Grand Opening of the Imperial Bank of Blackfyre

The rumours of the bank spread like wildfire, overnight the "shop" had become the talk of the town and rumours had already spread up to Anticourt in less than a week. Merchants everywhere were talking about the possibilities of such an institution, while some looked at the bank with contempt. The suspicious parties were the people who had not traded Fulmen as much.

Most of the merchants who knew Reitz had a high regard for the bank. Before the opening Reitz had already stationed some informants within merchant circles to gauge the popularity and viability of the new business.

Meanwhile, Ezra taught some accounting techniques to the scribes and the youngest one caught his attention.

He was a bastard of a baron and was supposed to be trained as a knight, but it seemed that he lacked talent in fighting and spellcasting. Instead, he was trained to be a scribe where Ezra found him. Maester Grimfire esteemed the lad highly as he had a potential on becoming a scholar.

Though scholars were not really looked up to in the empire, some circles honoured them for their insights. One such person who esteemed them was Bren's Master of Instruction. The lad's name was Extos.

Ezra found it impressive that this talented youth had already mastered basic arithmetic using the decimal system which he let Reitz' implement three years prior. He found that people in Rex Imperia actually absorbed knowledge faster than on earth by a noticeable amount. It was sad that the Imperial system was in place, leaving the development of knowledge in the dust because strength was the most important factor for the inheritance of a title.

The scribes, scholars and treasurers gathered beside him.

"Lord Ezra, so we are to sort out everything as assets, liabilities and equity?" asked Extos.

Ezra looked at the cheery youth. He had frizzy hair and a lean face and light brown eyes. His small angled lips seemed feminine but his sturdy frame commanded otherwise. "Yes, you got it. It's going to compliment the T- account structure I introduced to you before. "

Extos nodded. "So everything must be balanced right? Assets - Liabilities = Owners Equity? It's so beautiful Lord Ezra, A balance in everything. You can implement this with all types of businesses, can't you? Not just this bank."

"Of course, once you think in terms of the balance sheet, you can see that all things that deal with money can be expressed with it."

"I see, with the power of the balance sheet we can monitor a domains financial health as well. It is truly a thing of magnificence. Every city, every domain and kingdom," Extos closed his eyes as if soaking up and revelling in a pleasant sensation," every story can be told with it."

"What? What story? What are you talking about?" Ezra was bewildered, this oddball had been yammering about accounting as a thing of beauty, on Earth, there were few people who thought like this and he was pretty sure that he would never have interacted with those crackpots.

"What I mean is, Lord Ezra, when you express it that way, you can see the story and struggle of a merchant. For example, when you put in the journal for the first time the capital you put into your business, it becomes the start of that story. You can see everything in the balance sheet and reflect about the joy when the merchant makes his first profit, the struggles as he declares losses when he is raided by bandits," Extos explained teary-eyed and he kept on talking while making emotional reactions to his own words.

'This kook is creeping me out,' Ezra thought, 'This lunatic is making it seem like a balance sheet is a Shakespearian play.'

Ezra just nodded and smiled, 'Well at least I can make use of his zeal for accounting,' he thought.

Ezra had already taught journaling, bookkeeping and posting to the ledger. The week progressing to the opening of the bank he taught how to make a trial balance. As for the other scribes, he assigned them for contract making and the screening of the merchants who wanted a loan. He was going to recap them about everything three days prior as he arranged the management team and the hierarchy.

His parents oversaw his judgement and were thoroughly impressed with their son but they still did some adjustments to Ezra's set up because some of the things he implemented puzzled them. Ezra conceded and actually found wisdom in their decision, after all, some of the things he structured could not be implemented in the era he was in, too much radical change and shift in governance would create chaos.

Ezra found that he was actually enjoying taking the lead and organizing the business. He felt a sense of pride, though it was not like the feeling he got when he was in his lab conducting experiments, he still found it quite pleasing.

The day of the grand opening came and Reitz invited his vassals and friends. The ceremony was noteworthy and Reitz held a feast, he also thanked some merchant friends that made it possible. He gave a speech about what the bank would offer and the plans for future development. He stated some plans that Ezra made especially the bank that he wanted to set up in the Border City of Aprox.

His speech was met with cheers and fanfare. Reitz tried his best to draw the attention away from Ezra as he was already being monitored by some of the nobles. He made it seem that it was all his idea, despite the fact that there was already news circulating that Ezra was a freak for contributing the main idea for the bank.

"In the future no longer shall merchants be afraid of travelling bandits to steal their money. Once deposited in the Imperial Bank of Blackfyre it will be kept safe in its sturdy vaults. With knights, guarding your precious treasure, you can sleep easy knowing that the journey will be a much safer one." Reitz ended his speech and was met by the merchants shaking his hand and congratulating him.

Ezra pondered for a while, Reitz was indeed a very competent statesman, leader and administrator. He was intelligent, shrewd, sociable and strong and he was looked up to by his citizens as well as his peers and enemies. His father knew how to use both the bad elements and good elements of his domain. His straight figure commanded authority and respect but his kind face, wit and humour gained him the affection of his citizens. In some sense, he was a perfect sovereign.

Ezra had nothing but respect for the man who was his father, he puffed up his chest, he was proud to be born to such a lineage. He beamed at him. However, he wondered, how Reitz ended up such a benevolent and effective ruler.

Without his reputation, the bank would be treated with contempt and scorn. This bank would never have been possible had it not been for Reitz.

After some time Reitz walked up to his son, he was with Aerwyna discussing the successful day at the bank. There were already ten merchants that had been approved personally by Ezra, they borrowed a total of 5000 imperial gold which was equivalent to a moderately sized castle in the empire. There were varying modes of payment the merchants opted for, but as per Reitz request, the staff heavily endorsed a monthly scheme and thus this was the payment most of the merchants opted for.

"Ez, looks like you were right, there is a demand for this sort of business," Reitz looked at Ezra beaming.

"Well, it wouldn't have worked if the merchants and citizens didn't think of you highly, dad," Ezra answered, he was being informal because they were in a private area.

"Well, haha " Reitz laughed."Without you, the very idea wouldn't even have materialized. You are very intelligent Ezra, I am so proud of you, my son and firstborn."

"As am I father, It is an honour to have such a father as you," Ezra replied. He was now truly a citizen of this world now. The difference between his former self and his current self was enormous. The cold physicist shunning society and alienating himself to others to pursue knowledge compared with his current status as a noble, surrounded by family and friends using his knowledge for the benefit of society.

He was fully integrated with his environment, and if it was taken away from him now it would leave him scared and traumatized. He had become a child enjoying the company, praises and discipline of his parents, a joy which he had never known.

Reitz hugged his son and patted him on the head smiling and praising him, looking forward to the growth, progress and future achievements of his treasured son.