Novel Status

To all my readers, especially to those that have been following Technomancer since the beginning I am truly thankful. The past 2 years have not been too good for the novel. I had become entrenched in too many pursuits and I apologize for not updating the novel thus far.

I had many troubles with the novel and it does not seem obvious but I kind of actually wrote my self into a corner, this involves the whole arcanium magic system and not plotwise. I am actually starting to write the novel from scratch from the earlier chapters. There were a lot of things I wanted to incorporate and more perspectives to mesh to make Technomancer a truly colorfully read.

Once 30 of these chapters are finished I will publish them on this same site. The title will be Tehchomancer: Genesis (Rebirth). Thank you for your support. Don't worry the and the events will still be the same. And no I don't plan to resurrect the dead. All events that have transpired in Technomancer thus far will still remain.
