Ling acted without hesitation, unleashing a stream of Fate Qi through Xuefeng's crushed organs, knitting them together as though mending a torn tapestry. She worked with the precision of a master surgeon—faster than thought. It was a good thing Xiao Wen had relied on brute force alone; if she'd channeled her Spirit Qi in that punch, Xuefeng's injuries might have been beyond repair.
Xuefeng shakily rose to his feet, still feeling the lingering echo of pain where his ribs had cracked moments before. He caught a glimpse of Xiao Wen—her face still glowing red as she stared at his now hastily covered manhood. Embarrassment fluttered around them both like jittery moths around a flame. Summoning his Spirit Armor, Xuefeng encased himself in the translucent sheen of protection. He forced the memory of that mortifying instant from his mind, reminding himself that this woman—this near-duplicate of Tianshi—could not possibly be the same person.
"Xuefeng, are you all right?" A worried voice rang out from the doorway. Wuying appeared, eyes full of alarm as she took in the scene: blood spat across the floor, fresh cracks webbing the wall. Even though Xuefeng's injuries had vanished, the damage around the room remained like a battlefield aftermath.
"I'm fine," he said softly, though his heart still pounded in his chest. "Nothing but an… accident."
Meanwhile, Xiao Wen stood off to the side, trying her best to adopt a neutral expression.
I told you to watch yourself, Lang's voice grumbled in her head. Every time you panic or get excited, you gotta punch something. It's like you can't help it.
Okay, I admit it—my fault, she shot back, cheeks still burning with humiliation. But did you see how massive—? She stopped herself, wincing as the image of Xuefeng's "dragon" lingered in her mind's eye. It hadn't helped that the thing was still half-erect from his time with Wuying.
Why did I choose a partner like you… Lang groaned in mock agony. Focus. Did you notice how fast he healed? You practically shattered his organs, but he bounced back in under ten seconds. Must be a high-ranked regeneration ability. It's probably one of his two Fate Fragment powers.
I know, I know. A hint of envy flickered through Xiao Wen's thoughts. I can't deny I'd love that power myself. Still… killing him now would just make Tianshi hate me forever.
Just then, Manager Wu strolled in, a bemused look crossing her face as she took in the cracked wall and bloodstains. She arched an eyebrow at Xiao Wen, silently asking: Didn't you say you wanted to spend time with him, and now you're smashing him into walls on your first meeting?
"It was just an accident," Xiao Wen mumbled, crossing her arms. She could feel her cheeks reddening again under Manager Wu's disapproving gaze.
"Who are you—and why did you hurt him?" Wuying demanded, eyes narrowed. Clearly, she knew this had to be Manager Wu's niece, but anger still simmered in her voice. If Xuefeng had been in worse shape, Wuying's daggers would be flashing by now.
"I said I'm sorry," Xiao Wen snapped, irritated at the scrutiny. "What else do you want me to say?"
"Okay, enough." Xuefeng stepped in, cutting short the argument. He raked a hand through his wet hair, water dripping to the floor in silent punctuation. "Please, just let me get dressed. I came straight from the shower." He gestured toward his open wardrobe, half-expecting the tension in the room to turn into an outright brawl.
Whether from embarrassment or courtesy, Xiao Wen and Manager Wu drifted out, leaving Xuefeng to rummage for a fresh set of clothes. As soon as they were alone, Wuying spun back to Xuefeng, voice hushed. "Why'd she hit you?"
He let out a short laugh, half amusement, half mortification. "The towel slipped and—well, she got a little more of a view than she bargained for."
Wuying rolled her eyes and smacked him lightly on the arm. "Idiot." Despite her mock annoyance, there was a hint of satisfaction in her grin.
If it's mine, I can play with it anytime I want, she thought gleefully, then blushed, shaking off the mental image.
Meanwhile, Xuefeng finished dressing. His tailor-made pants and shirt felt more comfortable than the long robes everyone else preferred. Ling, he asked silently, were you able to sense her cultivation level—or how many Fate Fragment upgrades she might have?
No. She's guarded by another consciousness. I can't see through it at all. But from her Spirit Qi, I'd say she's above Spirit Overlord… and from the weight of her Fate Qi, I suspect her fragment might be around its 50th or 60th upgrade.
Xuefeng felt a cold bead of sweat form at his temple. That strong? Then why would she bother coming here to hunt a Rank 4 Nightmare? It's overkill…
She's probably got a hidden agenda, Ling replied. If she wanted to kill you, you'd be a puddle of blood by now. She must need you for something. You need to talk to her—find out more before it's too late.
Xuefeng thought of the uncanny resemblance to Tianshi, and a swirl of emotions churned in his chest. It's not her. It can't be. But… maybe she's related somehow. He shook the thought away, reminding himself that illusions and coincidences were all too possible in this strange new world. Steeling his nerves, he stepped outside.
He found the women gathered in the courtyard, fawning over Xiao Wen's strikingly beautiful white tiger, Lulu. The beast's fur shimmered like fresh snow, and its eyes gleamed with predatory intelligence. It tolerated Wuying and Manager Wu's affectionate petting, but when Xuefeng drew close, it bared its teeth in warning, a low growl rattling in its throat.
"Easy, Lulu," Xiao Wen murmured, rubbing behind one tufted ear. "He's a friend."
Lulu continued to glare at Xuefeng for a moment before resuming her contented purr under the ladies' hands.
"So, should we eat before we go?" Xuefeng asked, trying to sound casual. He still felt those giant feline eyes pinning him in place.
Wuying shrugged. "We can hunt along the way. Here." She tossed him a package of warm buns. "This'll keep you from fainting on the job. We have to hurry—someone else might take the Nightmare if we dawdle."
Manager Wu cleared her throat. "I'll be heading to speak with the Liu Clan leader. Take care of yourselves." She nodded at the group, then swept away, leaving a swirl of dust behind.
Xuefeng took a bite of the bun as Wuying turned back, smiling slyly. "Guess we'll need a mount for ourselves, right? My ride could carry the two of us."
He felt a thrill flutter in his stomach. "Sounds perfect."
A beat later, Xiao Wen broke into the conversation. "Actually, Xuefeng, you'll fly with me. We need to have a talk."