresay, they don’t see this as a main source of income, nor perhaps are motivated by monetary means to pump out chapters. That aside, if one wishes to garner attention and more readers, a stable update time with minimal deviation is key. I’m not asking for more chapters for selfish reasons, but stating the obvious that for this platform, stability of updates will get you more readers than if the work is actually good, passable, or just not at all. Let me direct you to those 14chp release nonsense translations you see in the powerstone rankings. I can name a few that are utter trope tripe. This last and final tidbit is more opinionated, but please consider making the chapters at least 2k word count. Often the 2.5k count to the high 4K is a more pleasurable read. Again though, if that is asking a bit much, consider more releases of shorter chapters. Also please make sure to update your synopsis disclaimer. Writing 4.4/5 - Seen much worse, needs proofing, good Story development 4.7/5 - good but updates hamper it World building 5/5 - The map shows dedication, good lore Characters 4.8/5 - Some supporters need more shine Updates 2/5 - Fix this and you’ll gain for sure

6 years ago

One of the most infuriating things for me is that the MC is portrayed as an expert in a field but then portrayed as lacking on said field. There are multiple instances of this but I'm going to cite the worst offenders. One is that he doesn't know binary star system exist. He mentions that seeing more than one sun will blow his mind as it was not possible normally. His insistence on the impossibility of creating matter with magic due to the laws of thermodynamics is really not a characteristic of a good scientist, unless author is portraying him as a ****ty scientist. Established conceps were debunked by new discoveries in history. The MC should at least know that, and not do what he just did. So if we use the MC as an average scientist, in the near future if we observe something travel faster than the speed of light, are they going to just cry that it is impossible and ignore it? You portrayed the MC as a particle physicist as he was working on the higgs boson on the LHC. Please at least depict him as such. At the latest chapters, please explain how he was able to measure everything that he was able to. Don't just say magic, explain how with magic. For example, is his measurement of distance as precise as a ruler or as the planck constant? How was he able to do these measurements? Look, I really want this novel to succeed, just please do your research.

6 years ago

WRITING QUALITY The writing is readable enough but still needs work. Lots of misplaced commas/semicolons dot the thing. Chapter-to-chapter quality is inconsistent as well. (BTW, you can spare me the "it's not yet edited" spiel; as I note below I can see the disclaimer just fine. It's nice to include but it doesn't at all excuse the mistakes.) STABILITY OF UPDATES Updates regularly enough for a good score here. Not much else to say here. STORY DEVELOPMENT/CHARACTER DESIGN/WORLD BACKGROUND These are intertwined, so I'll tackle them together. Let's talk about the first place you're selling your story: the synopsis. 3/4 of the thing is disclaimer, for one thing, which means I've learned almost jack crap about what to actually expect story-wise. For another, pick either "photographic memory" or "eidetic memory"; either you use the clear term or you use the one some people may have to look up. Putting both like that reeks of "iamverysmart"ism and a synopsis, among other things, should never condescend. Check out the most recent chapters in the Book of Authors resource if writing a good synopsis is that much of an issue, it should help. The setting appears bog-standard enough for what it is, nothing exceptional. All that the character's background seems to lend early on is some THIS CANNOT BE crap you'd expect from a villainous breakdown. Yes, that's great, you took basic high school physical sciences and can mention those concepts! I'm still not impressed with the character at all, though. When you pick a supposedly smart professional as your MC, you can't afford to just pay superficial lip service to their vocation; a real scientist and not just a science student should have a more plastic view of what's possible or not, for one thing. All-in-all, this novel's introductory chapters failed to impress me in any of these three dimensions and this is where the rating takes its biggest hit. VERDICT As you can see, this is a Chapter 15 review. I do not owe the novel any more of my time trying to make it work, but obviously some people do find the additional investment worthwhile and have rated it well. I am not one of them. Each reader should ultimately judge this for themselves.

6 years ago

"Poor woman having a freak as a child." Well it's quite good to be honest,born in a fun and harmonious family. To be honest can't actually call this a review cause it's still early as this novel started.BUT it's good!! Hopefully our author can maintain this and not lack of ideas,we reader can enjoy gratefully and will edit this review in future......

6 years ago

Couldn't remember if I gave a review yet; if so I'll give another. Expecting great things from this novel. I think this novel world has the potential to be developed into a multitude of books long after Ezra's story is told. Which is great for the writer because they need only retell key bits about the world background in future books. Great for readers cause the books become more focused on plot and character development. Author, thanks for they exceptional work of art!

6 years ago

It's like reading an autobiography of a child. At 60 chapter the mc is still a toddler and at the latest chapter the mc still can't even use magic just because he doesn't believe in magic. I can understand that he would be doubtful at first because he was a scientist but he's been there for years now I think it's just ignorant if he still thinks that way. Judging by the title I can guess that in the future he will probably becomes something like iron man in another world by creating his own tech, but this is just to slow. The author basically made a 70 chapters prologue

6 years ago

Giving wrong info to puzzle readers is a no no, author. You wrote as mc's mother was somekind of a genius. but in reality she is stupid like a brain dead. Why did she kept asking qus after qus in the middle of fight? And his father was not much of a second strongest. cleary mc's wet nurse is way more powerful. she didn't need lucky reinforcement to escape. and she face way more opposition than him. and a powerful one, mc's wife among them.

6 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

6 years ago

So far, the writing quality has been great. No grammatical errors (or at least, not noticeable), which is a big plus. It also made reading the story much more enjoyable. However, there is still room for improvement, especially with the fight scenes. So far, the plot has been very interesting, and the logical nature of the MC very entertaining. The application of the concept of magical realism has been applied in a logical manner so far, so keep it up!

6 years ago

Great Job! Loved the story and the fact that the reincarnation has a major effect on the protagonist's current life, unlike many novels which just forget about the knowledge and influence from a person's previous life. I understand how this story doesn't aim at comedy, but there are a few scenes which could be amusing and I feel they should be written in a more light-hearted and expressive way to give the reader that little smile. The story does have many long paragraphs explaining thoughts and other info to the reader(which many readers like), but I feel that conveying a bit more of this knowledge through dialogue between characters would be great (and by dialogue I don't mean one person explaining things to the protagonist but a genuine back and forth between two characters). Breaking the largest paragraphs into smaller ones would also make the story easier on the eyes while reading as its easy to lose track where you are in a big para and losing your flow of reading takes away from the excitement of the story. I am super excited for what's to come from this book as the idea has great potential, and I hope to see new and innovative ways in which the 'Technomancing' applies the pre-existing magical concepts in the world.

6 years ago

This has to be one of the best original works on this site. The author has really worked hard on this. I just hope that the author sticks to his guns and slowly adds more to the story instead of losing interest and just doing it for money. This an excellent story and it deserves to be read. All i can say is that the author has created a balance. You will not see the ludicrous "oh i must have transmigrated" line in this book. Instead it has a more realistic approach to the genre. The author has really gone out of his way to find reasonable ways to explain the events and has avoided huge info dumps and useless ramblings. The only negative I could find were some editing mistakes that could be fixed.

6 years ago

I don´t like this book. The MC has nothing i can like about him. The political power strugle feel forced and unreasonable. The background is alright but my imagiantion is good so someone else could rate it less then me. The plot ? hmm i found none beside the MC denying the rules set for magic.

6 years ago

Between a lot of shortcomings, the story takes a lot a time to develop, I Don't see the link yet between science ans magic and it's the title of the book. Just add the condescending attitude of the writer and you got this mark.

6 years ago