
Ezra had fainted from magical depletion. Aerwyna noticed it and she was worried since Ezra was so energetic just before he slumbered. She quickly moved him back to his crib.

"Hmm, my son is suffering from magic depletion? But how? He did not use magic to walk or do any strenuous effort. Maybe he tried to keep himself awake for too long."

When Ezra woke up it was already the morning of the next day.

'Hmm, everything seems fine. Why did I suddenly see a formula in my head as soon as the pen fell? I must explore this. Could be just my imagination or was this brought about by something else?'

Ezra was in his room and Catalyna was accompanying him though she was writing something.

'It's odd are the common people literate? I thought they did not teach laymen how to read. They don't even use magic for industrial purposes here, which should be the logical technological advancement. The Rex is clearly an idiot for that untapped manpower. Well, I guess it is because that magic is commonly found in nobles and of course you can't let nobles do menial work and added to the mentality that magic is for military purposes. Pff they are not taking advantage of such a resource.'

Ezra pondered at the writing Catalyna but he was lost in thought again.

'I will thoroughly investigate this phenomenon later when I have time with my mother. It is supposed to be today that Reitz will resume his Lordly duties. So I will have extra time to experiment, though mother has still refrained from letting me read books.'

Afternoon came and he was yet again in the Library with Aerwyna. Ezra immediately tried to find moving objects. He also went on top of the table and tried to throw down some object.

Aerwyna smiled at this.

'Ahh, this child is pretty normal. He seems to be playing around. Well, children his age do things much worse like stuff their mouths with objects. Or scurry around. I am glad that at least I can let Ezra do as he pleases and not worry too much if he hurts himself. But that incident yesterday really did make me worry. This boy is very stubborn sometimes'

"Ezra, do be careful don't throw around objects that are breakable while you are playing." She said this in a melodious voice thoroughly enjoying her son's playtime.

Ezra did not reply to this. He was deep in thought.

'Hmm, I clearly saw something yesterday why can't I get the same result? Hmm. Maybe I should try to use my magic power. '

Ezra slowly began to release his magic aura and expand it.

'Test no. 8: still nothing. Magic power released. I will try to condense my magic power to my brain'

'Test no. 9: squiggles are starting to form near objects but no numbers are appearing. It is odd that this is happening. I clearly saw an equation yesterday.'

'Test no. 10: I tried to condense some magic in my eyes as well as direct some to my brain. Result: dud, nothing happened'

'Test no. 18. I have successfully activated it. I did it by condensing some magic in my brain while I thought of the formulas of mass, motion and kinetic energy. It was wonderful everything was moving like clockwork. I could see the trajectory of everything I see. Hmm, maybe I should add probability and chaos theory into the mix. That might help me calculate where an object will be at a certain time. Hmm is this some sort of incantation in this world? Woah I gotta test it out.'

Ezra was ecstatic, he seemed to have an epiphany. Maybe these were how spells were created. Ezra tried again.

'Concentrate my magic power in my hand. Say the words. Visualize the instance. Condense further. . . Just a little bit more aaaand. '

Nothing happened again. He attempted it several more times but all ended up in failure.

'Hmm, I guess nothing happened again in the end. There seems to be something inhibiting the activation of the spell. But what is it? Well, admittedly I still kinda feel that it is stupid for matter to appear out of nowhere. Hmm maybe magic is some sort of wormhole to another part of the galaxy and they just use spells to activate the said wormhole to expel the matter? Hmm, that does make sense in some parts. It explains why there is no recoil since the recoil would be passed to the other end of the wormhole. This theory still has a lot of loopholes though. Like, why in the bloody hell would a wormhole open just because a random stranger knows how to say some string of words? Hmm but this kind of reminds me of quantum theory namely the observer effect. It says that observing a phenomenon changes it. Maybe it is something like that.' Ezra could not put his finger on what exactly was the missing ingredient.

Ezra's enthusiasm dampened a bit but at least now he had another practical use for magic aside from body strengthening. This was going to be helpful in getting away from dangerous situations or in battle if ever it was going to be required of him. Of course, he would rather not gamble with his life. He was not one who trained in fighting in his past life. But as the current policy of the Rex was martial might, he might not have a choice in the matter. For now, Ezra did not know how to fight people that could use spells however someday he would definitely come across someone. Ezra had to test the ability out on humans, he was certain that it would but of course what scientist would not want to experiment and confirm a theory on his own?


"Yes, little one? What do you need?" She smiled sweetly at the voice of her son.

"Mama, Can you punch the air."

"What? Why Ezra? "

'What an odd request. Well, I guess he is a child after all. This might be some sort of play to him so I best just do as he says since it does not hurt anyone anyway. Parents should play with their child.' Aerwyna thought.

"Please mother?"

"Okay then here goes."

Aerwyna posed in a stance as Ezra activated his new found ability. He clearly saw the potential energy that was in the fist of his mother. He saw the possible trajectories and the potential force that it would amass. He saw it also on her feet. The ability gave him a list of probabilities. His vision filled with multiple numbers.

'This is great' he thought.

Then Aerwyna punched through the air.

'Wait that was too fast. I could barely notice it. Hmm, it seems that I need to practice this ability more. Maybe I should couple it with experimenting on how to alter my awareness of time.'

Then there was a resonating voice of a baby that kept on asking for more.

"Mama again!" Ezra said this in his cutest baby voice as Aerwyna gladly obliged.