
All the routed orphans were led to the outskirts of Bren, to the orphan's surprise there were buildings in the district and a wall was slowly being erected, there were other structures that were also being slowly built, but there were five finished ones. There was a towering structure with weird shaped arcs and smaller buildings in the district.

They were commanded to assemble straight in lines by the knights and they led them to their dorms. Most of the orphans felt that they were being imprisoned. They thought they were going to be sold as slaves and that the Lord's command was just a front. They were surprised that there were straw beds already in place. Most of them had bunk beds, with 15 beds in each place. There was a knight who oversaw each room and were told to sleep in the bunk beds.

Demis didn't sleep. He observed the guards and he looked outside the windows, it seemed that they were being detained. The knight stood guard outside their quarters. When morning arrived, he was drowsy, everyone except him got a night's rest. They boys didn't talk to each other and decided that whatever happened for the next day should be left off for that day.

But he wasn't like them, he was apprehensive from the many time he had almost been subjected to slavery, he knew the nature of men, especially the nobles, he tried to think of scenarios where he could escape but all of them were unlikely. In the end his eyes were bloodshot as they were led to a mess hall to eat.

No one was in shackles or ropes tied to them and he found it odd. They were served with proper food, salted wheat porridge and local fruits. He ate the food that was served but still remained cautious. The other youths around him lapped up the food like hungry dogs.

They were then directed to assemble on the grounds. Demis saw a wooden platform that was erected. He saw a noble around the age of eight go up to the stage. He had seen that face a lot of times, it was on the paper currency that Cerulle was so fond of. It was the Lord's son. He couldn't help but boil with contempt as the young noble strode. Privileged, strong, and blessed with noble kin. Demis couldn't be but envious of the youth before him.

He noticed that there were a few children on front. They stood in attention, their hands behind their backs and their feet apart just like the knights on duty. They were the children who were already recruited by the castle. There had been a wave of recruitment and all of these orphans were the ones who voluntarily answered the summons of the castle. He never went, he had such a distaste for nobles, he knew how harsh they were. He looked at them like insufferable fools.

The ones who were routed and stood at the back were the vagabonds, the ones in gangs and were known for criminal activity. These were the people who had come to identify as a part of.

He wanted to spit as a sign of revolt but couldn't, as a knight stood beside him.

"Good morning everyone," Ezra said spritely.

Ezra was cast with bewildered looks from the people at the back, there were looks of disdain and hatred but Ezra paid no mind to it.

There were around 512 people in attendance.

"As you already have noticed, only orphans are in attendance at this assembly." Ezra paused.

"It was decreed recently that all, orphans under the age of seventeen shall be covered for by the state. All of them shall be given a stipend, provided for with food and quarters. Anyone below the age of three will be sent to a special house where maidens-in-waiting shall attend to them."

Ezra was now receiving a lot of blank stares and even stares of despair.

"Those of you who were forced into attending this assembly was only forced because we knew that you wouldn't attend this event today in your own accord. We did this because we want you to hear what Bren has to offer."

Looks of puzzlement from the back had become increasing.

"No one will be ever compelled to attend gatherings like this against their will in the future and you will be free to do as you please as long as it is within the choices we give you," Ezra continued.

Now all of them were in a state of shock. Demis, however, was wary but he hid his expression.

"You will have three choices," Ezra said.

Now every ear was on Ezra even those who were sceptical, they still wanted to hear what the lordling would say.

"One is that you can walk away from Bren. All your belongings will be returned to you and you will be dismissed from the City. We will not pay your wages or a stipend you will be free to leave. However, those who will be insistent on staying will not be allowed to go back to their patrons in the city and will be treated as an enemy of Bren," Ezra said firmly. This was one of his methods of curbing the criminality rate and spies.

There were gasps, there was one who was even shaking furiously.

"Those who want desperately to stay will be given the option to work for Bren, they will be given double wages compared to a normal farmhand's wage. But they will be forbidden to make contact with their former associates."

There was a murmur some people were stirred. But they didn't dare voice out any of their concerns. They saw magic users as a force way above their reach. Some people began to nod and there was a murmur.

"Are we going to be slaves?"

"Nah, they said we'd have wages or something,"

"I don't know yet, let's try to hear what the third option is," a youth of ten years old said.

Demis rolled his eyes, any nobles words were of little worth.

"I think the second option is better, it's hard to get by on scraps, Auris."

"But I think this isn't as simple as that, let's wait for the next option," Auris said. He had a certain charisma on him and it seemed that he was a natural leader.

Demis observed as this little crew came to their conclusion.

Ezra let the murmurs die down before he spoke again.

"The last option is the option I hope you will all choose. I know that Bren has had its fair share of deficiencies, we were unable to look after all of you, we didn't have the gold back then, but everything is going to change. We promise that we will do all we can to provide for you and all the future orphans that Bren may produce."

Everyone fell silent again.

"Bren will provide for your education, shelter, food and give you an allowance, however, there is like always a catch, you must serve Bren. You must serve the state."

Mumbles began to arise again.

"We will train you, train you into an elite corps of Bren, you will be one of the best soldiers Bren has to offer."

The murmurs turned into a roar

"WHAT WE CAN'T EVEN USE MAGIC," there was a shout.

"We are here just to be slaughtered," a despairing voice wailed.

The knights stopped the commotion.

"I assure you, that you, that for those who are of age, you will be the most elite corps in the empire who does not wield spells. You will be officers, in par with knights, and you will not need to wield magic to contend with a mage."

The crowd was bewildered, this was impossible, yet they wanted to hope.

"As officers of this new corps you will have the same wage as knights but this will be a five-year process, it will be hard, it will be gruelling. But know this, through your efforts will not be in vain, you will be the foundations by which Fulmen will rise and will be prosperous. On your shoulders, the might of Bren shall be known throughout the empire. On your shoulder's lays the burden of stability, certainty that an orphan will never have to experience what you have experienced ever again. But that is your choice and the burden you must bear."

This was a confusing statement, most of the orphans were shocked, however, the ones that were already briefed had blank expressions.

"Interesting, I guess I'll choose the third choice then," Auris declared.

"Then we'll join too."

"Idiots," whispered Demis under his breath.

"You have until tomorrow to decide," Ezra ended his speech and walked out escorted by his retinue.