The Year Ahead

Reitz was now enraged his anger could not be contained and his face crumpled. "What do you mean duels? Who is he going to duel? He's not even of age yet! Are you trying to get my heir killed?"

Nobles gasped not at the accusation, but at the implications of it. It was beyond taboo to have your bloodline purged, and in a sense, Erela did step out of bounds.

"Oh, but your son did step out of bounds, he does not know his place, and I wish for him to be taught a lesson, he is young and is subject to do foolish things. To disrespect me is to disrespect the emperor, I am in essence an ambassador, but of course, I will not get him killed, I just wish to redeem my honour." Erela snorted.

"Honor of the emperor? You think too highly of yourself," Ezra was already really frustrated with Erela who's ideological suggestions were too erratic. He was on edge because of Hestia. With Hestia he was cautious that he could trip a wire, he was the Emperor's kin. But the Actrix no matter how high her standing in the empire was still just a servant.

"You do not know when not to open your mouth do you?" Erela snapped.

Reitz was frowning, but Aerwyna's eyes were wicked she was just on the edge of ripping Erela apart however she stayed silent and only her eyes flickered in the background. To her, Erela wanted to kill her son and that was not something that she would take lightly. She gritted her teeth and stared coldly at Erela.

"He cannot, duel, he is not of age," Reitz repeated.

"Then the betrothal is off," spat Erela.

"You can't actually say so unless I am also in opposition," Hestia declared, "and as far as I'm concerned there has been nothing to be taken offence of,"

Erela looked at Hestia with compassion in her eyes as if she was stricken with an ailment, "Your Highness, you are misled by this charade, you are young. I understand that is why I am here to guide you on the right path."

In some sense it would right to call Erela her second mother, the Actrix served the royalty ever since birth.

"Don't worry I shall teach this lordling a lesson, to let you see how he has corrupted you."

Hestia was still pouting, she opened her mouth but she shut it again and just looked away.

"Do not worry, I will not be the one your son will be duelling," declared Erela.

"I will select a champion among the imperial knightage to teach your son a lesson," Erela addressed the message to Reitz, who was now breathing deeply.

"Don't you understand Madame? He is not of age, he cannot duel!" Reitz bellowed.

Aerwyna was a bit complacent now, she knew that no matter where the knightage was from there was little chance that they could fight Ezra toe to toe. Especially now that he could feign using spells with his created devices. The Actrix, however, was a different matter, normally the Actrix were chosen from Earl or Duke ranked mages.

"Well, someone has to account for the lambasting this child gave me? How about you get you to get a few whippings in his stead since you were the one who allowed him to speak? Won't you accept that Earl Blackfyre?" Erela smiled malevolently. She then turned to Hestia, "See this is what happens when we do not esteem strength highly your highness, people become degenerate and don't know their place in this world. "she looked at Hestia, her eyes overflowing with sympathy.

She began pacing slowly, delivering her own lecture, "This world has divided us into our orders, the peasants at the bottom, the serfs, in the middle, the knights above them and we esteemed nobles above all, this was all by design, one should know their place in this world lest it turn into chaos, this is the order of strength and this is what we abide by. The serfs provide us food and we provide them with protection, this is our role and our birthright," nodded a proud looking Erela.

Hestia was silent and didn't say a word she just looked at Ezra, who was already clenching his fists in fury. His face already had contorted and his eyes pierced through Erela.

Reitz was flustered, he actually considered the whipping that Erela had proposed. In a way she was right, it was he who allowed Ezra who was not of age talk back to her. As he was about to open his mouth Ezra opened his first.

"I accept the duel!" Ezra shouted, "however there are conditions," Ezra now paced toward Erela.

She smirked, "You have the boldness to actually demand terms," she chuckled, "Very well, humour me then."

"There is a manor east of Bren, Crihavik, it is part of the domain of Dragonorn, however, the soil and land there is barren." Ezra raised his hand and gestured with his pointing finger, "I have three conditions, one is that you will have to be overseer of Crihavik for six months, the accounts must show that you are able to produce an income,"

"Hmph, that is a simple ordeal, I will show you how a true pureblood administers a domain," Erela smirked.

"Wait, I am not finished there are conditions, I told you, I will also be administering Crihavik for 6 months after you and whoever has less income in that period, shall, receive thirty lashings."

There was a gasp. . . then silence.

"Do you accept this first condition?"

Erela's face changed colour, "Why should I do it? I was the one who was disrespected!"

"Are you saying you can't beat a seven-year-old? And you don't have the right to say disrespect, you disrespected my house the moment you judged our policies," Ezra was still frowning.

"Hmph!" she snorted, "Of course I can! I shall let you see your errors, child!"

"Then that is settled, this audience is a witness, you cannot go back on your word!" Ezra faced the audience beckoned. The nobles nodded and bore witness.


"The second condition is that I am to duel this champion after our own competition, my reasons being that I am of age by that time and can already duel, "Ezra was tense, he didn't know if Erela would actually comply to his.

To his surprise, Erela smiled broadly, "Of course, that will not be a problem."

Ezra then moved forward with his final proposition, "The third is that I can bring my own weapons and armour during the duel."

"I don't think that you should even mention such trivial things. It is already evident that one can bring his own weapons and armour," Erela laughed a shrill laugh," but I guess this is your first time duelling properly."

"Then it settled, all you here bear witness."

"Aye," the nobles resounded in agreement.

Reitz and Aerwyna were dumbfounded, they went toward Ezra to talk him out of it.

Ezra looked forward to the next year, he had a rough road ahead of him.